This script has been created to search the player's channel history in order to find their identifier data.
The script is optimized and has been tested on a server with 300 online players.
"discordBotToken": "", // change to your bot token
"sendChannelId": "", // embed logs send channel
"ipdisable": true, // checking player ip on hounds discord
"houndsdiscord": "829385448345305128", // discord hounds all server
"endDate": "2024-01-01", // the date by which it is to look for messages
"checkChannels": [ // list of servers working with server hounds all
"829392430297382952", // cocorp
"829416209161519153", // realmrp
"991486546156998667", // grandrdm
"1113917598329999400", // 4rdm
"924794155669012501", // hyperp
"1112724890794074142", // adrenalinarp
"1124717448181063883", // onlyrp
"989979352169054209", // neonrp
"1015007025773678612", // 77rp
"999450502163075102", // nightsiderp
"995743748770242570", // betterside
"1020026499241349191", // waitrp
"1054901681286025349", // xenonrp
"1128082880111849502", // fazerp
"1132684812436643890", // wavesrp
"1120121781345333339", // flushrp
"1120992396868587640", // luna-rp
"1142245676344934410", // leangg
"1172601237238190181", // mystory
"1184187836166053908", // x-rp
"1184087452466544703", // continentalrp
"1183911527913361568", // exumarp
"1172600743144980623", // oslorp
"1084082698563358780", // richrp
"1109113316707663923", // 3rp
"embedConfig": { //embed config simple
"title": "Player detected!",
"descriptionTemplate": "Player **{playerName}** has been detected as a cheater written out on hounds all!",
"color": "124304",
"thumbnailUrl": "",
"footerText": "©️ created by junredzikkk",
"timestamp": true
- If you have problems with the bot or new suggestions, create a new issue