This repository collects recipes for building singularity containers.
Currently singularity definition files and Dockerfiles are available, though Dockerfiles should be the preferred way for building the containers.
The python script
helps to locally build a .sif
singularity image from a Dockerfile (i.e. without using dockerhub).
sudo singularity build image.sif definitionfile.def
script allows to create a .sif singularity container from a Dockerfile.
(A docker installation is needed for this.)
Run the script via:
python /path-to-Dockerfile image-name
The singularity image will be created using a temporary .tar version of the docker image that will automatically be deleted. For creating the image, 'sudo' privileges are needed.
For an interactive shell session:
singularity shell image.sif
To run a specific command:
singularity exec image.sif command
To run a jupyter notebook you need to pass the --bind
option to tell singularity where to write temporary session data.
So for example you can run a notebook directly using:
singularity exec --bind /tmp:/run/user python2.sif jupyter notebook
Or using the interactive shell:
singularity shell --bind /tmp:/run/user python2.sif
jupyter notebook
Change singularity cache and tmp directories:
Clean singularity cache:
sudo singularity cache clean
Clean Docker:
sudo docker system prune
sudo docker image prune
and sudo docker contaienr prune