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OpenType font features

Corne2Plum3 edited this page Jul 30, 2024 · 2 revisions

Updated to version 1.0.0.

Numbers related features

cv01-cv20: Alternative digits

Each digits has 2 alternatives versions, that can be selected manually. Affect related digits, exponents-like characters, fractions and enclosed numbers (numbers in circles, etc.) are affected.


You should not use 2 characters variants related to the same digits. If you do so, the one with the lowest cv number will be used.

You can also use ss01 and ss02 (not both) to enable 10 characters variants at the same time, as shown in the picture. It is possible to use cv and ss at the same time, and then the cv features will overwrite the ss ones.

Can be used with:

  • onum
  • pnum or tnum
  • sups, subs, numr or dnom

dnom: Denominator figures

Turns every digits into their denominator version (the bottom of the digits will be on the base line)

See sups: superscript figures.

numr: Denominator figures

Turns every digits into their denominator version (the top of the digits will be on the cap height)

See sups: superscript figures.

onum: Old style figures

Applies old style figures to all digits. Exponents-like characters, fractions and enclosed numbers (numbers in circles, etc.) are NOT affected.


Can be used with:

  • cv01-cv20 (ss01-ss02)
  • ss06, ss07 and zero
  • tnum

pnum: Proportional figures

Enables proportional figures on all digits and exponents-like characters, making the width of numbers related to their drawn width.

This isn't needed when onum is used.

Can be used with:

  • cv01-cv20 (ss01-ss02)
  • ss06, ss07 and zero
  • sups, subs, numr or dnom

ss01: Alternative digits set 1

Enables cv01, cv02, cv03, cv04, cv05, cv06, cv07, cv08, cv09 and cv10 at the same time.

See cv01-cv20: Alternative digits

ss02: Alternative digits set 2

Enables cv01, cv02, cv03, cv04, cv05, cv06, cv07, cv08, cv09 and cv10 at the same time.

See cv01-cv20: Alternative digits.

ss06: Serif on digit 1

Add a bar below digit 1. Exponents-like characters, fractions and enclosed numbers are also affected.


Can be used with:

  • cv01 or cv11 (ss01 or ss02)
  • onum
  • pnum or tnum
  • sups, subs, numr or dnom

ss07: Serif on digit 7

Add a small vertical bar on the top left of digit 7.

See ss06: Serif on digit 1 for a picuture.

Can be used with:

  • cv07 or cv17 (ss01 or ss02)
  • onum
  • pnum or tnum
  • sups, subs, numr or dnom

subs: Subscript figures

Turns every digits into their subscript version.

See sups: superscript figures.

sups: Superscript figures

Turn every digits into their superscript version.


Can be used with:

  • cv01-cv20 (ss01-ss02)
  • ss06, ss07 and zero

tnum: Tabular figures

Enables tabular figures on all digits and exponents-like characters, making all digits and exponents having the same width.

Can be used with:

  • cv01-cv20 (ss01-ss02)
  • ss06, ss07 and zero
  • onum
  • sups, subs, numr or dnom

zero: Dashed zero

Add a diagonal bar inside the digit 0.

See ss06: Serif on digit 1 for a picuture.

Can be used with:

  • cv10 or cv20 (ss01 or ss02)
  • onum
  • pnum or tnum
  • sups, subs, numr or dnom

Other alternatives characters

cv21-cv26: Non-numeric characters variants

Change the appearance of some characters (see table below)


It is possible to use ss03 and ss04 to enable several characters variants, as shown in the following table:

Feature Affected letters Stylistic Set
cv21 G ss03
cv22 I, Iota ss03
cv23 a ss04
cv24 g ss04
cv25 u ss04
cv26 & (ampersand) -

Can be used with: c2sc and smcp

ss03: Alternatives capitals

Enables cv21 and cv22 at the same time.

See cv21-cv26: Non-numeric characters variants.

ss04: Alternatives small letters

Enables cv23, cv24 and cv25 at the same time.

See cv21-cv26: Non-numeric characters variants.

ss05: Alternative currency signs

Use an alternative version of some currency signs (all of 8), as shown in the image below.


Small caps

c2sc: Small Capitals from Capitals

Turns capitals into small caps.

Can be used with smcp.

smcp: Small Capitals

Turns lowercase characters into small caps.

Can be used with c2sc.

Miscellaneous features

ss08: f ligatures

Enables additionnal ligatures with the latin letter f (if ligatures are supported).


Works with ff, fi, fj, fl, ft, ffi, ffj, ffl and fft.