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Command-line utilitites required for the Cactus Pangenome Pipeline.


git clone
cd cactus-gfa-tools && make

Run tests


export PATH=$(pwd):$PATH
make test

Tools Included


Converts minigraph output from GAF to PAF. Requires minigraph be run with -c to produce cigars. The output PAF is in stable sequence space.

Important The lengths of the target sequences are required to produce a valid PAF. This information is not in the input GAF, therefore the -l option must be used to specifiy a table of sequence sizes. This file can be produced by concatenating the results of samtools faidx for each fasta file. Example:

minigraph -cxggs 1.fa 2.fa 3.fa > graph.gfa
minigraph -cxasm graph.gfa 1.fa  > 1.gaf
for i in 1 2 3 ; do samtools faidx $i.fa; done
cat 1.fa.fai 2.fa.fai 3.fa.fai > lengths.tsv
gaf2paf 1.gaf -l lengths.tsv > 1.paf


By default, gaf2paf writes the output PAF in stable coordinates (same as the GAF). This means the target sequences are contigs like chr1 and not minigraph nodes (like s1). The Minigraph-Cactus pipeline requires paf in unstable coordinates for best performance (for the time being). gaf2unstable can be used to switch over to unstable coordinates as follows. Note that its -o option is used to make the lengths table, so using samtools faidx as above is no longer required. But instead of the lengths, it needs to read rGFA file from minigraph. Example:

minigraph -cxggs 1.fa 2.fa 3.fa > graph.gfa
minigraph -cxasm graph.gfa 1.fa  > 1.gaf
gaf2unstable 1.gaf -g graph.gfa -o node-lengths.tsv > 1u.gaf
gaf2paf 1u.gaf -l node-lengths.tsv > 1u.paf


Filter a GAF so that there are no overlapping query intervals. It uses simple heuristics. For each record, keep it if

  • it doesn't overlap anything, or
  • it is primary and only overlaps secondaries, or
  • its mapq is > N * the mapq of any overlap, or
  • its block length is N * the block length of any overlap (and the first two conditions do not apply in reverse from the overlap)

N is 2 by default and can be set with -r.

This tool can also run on PAFs (expecting to use the original GAF block length stored in a "gl" tag) by adding the -p option. In practice, this will perform a more fine-grained filter and should remove fewer alignments.


(Cactus now works with PAF natively, so this tool is no longer needed)

Convert PAF with cg cigars to LASTZ cigars

This is a re-implentation of the following paftools command:

paftools view -f lastz-cigar


  • is standalone (ie does not require Javascript)
  • incorporates @Robin-Rounthwaite's fix
  • provides option (-q) to use the PAF MAPQ as the score


paf2lastz a.paf > a.cigar

where a.paf was created by, for example, minimap2 -c


(Now that minigraph can produce cigars with -c, this tool is no longer needed. To convert GAF-with-cigar output, see gaf2paf and # gaf2unstable above)

Convert minigraph output from GAF to PAF, where PAF records represent pairwise aligments between the query and nodes in the graph. The output alignments have cigar strings, and are based on the minimizer offsets obtained when using minigraph -S --write-mz.

The use case is that a set of such alignments can be used as anchors by Cactus to form its initial graph.


cd test
### Build a graph
minigraph -xggs -l10k hpp-20-2M/CHM13.fa.gz hpp-20-2M/HG003.fa.gz hpp-20-2M/HG004.fa.gz > hpp-20-2M.gfa
### Align a contig
minigraph -xasm -t $(nproc) -K4g --inv=no -S --write-mz hpp-20-2M.gfa hpp-20-2M/hg38.fa.gz > hg38.gaf
### Convert to PAF
mzgaf2paf hg38.gaf > hg38.paf

This GAF from the input

hg38.chr20  2833756  60006 2352627  +  <CHM13.CHM13_Super-Scaffold_117:2060700-2381813>HG003.HG003_h1tg000030l:316552-316571<CHM13.CHM13_Super-Scaffold_117:2060427-2060561<CHM13.CHM13_Super-Scaffold_117:2060086-2060231>HG003.HG003_h1tg000030l:316802-316827<CHM13.CHM13_Super-Scaffold_117:1930843-2059970>HG003.HG003_h1tg000030l:445928-445984<CHM13.CHM13_Super-Scaffold_117:1518313-1930656>HG004.HG004_h2tg000013l:858527-858576<CHM13.CHM13_Super-Scaffold_117:1517794-1517951>HG003.HG003_h1tg000030l:858750-858779<CHM13.CHM13_Super-Scaffold_117:1517556-1517656>HG003.HG003_h1tg000030l:858852-858997<CHM13.CHM13_Super-Scaffold_117:1385660-1516344>HG003.HG003_h1tg000030l:989703-989806<CHM13.CHM13_Super-Scaffold_117:1075838-1385660<CHM13.CHM13_Super-Scaffold_117:1031686-1075523<CHM13.CHM13_Super-Scaffold_117:588846-1030548<CHM13.CHM13_Super-Scaffold_117:488710-588690>HG004.HG004_h2tg000013l:1888505-1892245<CHM13.CHM13_Super-Scaffold_117:0-475698  2369008  100466   2368992  2228396  2303074  60 tp:A:P   cm:i:395124 s1:i:2187209   s2:i:1092   dv:f:0.0021
*  <s43  97 12 0  6  92 709771   709857   19 4,2,10,7,2,9,10,8,4,6,5 4,2,10,7,2,9,10,8,4,6,5                                                                                                                                

Will be converted to the following PAF

hg38.chr20  2833756  709771   709857   -  s43   97 5  91 86 86 255   cg:Z:86M                       

A variety of filters are available. Use mzgaf2paf -h to list them.


Converts a PAF where the targets are in node-space (ie the output of mzgaf2paf) into a stable PAF in sequence space (comparable to the output of gaf2paf)


Use rGFA tags to assign query contigs from a PAF to reference contigs from the rGFA. It performs the following steps.

  1. Using a BFS from the rank-0 nodes, assign each other node to the stable sequence (reference contig) of its nearest rank-0 node
  2. Use the PAF to determine the alignment coverage for each query contig against each reference contig
  3. Assign each query contig to the reference contig to which it most aligns

Filters are provided to only assign contigs if they pass specificity and uniqueness filters (and label as "ambiguous" if they don't). See rgfa-split -h for a full list of options.


Generate a PAF from the rank-0 rGFA tags in the given rGFA file. Each PAF line will represent an exact alignment between the contig range from the tags to the given node. Note that the query lengths are inferred from the rGFA and will be wrong unless the file is complete.


Clip out query intervals supplied in a BED file from a given PAF file, updating cg cigars appropriately. Intervals can by glommed together with -p and small fragments filtered out with -m. This can be used, for example, to prevent homologies within centromeric regions from making it into the graph. In some cases, this works better than masking out the centromeres before generating the paf with minigraph or minimap2: by aligning through the centromeres, the regions nearby end up with better alignments.


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