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Murphy edited this page Dec 18, 2022 · 20 revisions

Jambo wiki

Welcome to the Jambo wiki!
Here you can find out what Jambo can do and how to use them.

Brief Feature Overview

Here is a quick overview about all things Jambo can do.
More in-depth information is always linked and can be found further down.

Type Name Description State Details
C Ping See what the current ping to discord is 🟒 click here
C Country Info Get information's about a country 🟒 click here
C User Info Take a look at someones discord profile 🟒 click here
C Reminder Remind yourself about something 🟒 click here
C Latex Generate a LaTeX image from prompt 🟣 click here
C Proposals Manage Jam proposals πŸ”΄ click here
FC Birthday Set and edit your Birthday 🟑 click here
FC Activity Tracker Request stats about the tracked activity 🟒 click here
FC Color Roles Create the color prompt 🟒 click here
FC Pronoun Roles Create the Pronoun prompt 🟒 click here
FC Timezone Roles Create the Timezone prompt 🟒 click here
F Birthday Congratulates people to their birthday 🟑 click here
F Activity Tracker Tracks all activities for interesting stats to 🟒 click here
F Color Roles Become COLORED 🟒 click here
F Pronoun Roles Pick a preferred pronoun 🟒 click here
F Timezone Roles Pick a timezone to get notified at the right time 🟒 click here
F Polls Create and manage Polls πŸ”΄ click here

What does what mean?

Short Description
🟀 Scrubbed
βšͺ Just an Idea
⚫ Planning
πŸ”΅ Planned
πŸ”΄ Work in progress
🟠 Done and bug hunting
🟑 Done and Reviewing
🟒 Done and Pushed
🟣 Done but not working anymore
F Feature (System which runs automatically)
C Command
FC Command of an Feature (A Commands which e.g. changes the behavior of an Feature)

in-depth look


Ping the bot to see the latency between the bot and discords API


id Required? Name Value What


id Status Slash Name Group Command
c0 🟒 / ping


Command What it does
c0 executes the ping


The country info system lets you get an overview over every country in the world with all the most important infos (like the population size, its flag, etc.). You can also perform queries to sort the countries and filter them by their values. There is a lot to play around with.


id Required? Name Value What
a0 yes country String Which country should get selected
a1 yes sort-criteria String Criteria to sort by
a2 yes order String Determines the order
a3 yes scale String Sets which part you want to see (e.g Top 50)
a4 yes filter-criteria String Criteria to filter by
a5 yes relation String Relation to test the criteria on
a6 yes filter-value String Value to use for the relation
a7 no include-data Boolean Set whether or not the list includes the data
a8 yes info String The piece of data you want


| id | Status | Slash | Name | Group | Command | Argument 1 | Argument 2 | Argument 3 | Argument 4 | Argument 5 | Argument 6 | Argument 7 | ... (393 lines left) Collapse 25 KB StrangeGirlMurph β€” Today at 21:27 oh thank goodness you got it did you only change the home page? Floschy β€” Today at 21:28 glaube StrangeGirlMurph β€” Today at 21:28 okay danke <3

Jambo wiki

Welcome to the Jambo wiki!
Here you can find out what Jambo can do and how to use them.

Brief Feature Overview

Here is a quick overview about all things Jambo can do.
More in-depth information is always linked and can be found further down.

Type Name Description State Details
C Ping See what the current ping to discord is 🟒 click here
C Country Info Get information's about a country 🟒 click here
C User Info Take a look at someones discord profile 🟒 click here
C Reminder Remind yourself about something 🟒 click here
C Latex Generate a LaTeX image from prompt 🟣 click here
C Proposals Manage Jam proposals πŸ”΄ click here
FC Birthday Set and edit your Birthday 🟑 click here
FC Activity Tracker Request stats about the tracked activity 🟒 click here
FC Color Roles Create the color prompt 🟒 click here
FC Pronoun Roles Create the Pronoun prompt 🟒 click here
FC Timezone Roles Create the Timezone prompt 🟒 click here
F Birthday Congratulates people to their birthday 🟑 click here
F Activity Tracker Tracks all activities for interesting stats to 🟒 click here
F Color Roles Become COLORED 🟒 click here
F Pronoun Roles Pick a preferred pronoun 🟒 click here
F Timezone Roles Pick a timezone to get notified at the right time 🟒 click here
F Polls Create and manage Polls πŸ”΄ click here

What does what mean?

