An open source, physics simulation website (mainly for spacecraft orbits and launches) using Ruby on Rails, Postgresql, Hotwire, StimulusJS, ThreeJS, and D3JS.
In order to develop this application on your local machine, follow these steps:
Install Ruby and its dependencies (see .ruby-version for the current Ruby version).
Install PostgreSQL and its dependencies.
Clone this repository.
From the root directory, run
bundle install
rails db:create
rails db:migrate
rails db:seed
- Finally, to launch the development server, run
- Press ctrl + C to stop the server.
All contributions are encouraged and welcomed! Please reach out with any questions.
From the root directory, run
bundle exec rspec
Please add new tests for any new features added/changed!
From the root directory, run
bundle exec brakeman
Rubocop with a custom configuration is used to enforce consistent code style throughout the application.
From the root directory, run
bundle exec rubocop