An API documentation build and browse tool which uses Docker and Mulesoft's api-console. This uses a custom RAML reader (it is too basic to be called a parser) and a Dockerfile to build and run a custom api-console which can be used to explore the generated documentation.
(Note: For a simpler alternative, have a look at the "Simplified usage" section below.)
To generate version-specific documentation and to run api-console to browse them, run the following from the directory containing the RAML files you want to use (e.g. cd into ..../git/api-doc/raml).
$ docker pull venkytv/covisint-api-console
$ docker run -it --rm -v "$PWD":/raml -p 9000:9000 venkytv/covisint-api-console
The first time you run the docker run
command, it will download a bunch of
container layers. This might take some time. These layers get cached locally,
so subsequent runs should be much faster.
Now, browse the generated documentation on your local machine.
- On Linux, browse to http://localhost:9000/raml
- On Mac and Windows, use
In case you are are unable to access the api-console on Mac or Windows, make
sure that the VM IP has not changed using the boot2docker
$ boot2docker ip
boot2Docker has been deprecated. You are probably using docker-machine now so use:
$ docker-machine ls
default - virtualbox Running tcp:// v1.10.3
and grab the IP from the URL column.
To just generate version-specific RAML files without launching api-console, pass
the "genraml" argument to the docker command line. This will create a
directory within your current directory and store the RAML files
within versioned directories there.
$ docker run --rm -v "$PWD":/raml venkytv/covisint-api-console genraml
If the current directory contains a release-manifest.yml
the command will also create a dist/raml/releases
directory and copy the RAML
files into release-specific subdirectories.
To just generate CSV descriptions of RAML files without launching api-console, pass the "gencsv" argument to the docker command line. This will create a "dist/csv" directory within your current directory and store the CSV files within.
$ docker run --rm -v "$PWD":/raml venkytv/covisint-api-console gencsv
To generate a war file for deployment into the developer portal, pass the "genwar" argument to the docker command line. This will create an "api-console.war" file under the "dist" directory within your current directory.
$ docker run --rm -v "$PWD":/raml venkytv/covisint-api-console genwar
To override the hostname part of the baseUri in the generated RAML files, set
the baseuri
$ docker run --rm -v "$PWD":/raml \
-e "" venkytv/covisint-api-console genraml
By default, the tool collapses empty nodes in the filtered RAML files. To
disable this behaviour, set the collapse_empty
variable to false for the
docker run.
$ docker run -it --rm -v "$PWD":/raml -p 9000:9000 \
-e "collapse_empty=false" venkytv/covisint-api-console
To drop into a shell within the docker container after generating the custom RAML files, pass the "bash" argument to the command line:
$ docker run -it --rm -v "$PWD":/raml -p 9000:9000 venkytv/covisint-api-console bash
If there is a problem generating the custom RAMLs itself, the previous command might fail. In that case, do the following:
$ docker run -it --rm -v "$PWD":/raml -p 9000:9000 \
--entrypoint=bash venkytv/covisint-api-console --
This will drop you into a shell inside the container. Now, you can run the parser script manually by hand to debug the issue:
# /api-console/ramlparser.rb /raml /tmp /raml/release-manifest.yml
The parser and all the supporting scripts are inside the /api-console
directory. The container does not include an editor; so, if you want to edit
any of the files, you need to install an editor:
# apt-get install vim
REMEMBER: Any changes you make within the container are lost the moment you
exit the shell. The container is re-created afresh every time you do a "docker
run" and removed as soon as the command exits. If you make any changes to the
scripts under /api-console
, make sure the changes are also made in the
corresponding scripts in the api-raml
git repo under the docker/
The util/api-console script provides a simpler way to invoke
all the above commands. It requires ruby
and the colorize
gem (gem install colorize
Bring up the api-console using the RAML in the api-doc submodule:
$ util/api-console
Use RAML files located in a different directory:
$ util/api-console ~/my-raml-files
Point the api-console to a specific Apigee instance/environment:
$ util/api-console -l # List available Apigee environments
$ util/api-console prod # Point the api-console to the production instance
Bring up the api-console on a specific port (default: 9000):
$ util/api-console 9000
Do a docker pull
before execution:
$ util/api-console -p
Generate the api-console war file:
$ util/api-console genwar
Drop into a shell inside the docker container:
$ util/api-console bash
Multiple options:
$ util/api-console prod genwar # Generate war file for production instance
$ util/api-console -p ~/my-raml-files rnd 9002 # Pull docker image, use custom RAML files, map to port 9002
Usage help:
$ util/api-console -h
You should be able to just pull the docker image from Docker Hub, but in case you want to build the image locally, do the following:
$ cd docker
$ docker build . # Don't miss the "." at the end