The Colorado Municipal Boundaries Project is a collaborative effort between private, local, county, and state sources. Please contact Todd Bleess for questions, or to contribute to this project.
Data: The Municipalities dataset was created by combining a Base Boundary dataset with an Annexation dataset.
The Base Boundaries are a compilation of voluntary contributions and publicly available downloads from local and regional authorities.
The Annexation dataset was created by transcribing areas from annexation maps; either by freehand drawing or by digitally copying when available.
This dataset is updated on a regular basis - however, this does not imply that this map or its associated data is 100% current Currency of data depends upon having accurate base data as well as timely annexation updates (sent from each County Clerk to DOLA per Colorado statutory requirements).
Application: Bootleaf Template created by Bryan McBride, released under the MIT license. Feature services provided by ArcGIS Online through ESRI-Leaflet.