Polish the assembly you produced with flye
. Use the filtered long-read data. Do this in two steps: using racon
followed by medaka
. This will also involve mapping again the long reads to your calculated assemblies!
# run racon, as input you need the reads, the mapping file, and the assembly you want to polish
racon -t 8 data/ONT_R10-filtered_reads.fastq.gz data/ONT_R10-mapping.sorted.bam flye_output_R10/assembly.fasta > data/ONT_R10-consensus-racon.fasta
# map to new consensus
minimap2 -t 4 -ax map-ont ONT_R10-consensus-racon.fasta data/ONT_R10-filtered_reads.fastq.gz > data/ONT_R10-consensus-racon-mapping.sam
samtools view -bS data/ONT_R10-consensus-racon-mapping.sam | samtools sort -@ 4 > data/ONT_R10-consensus-racon-mapping.sorted.bam
samtools index data/ONT_R10-racon-onsensus-mapping.sorted.bam
# now look at it in tablet or IGV again. For IGV you have to convert to BAM again and index the mapping file!
igv &
# load assembly file as 'Genomes'
# -> data/ONT_R10-consensus-racon.fasta
# load mapping file as 'File'
# -> data/ONT_R10-racon-onsensus-mapping.sorted.bam
- a common practice is 2x
polishing followed by 1xMedaka
(see below) - for practice, 1x
is fine - with the newest R10 chemistry and recent basecalling models, it seems that
is also not necessary anymore and people switch to only polish viaMedaka
- with improvements in ONT accuracy, it might be even the case that long-read polishing is becoming more and more obsolete!
is not in your current workshop
environment because it was conflicting with the other tools. That's why we need a separate Conda environment for Medaka
- Make a new environment for
might have many dependencies that conflict
- an alternative to
can be much faster in solving your environment, e.g. here for the toolmedaka
- thus, let us install
and then installmedaka
cd /scratch/$USER/nanopore-workshop
mamba create -y -p envs/medaka "medaka>=1.8.0"
conda activate envs/medaka
# Run Medaka
# ATTENTION: it is always good to assign an appropriate Medaka model -m based on
# the performed basecalling! Here, we use some example model for a R10.4.1 run with 260 bp/s speed and SUP basecalling.
# This might to be adjusted based on your data!
# If you are on the RKI HPC: due to restrictions it might be even difficult to run other Medaka models because
# they need to be downloaded first.
medaka_consensus -i data/ONT_R10-filtered_reads.fastq.gz -d data/ONT_R10-consensus-racon.fasta \
-o ONT_R10-medaka -m r1041_e82_260bps_sup_v4.0.0 -t 8
# map to new consensus
minimap2 -t 4 -ax map-ont ONT_R10-medaka/assembly.fasta data/ONT_R10-filtered_reads.fastq.gz > data/ONT_R10-consensus-medaka-mapping.sam
samtools view -bS data/ONT_R10-consensus-medaka-mapping.sam | samtools sort -@ 4 > data/ONT_R10-consensus-medaka-mapping.sorted.bam
samtools index data/ONT_R10-medaka-onsensus-mapping.sorted.bam
# now look at it in tablet or IGV again. For IGV you have to convert to BAM again and index the mapping file!
igv &
# load assembly file as 'Genomes'
# -> ONT_R10-medaka/assembly.fasta
# load mapping file as 'File'
# -> data/ONT_R10-medaka-onsensus-mapping.sorted.bam
Note that you should usually change the model parameter (-m
) to whatever is most appropriate for your basecalling. Also note that medaka_consensus
is not the same thing as medaka consensus
(underscore vs space) - the former is a convenience script which does the entire process (including read mapping) while the latter is a subcommand of Medaka which only does the polishing step. (thx to Ryan Wick for this explanation).