This repo will contain all necessary tools, scripts, and instructions to maintain the maps project Cloud VPS OSM database replica server.
sudo mkdir /volume
Attach the volume to the VM in Horizon. Take not of the device and cfdisk /dev/sd?
to partition the entire volume into a single partition.
Format the new partition as ext4
mkfs.ext4 /dev/sdxy
Take note of the UUID of the new partition and add it to /etc/fstab
mounted at /volume
sudo apt install postgresql postgresql-contrib postgis postgresql-13-postgis-3
Stop postgres, move the data directory onto the cinder
sudo systemctl stop postgresql.service
sudo mv /var/lib/postgresql /volume
sudo usermod -d /volume/postgresql postgres
sudo vim /etc/postgresql/13/main/postgresql.conf
and set the following options
data_directory = '/volume/postgresql/13/main'
shared_buffers = 1GB
work_mem = 50MB
maintenance_work_mem = 10GB
autovacuum_work_mem = 2GB
wal_level = minimal
checkpoint_timeout = 60min
max_wal_size = 10GB
checkpoint_completuion_target = 0.9
max_wal_senders = 0
random_page_cost = 1.0
then restart Postgres. Note that the paths above contain the Postgres version (in this case 13
sudo systemctl start postgresql.service
sudo su - postgres -c 'createdb gis'
curl | sudo su - postgres - -c 'psql gis'
echo 'CREATE EXTENSION postgis;' | sudo su - postgres - -c 'psql gis'
echo 'CREATE EXTENSION hstore;' | sudo su - postgres - -c 'psql gis'
Install prerequisites
sudo apt-get install make cmake g++ libboost-dev libboost-system-dev \
libboost-filesystem-dev libexpat1-dev zlib1g-dev \
libbz2-dev libpq-dev libproj-dev lua5.3 liblua5.3-dev pandoc python3-pyosmium python3-psycopg2
configure and build
cd osm2pgsql
mkdir build && cd build
cmake ..
sudo make install
wget -O - | cc -x c - -o osmupdate
The following command will download about 65GB of data (as of early 2022)
an old planet pbf can be made current with osmupdate
(this step can take a few hours)
./osmupdate --day --hour planet-latest.osm.pbf planet-latest2.osm.pbf
mv planet-latest2.osm.pbf planet-latest.osm.pbf
osm2pgsql -c -s -k planet-latest.osm.pbf -d gis
osm2pgsql-replication init -d gis
osm2pgsql-replication update -d gis
Run a test query to check if the data has been imported correctly
select ST_AsGeoJSON( ST_Transform( ST_Intersection( way, ST_SetSRID('BOX3D(-8240147.3299792 4970939.2821238, -8239675.9683048 4971561.2155888)'::box3d,3857) ),4326), 9 ), tags, "highway", "railway", "waterway", "landuse", "leisure", "building", "natural", "amenity", "name", "boundary", "osm_id", "layer", "access", "route", "historic", "tunnel", "aeroway", "aerialway", "tourism" from planet_osm_polygon where building IS NULL AND not exist(hstore(tags),'building:part') AND ST_IsValid(way) AND way && ST_SetSRID('BOX3D(-8240147.3299792 4970939.2821238, -8239675.9683048 4971561.2155888)'::box3d,3857);