- Dependabot security updates: junit and pdfbox.
Upgrade from PDFBox
for default PDF rendering. -
Upgrade from QRGen
, adding direct dependency on the artifact through https://jitpack.io. -
Remove distribution and dependency management with explicit maven repository, instead promoting the user of Jitpack.io for PDF-Builder as a util, starting with this release (tag).
Adds the capability to set error correction level for QR-codes.
Adding QA tests for QR code rendere (QRGen).
Allows the user to toggle the default silent-zone margin on QR-codes on/off. NOTE: Actual rendered results may still have a margin - take care.
- Allow usage of multi line replacement with empty text.
Adds multi line replacement feature to be able to distribute a long text to multiple placeholders.
Update to PDFBox version 1.8.11.
- Restores the public API PDFRenderer.renderFromTemplate(Path template) from v0.1.0 which was eliminated by mistake in v0.2.0
- Extends the API to accept java.io.InputStream as template source. So far only java.nio.file.Path was accepted as template source, but Path cannot be determined for a pdf-file which resides within a jar-file. Now a client can provide an InputStream as template source to the API.
- Adds initial PDF rendering features; simple PDF-templating with string- interpolation and QR-Code rendering with position and size-parameters.
- PDF-renderer is not fully compatible with templates using True-Type fonts. See README.md file for more information.