Short Description
🟀 Scrubbed
βšͺ Just an Idea
⚫ Planning
πŸ”΅ Planned
πŸ”΄ Work in progress
🟠 Done and bug hunting
🟑 Done and Reviewing
🟒 Done and Pushed
🟣 Done but not working anymore
F Feature (System which runs automatically)
C Command
FC Command of an Feature (A Commands which e.g. changes the behavior of an Feature)

in-depth look


Ping the bot to see the latency between the bot and discords API


id Required? Name Value What


id Status Slash Name Group Command
c0 🟒 / ping


Command What it does
c0 executes the ping


The country info system lets you get an overview over every country in the world with all the most important infos (like the population size, its flag, etc.). You can also perform queries to sort the countries and filter them by their values. There is a lot to play around with.


id Required? Name Value What
a0 yes country String Which country should get selected
a1 yes sort-criteria String Criteria to sort by
a2 yes order String Determines the order
a3 yes scale String Sets which part you want to see (e.g Top 50)
a4 yes filter-criteria String Criteria to filter by
a5 yes relation String Relation to test the criteria on
a6 yes filter-value String Value to use for the relation
a7 no include-data Boolean Set whether or not the list includes the data
a8 yes info String The piece of data you want


id Status Slash Name Group Command Argument 1 Argument 2 Argument 3 Argument 4 Argument 5 Argument 6 Argument 7
c0 🟒 / country-info overview a0
c1 🟒 / country-info query a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7
c2 🟒 / country-info random
c3 🟒 / country-info specific a8 a0


Command What it does
c0 List all the data from a country
c1 Lets you sort and filter the countries with queries
c2 Lists all the data from a random country
c3 Gives you the specific information about a country


Get data like badges, joined discord etc. about a given user


id Required? Name Value What
a0 yes user User The user to get information about


id Status Slash Name Group Command Argument 1
c0 🟒 / user-info a0


Command What it does
c0 Get information about a user


Remind yourself about something in relative or unix time, and on desire add someone to remind too


id Required? Name Value What
a0 no message String The message to remind you
a1 no date-iso String The date in ISO-8601. (e.g '2003-05-26T04:48:33+02:00' or try '26 May 2003 4:48:33 UTC+2')
a2 no months Integer Set the months. (30 days)
a3 no days Integer Set the days. (24 hours)
a4 no hours Integer Set the hours. (60 minutes)
a5 no minutes Integer Set the minutes. (60 seconds)
a6 no date-unix Integer The date with unix timestamp. (e.g '1053917313000')
a7 no additional-ping Mention Additional people or roles to ping.
a8 yes id Integer ID of the reminder


id Status Slash Name Group Command Argument 1 Argument 2 Argument 3 Argument 4 Argument 5 Argument 6 Argument 7 Argument 8
c0 🟒 / reminder set a0 a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7
c1 🟒 / reminder delete a8
c2 🟒 / reminder list


Command What it does
c0 Set a new reminder
c1 Delete a reminder with its id
c2 Shows the list of active reminders


With the Latex command you can generate an LaTeX equation as an Image


id Required? Name Value What
a0 yes input String The Latex code which should get converted
a1 no transparent Boolean Should the background be transparent?
a2 no paper-size String Should the image size be a4 or a5?


id Status Slash Name Group Command Argument 1 Argument 2 Argument 4
c0 🟣 / country-info equation a0 a1
c1 🟣 / country-info mixed a0 a1 a2


Command What it does
c0 Lets you render a single LaTeX equation.
c1 Lets you write mixed LaTeX code with text, inline equations ($x^2$) and block equations ($$x^2$$).


Propose an Idea for the next Jam
- Still in the works -


id Required? Name Value What


id Status Slash Name Group Command Argument 1
c0 /


Command What it does


Set and edit your birthday and see if any birthdays are rolling up


id Required? Name Value What
a0 no month String Set the month of your Birthday
a1 no day Integer Set the day of your Birthday (day cant be higher than the month's day count)
a2 no delete Boolean Delete your birthday


id Status Slash Name Group Command Argument 1 Argument 2 Argument 3
c0 🟑 / birthday set a0 a1 a2
c1 🟑 / birthday my
c1 🟑 / birthday upcoming


Command What it does
c0 Setup your birthday so you can get congratulated!
c1 See what your birthday is currently set to
c2 See which Birthdays are coming up in the next 30 days


