Releases: CoolLibs/Lab
Releases · CoolLibs/Lab
Beta 19.1
Beta-19.1 🤏 Change version name formatting (to match what we use on Github)
Beta 19.0
Beta-19.0 🤏 Change version name formatting (to match what we use on Github)
Beta 18
- ✨ We are now using a launcher that will auto-install new Coollab versions automatically
- ✨ Every time input is now nicely formatted like "1h 27m 53s"
- ✨ The Output Window can now easily be turned fullscreen with F10 or by right-clicking on it
- ✨ When opening the Output Window, the aspect ratio automatically adapts to it
- ✨ The Output Window now doesn't have a title bar
- 🟦 Nodes: Added "MIDI Multi-Select with Transition"
- 🐛 Allow access to your microphone on MacOS for Audio nodes
- 🐛 Fix MacOS version crashing on startup
🐛 [Audio] Request microphone access on MacOS
🟦 [Nodes] Added Multi-Select greyscale
⬆ [Cool] Emulate MIDI buttons
🟦 [Nodes] Added "MIDI Multi-Select with Transition"
✨ [View] Added _is_output_view mode
- ✨ Greatly improved video import: we now support videos with transparency, and GIFs
- ⚡ The performance of playing a video has been greatly improved
- 🐛 Video import now also works on Linux and MacOS
- 🐛 Many bug fixes around the video import and playback
- ✨ Improved MIDI support: buttons now have several modes (toggle, selector, pressed)
- 🟦 MIDI nodes: Added "Last MIDI button pressed", and you can now change the Min and Max output values of the "MIDI" node
- 🟦 Nodes: Added "Select" and "Multi-Select" which can typically be used in combination with MIDI buttons, to switch between various images / effects
- ✨ When exporting a video, if the output folder already contains frames from a previous export you now have 4 options, and by default we will prompt you to create a new folder
- ✨ You can now import video files! Using the "Video from File" node.
- 🤏 The time in the timeline is now nicely formatted (as "3m 43s 512ms"). You can also input it like that (by CTRL+clicking on the timeline), as any combination of millisecond (ms) / second (s) / minute (m) / hour (h) / day (d) / week (w). For example "3m43".
- 🤏 The slider for some parameters (Zoom, Time Speed, etc.) now behaves logarithmically, meaning it will have equal precision in the 0-1 range as in 1-∞. Basically this means they are more practical to use.
- 🤏 When using a Drag widget, the mouse position now stays locked in place instead of wrapping around the screen.
- 🤏 Some node inputs now have a little info icon next to their pin, explaining what the parameter does in more details.
- 🤏 "Random" nodes now use an integer as a Seed, instead of any decimal number.
- 🤏 Improved Angle widget.
- 🤏 Improved final image size calculations based on desired aspect ratio.
- 🐛 Fixed image generation failure in some rare cases.
- 🐛 Fixed a crash when loading a project that was made in an older version of Coollab and that used a node that had been updated in Coollab.
- 🐛 Fix: Remove incompatible links when creating a link backward from a pin.