Currently focusing on learning the s&box environment and developing a game in it!
If you need help with Garry's Mod Lua, especially VGUI, render targets, or stencils you can contact me on discord Cryotheum#4096 or message me on my discord server using the fancy invite button above.
Includes what some may consider "scripting languages" instead of full-blown programming languages.
Competency: Mastered > Competent > Capable > Learning > Familiar
Language | Competency | Comments |
ASP.NET Razor | Competent | |
ARM Assembly | Familiar | Rather use C/C++/Rust if I ever need something low-level |
C | Capable | |
C# | Competent | |
C++ | Capable | |
Expression 2 | Mastered | Programming language written in Garry's Mod Lua |
HLSL | Learning | |
Lua | Mastered | |
Python 3 | Competent | Might look into Mojo |
Rust | Competent | |
SourcePawn | Capable | Plugins for SourceMod servers, it's a C++ like scripting language |
TypeScript | Competent | Also know JavaScript, but prefer TypeScript as types are explicit |
Additional "programming languages" that don't deserve an entry in the table above: HTML, Markdown, Sass, SQLite, SurrealDB (learning)
These plans have no specified timeframe
- Do something with my (currently unfinished run-down docs for Pyrition and projects other projects)
I plan to remake this into something fun with TypeScript, Sass, and GitHub Workflows to automatically document my different projects! - Learn C++ to competency
- Make my own:
- Embeddable scripting/language or transpiler
- Custom IDE
- Monetized game
Let me know! I will license it under Apache 2.0 or MIT.