See what was tracked and which games you played how long


id Required? Name Value What
a0 no/yes game String Set which game should be filtered for
a1 no sort String Set how a list should get sorted
a2 no order String Set if the list should be reversed or not
a3 no show-playtime Boolean Should the top 10 players who played a given game be shown?
a4 yes sure Boolean Confirmation stage 1, should tracker logs get deleted?
a5 yes really Boolean Confirmation stage 2, should tracker logs get deleted?
a6 yes user User Set user who's blacklist should get shown


id Status Slash Name Group Command Argument 1 Argument 2
c0 🟒 / game-activity-tracker statistics my-stats a0
c1 🟒 / game-activity-tracker statistics game-stats a0 a3
c2 🟒 / game-activity-tracker statistics all-stats
c3 🟒 / game-activity-tracker list a1 a2
c4 🟒 / game-activity-tracker blacklist add a0
c5 🟒 / game-activity-tracker blacklist remove a0
c6 🟒 / game-activity-tracker blacklist show
c7 🟒 / game-activity-tracker admin blacklist a0
c8 🟒 / game-activity-tracker admin look a6
c9 🟒 / game-activity-tracker admin reset a4 a5
c10 🟒 / game-activity-tracker admin show
c11 🟒 / game-activity-tracker admin whitelist a0


Command What it does
c0 Show stats about the record time you played all or one game
c1 Show stats about one game across all users
c2 Show stats about every game across all users
c3 Create a list based on the given sort and order (e.g. every log in order they were logged)
c4 Add a game to your blacklist so it wont get logged
c5 Remove a game from your blacklist so it wil get logged again
c6 See what is on your blacklist
c7 Add A game to the global Blacklist, this means nothing about this game will get logged again
c8 Take a look into the blacklist of an user
c9 Reset the Tracking database, this means there will be no logs anymore and all blacklists get cleared
c10 See what is on the global blacklist
c11 Remove a game from the blacklist so logging for this game is activated again


Create Prompts for the given feature


id Required? Name Value What
a0 no columns Integer Define how many Columns the Prompt Image should have
a1 yes all Boolean Delete all generated roles which got generated via. Prompt
a2 no start Role Delete all Roles between start and end and starting with this role
a3 no end Role Delete all Roles between start and end and ending with this role


id Status Slash Name Group Command Argument 1 Argument 2 Argument 3
c0 🟒 / roles timezone-prompt
c1 🟒 / roles color-prompt a0
c2 🟒 / roles delete a1 a2 a3
c3 🟒 / roles pronoun-prompt


Command What it does
c0 Create an Timezone prompt from the config file
c1 Create an Color prompt from the config file
c2 Delete all or certain roles created by a prompt
c3 Create an Pronoun prompt from the config file


This is Fred: 😐
Fred has his Birthday at the 14th of March
Today is his Lucky day! Today is the 14th of March!
But Fred is Sad: 😞
No one has Remembered his Special Day.
Because Fred lives on the other side of the Planet not even one of his online friends is online...
The next year Fred is Sad again: πŸ˜”
He thinks everyone will forget his day again.
Luckily he entered his Birthday into Jambo!
The first thing he saw in the morning on his phone is the bot's Birthday notification.
Thats because Jambo will Remind everyone based on Fred's Timezone!
When Fred comes back home near midnight all his online Friends have Congratulated him!
Now Fred is happy again: πŸ˜„
Thanks to Jambo he knows that everyone will Remember his Birthday!
Since this Year he spends more time being sad about Politics than being sad about his uninformed social life.
Be like Fred and make Sure everyone will remember you!


If the Entered Birthday is Today the bot will send the Notification
when the configured offset (e.g. 6am) matches the time in your Timezone


If this happens the Bot will Send an Birthday congratulation into the
Servers System Channel (the channel where discord sends welcome messages)
So everyone will know that its your Birthday!



The Tracker will Track your Discord's Game activity for some Interesting statistics which can be seen here


If you stop playing a game...


...The bot will store what and how long you played a game



As a server admin you can give Your users the option to choose a Timezone, Color and Pronoun!


When a user selects a role in one of the three role-prompts...


The user will get this role or the role gets removed.



- Still in the works -


- Still in the works -


- Still in the works -

in-depth look (templates)


This feature is really amazing. When you join in a voice chat
you will be given a new role


This gets activated when you join a voice chat


If triggered the bot will give you a role



This is a really advanced system which does very important stuff
for example:

  • It calculates 1+1
  • its really cool


id Required? Name Value What
a0 yes template 1-100 Provides space for this template
a1 no test String Also provides space for this


id Status Slash Name Group Command Argument 1 Argument 2 ...
c0 🟒 / template test a0 a1


Command What it does
c0 Set a new state for xy 25 KB

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