- If new windows have been added, make sure that imgui.ini has been updated in User data Default, and increment
in main.cpp. - Add gifs and images in the changelog to illustrate the changes.
- Remove the "WIP" in the version number in CMakeLists.txt and in changelog.md, and commit with the message "🔖 [beta-1] Release" (make sure to replace with the right version number).
- On GitHub create a new release with the exact same name as the COOLLAB_VERSION in the CMake (don't use emojis, it can cause problems on some platforms). Use a new tag with the same name as the version. As a description, use whatever is in the changelog for the new version. (NB: this will trigger a GitHub Action that will build the installers and put them on the release page)
- Increment the version number in CMakeLists.txt and add "WIP" to it. Also, create a new section in the changelog with the same name as the version and WIP at the end. Then commit with the message "🎉 [beta-1] Started" (make sure to replace with the right version number).
- Update the message in website/src/components/_Download.md. Commit with the message "🌐 [Website] New version released".
- Make an announcement on our Discord + thank the contributors if any (ptut, interns, etc.)
- Make a story on our Instagram
- Make a toot on Mastodon