- QC of raw reads
- Short read assmembly
- Genome Annotation
- Species identification on reads(NCBI_taxon)
- AMR detection on assembly with CARD
- Plasmid detection on assembly plasmidfinder
- snakemake
- unicycler
- fastp
- kraken2
- abricate
- prokka
- ideel
- diamond
- krona
abricate --setupdb
abricate --check
prokka --setupdb
prokka --listdb
kraken2-build --download-library bacteria --threads 100 --db NCBI_bac_tax
diamond makedb --in uniprot.faa -d diamond_uniprot_db --threads 100
in config.json
you can change path to your database
"md": "normal",
"db1": "/path_to/NCBI_bac_tax",
"db2": "/path_to/diamond_uniprot_db",
"threads": 100
Clone the repo.
Put your Illumina data in folder reads/
inside of repo and name them like this.
Illumina reads:
in config.json
you can change the mode of the assemblie with the 3 possible modes (see more info Unicycler).
normal = Default
snakemake --configfile config.json --forceall --dag | dot -Tpdf > dag.pdf
cd ...Illumina_genome_pipe/
snakemake --configfile config.json --cores 100
Enjoy the results in /results
If prokka gets error blastASN reinstall it:
conda install prokka --force --yes
If unicycler failes at spades downgrade it:
conda install spades=3.11.0 --force --yes