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Regular Invariant Generator and SMTLIB2 code transformer

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RInGen: Regular Invariant Generator

RInGen is a SMTLIB2 converter. It takes arbitrary SMTLIB2 files as input and generates Horn clauses over pure algebraic datatypes in SMTLIB2 and Prolog. It can optionally run a number of CHC and other solvers over output clauses, currently: Z3, Eldarica, CVC4 in finite model find mode, CVC4 in inductive mode, VeriMAP (for inductively defined data types), Vampire.


  • Supports extra (lemma P *args* *lemma-expr*) syntax (see, e.g., samples/lemmas_with_new_syntax.smt2).
  • Supports define-fun, define-fun-rec and define-funs-rec translation to predicates
    • Functions are translated to predicates with a supplementary return-argument
    • let and match expressions are eliminated
  • Supports instantiation of the free sorts (declared with declare-sort) to Peano Nat algebraic datatype
  • Supports Int sort substitution with Peano Nat algebraic datatype
    • Supports Int operations translation to predicates over Nat: -, +, *, mod, div, <, <=, >, >=
  • Supports ADT selectors and testers translation to clauses


  • .NET core >= 6.0
  • (optionally, to run solvers) z3, eldarica, cvc4, VeriMAP-iddt, vampire executables accessible in the environment


git clone --recursive
dotnet build -c Release RInGen.sln

Build standalone version (for specific platform from the list)

dotnet publish -c Release -r <RID> -p:PublishReadyToRun=true RInGen.sln For example, to build for CHC-COMP (running on StarExec, which has RHEL 7) call dotnet publish -c Release -r rhel.7-x64 -p:PublishReadyToRun=true RInGen.sln

Executable then can be found in the ~/RInGen/bin/Release/net6.0/<RID>/publish folder.


Standalone version

~$ unzip /path/to/standalone-<RID>.zip -d RInGen
~$ cd RInGen
~/RInGen$ ./RInGen ..arguments..

.NET crossplatform version

~$ unzip /path/to/ -d RInGen
~$ cd RInGen
~/RInGen$ dotnet RInGen.dll ..arguments..

Built from sources

~/RInGen$ dotnet bin/Release/net5.0/RInGen.dll ..arguments..

Modes and Options


-q, --quiet

Quiet mode. Only outputs are sat, unsat, unknown when in solve mode or nothing when in transform mode.


Time limit for transformation and/or solving, in seconds (default 300).

-o, --output-directory PATH

A full path PATH to an output path where to put auxiliary files (default: same as input). Treated as a directory if ends with a directory separator (e.g., /). Otherwise, treated as a file.


Common for both transformation and solving: /FULL/PATH

Specifies full path to either a single SMTLIB2 file or a directory. If /FULL/PATH.smt2 leads to a file and the --output-directory flag is not specified, the tool will generate Horn clauses in SMTLIB2 format and save them at /FULL/PATH.*.0.smt2. Otherwise if /FULL/PATH.smt2 leads to a directory, the tool will recursively traverse the directory and process all .smt2 files.

transform (--mode MODE) /FULL/PATH --transform-options <transform-options>

Only transform input files, do not run any solvers.

-m, --mode <original|freesorts|prolog>

If original is specified, saves as smt2 with ADTs.

If freesorts is specified, saves as smt2 with all algebraic datatypes transformed into sorts. Specifically, each ADT sort declaration with declare-datatypes is substituted with declare-sort for ADT sort and a number of declare-fun declarations for constructors.

If prolog is specified, saves as pl Prolog problem.

Default: original.

solve (--table) --solver SOLVER_NAME (--in) (--path /FULL/PATH) (--transform-options <transform-options>)

Process input files and run one (or many) solvers.


Generate a solver run statistics table. Useful after running several solvers.

--solver, -s SOLVER_NAME

Run a specific solver after processing. Available options:

Note that in order to run Z3, Eldarica, CVC4, Vampire and VeriMAP one should have z3, eld, cvc4, vampire and VeriMAP-iddt executables accessible in the environment. The easiest way to do that is to prefix tool running with:

env 'VeriMAP-iddt=/FULL/PATH/TO/VeriMAP-iddt-linux_x86_64/VeriMAP-iddt'


Interactive mode: reads smt2 commands from stdin. Runs solver on (check-sat) SMTLIB2 command.

--path /FULL/PATH

Noninteractive mode: read smt2 commands from specified path (file or directory)

--transform-options <transform-options>

Transformation options to be performed before solving

A list of <transform-options>


Convert TIP-like systems to Horn clauses. This flag makes the tool treat all assertions as queries, meaning that they are transformed to the following form: (assert (forall ... (=> .. false)))


Synchronize ADT terms of a CHC system by making all user predicates unary and introducing new predicates and combined ADT declarations. User predicate with signature S1 * ... * Sn will become a unary predicate over fresh ADT sort S1...Sn. Term synchronization is hardcoded (like in TATA): left subterm is synchronized with left subterm, right with right, etc.


Convert benchmarks from DIRECTORY into SMTLIB2 Horn clauses

$ ringen transform /FULL/PATH/TO/DIRECTORY

Obtained clauses are in the /FULL/PATH/TO/DIRECTORY.Original folder.

Convert benchmark into Horn clauses and run Z3 over the result with timelimit 5 sec

$ ringen --timelimit 5 solve --solver z3 --path .../samples/one-zeroary-constr.smt2 -t

Obtained clauses are in the .../samples/one-zeroary-constr.Original.smt2 file.

Result of the z3 run will be output to .../samples/one-zeroary-constr.Original.Z3.smt2 file. For one-zeroary-constr example it will contain four lines:

Result file line description
0 rounded transformed file size in kilobytes
13176 solver run memory in kilobytes
0 solver run time in milliseconds
SAT ElemFormula solver result <solver result>

<solver result> type

Has SMTLIB2 status (sat, unsat,..) and invariant representation type if status is sat.

Use the finite-model finder in CVC4 as an ADT Horn-solver on a TIP benchmark

$ ringen --quiet solve --solver cvc_fmf --path .../samples/prop_20.smt2 -t --tip

The output is sat.

Use the finite-model finder in CVC4 as an ADT Horn-solver in interactive mode

$ ringen --quiet solve --solver cvc_fmf --in -t

For example, one can copy-paste samples/lemmas_with_new_syntax.smt2 line-by-line obtaining:

smt2> (set-logic HORN)
smt2> (declare-datatypes ((Nat 0)) (((Z) (S (unS Nat)))))
smt2> (declare-fun P (Nat) Bool)
smt2> (lemma P ((x Nat)) (= x Z))
smt2> (lemma P ((y Nat)) (= y (S (S Z))))
smt2> (assert (forall ((x Nat)) (=> (= x Z) (P x))))
smt2> (assert (forall ((x Nat)) (=> (P x) (P (S (S x))))))
smt2> (assert (forall ((x Nat)) (=> (and (P x) (= x (S Z))) false)))
smt2> (check-sat)

One could also omit the --quiet flag to obtain more verbose output (with locations of auxiliary files).