The OPS node and network architecture consisit of a network model, a node model and a number of protocol layer models that can be combined to build nodes to simulate opportunistic networks. A description of these models is given below.
is the network model where all the nodes of the network are defined. All nodes
must be of the type KOPSNode
and optionally, a model conforming to INotificationGenerator
contains the protocol stack of an opportunistic networking node. The INotificationGenerator
is required when the network is configured to use the user behaviour model identified in
Reactive User Behavior and Mobility Models. But a simple
user behaviour does not require to use INotificationGenerator
. Therefore, by default, no
user behaviour modelling is considered. The picture below shows the OPSNetwork
is the node model used to simulate opprtunisic networks. It is organised in
terms of layered protocol stack. Each layer is configured as an interface to plug in
different protocol layer implementations. The picture below shows the architecture of
the KOPSModel
When evaluating the performance of opportunistic networks, the following aspects must be considered before configuring a node.
What application model (Applcation Layer) is used to generate and receive data?
What forwarding model (Forwarding Layer) is used to forward packets by nodes?
What link adaptation model (Link Adaptation Layer) is used if the nodes are overlaid on another transport protocol?
What link layer model (Link Layer) used to make direct communications between nodes?
What mobility model (Mobility) is used to simulated movements of users?
Configuring a node is done using the .ini
file. A sample is given here
The application layer generates and injects data into the network. At the same time, it expects data generated by other nodes. There are 3 types of application layers.
This application layer is for nodes configured with the user behaviour model identified in
Reactive User Behavior and Mobility Models. To cater
to the data traffic generation model used in these nodes, a KBasicNotificationGenerator
is configured at the network level. This network-wide model holds a set of messages and
disseminates to the user behaviour models of nodes. The user behaviour model is a
destination-less data dissemination model. The models associated with notification
generation are,
- Notifications (i.e., messages) are held and disseminated to the user behaviour models of each node to inject them into the network.
The applicatin layer of every node is configured to use the user behaviour model by configuring the following models.
- Performs the enforcement of user preferences on the notifications (messages)KBasicUBMApp
- Injects and receives to/from network
This is a simple application model allows the generation of data destined to other nodes. The data is generated (injected to the network) by each node in a round-robin manner. In the single destination mode, all data are sent to one designated node. If this mode is not set, then the data is sent to different destinations. The following model must be configured to use this type of application.
- Injects and receives destination oriented data
This application model allows the injection of destinaion-less data into the network. This means that these data items are expected by all the nodes in the network (not just one destination). They are injected in a round-robin manner by nodes. The following model must be configured to use this type of application.
- Injects and receives destination-less data based on a cyclic configurationKHeraldAppForDifferentiatedTraffic
- Injects and receives destination-less data generated based on different patterns (random or traces)
This layer is configured to forward data and feedback based on the to the forwarding strategy employed. The current forwarding strategies (models) are,
- Implements a simple forwarding strategy based on the Randomised Rumor Spreading (RRS) algorithm which randomly selects a data item to broadcast to a node's neighbourhoodKKeetchiLayer
- Implements the Organic Data Dissemination algorithm as described in the publication A Novel Data Dissemination Model for Organic Data Flows by A. Foerster et alKEpidemicRoutingLayer
- Implements the epidemic routing algorithm as described in the publication Epidemic Routing for Partially-Connected Ad Hoc Networks by A. Vahdat and D. BeckerKProphetRoutingLayer
- Implements the PROPHET protocol, a probabilistic routing protocol for intermittently connected networks as described in Probabilistic Routing in Intermittently Connected NetworksKSpraywaitRoutingLayer
- Implements the Spray and Wait protocol, a protocol that “sprays” a number of copies into the network, and then “waits” till one of these nodes meets the destination as described in Spray and Wait: An Efficient Routing Scheme for Intermittently Connected Mobile NetworksKOptimumDelayRoutingLayer
- Implements a forwarding protocol that involves no communication delays to compute optimum results for a given OppNets scenario
The models KProphetRoutingLayer
and KSpraywaitRoutingLayer
are, by their nature,
destination oriented forwarders. Therefore, they can only be used with a destination
oriented application.
This layer is tasked with converting packets sent by the forwarder to the specific link technology used (at Link Layer). Currently implemented is a simple pass-through layer.
- Pass-through layer
This layer implements the operations of a link technology used to perform direct communication between nodes. Currentl models are as follows.
- A simple wireless interface implementation (without theINET framework
- A simple wireless interface implementation using contact traces for contact creation rather than INET mobility models
Movement of nodes is currently handled through the mobility models made available in the
INET framework
. Therefore, any mobility model that conforms to the INET
mobility interface
can be used to emulate mobility in opportunistic networks. For the user behaviour based
simulations, a special mobility model has been developed to interact with the application.
This model, ExtendedSWIMMobility
has to be copied into INET
and rebuilt before building