These are console commands that were available in internal game builds as of version 1.0.4932.0
from June 25, 2015.
Name | Description |
AbilitiesRemoveAll | Removes all abilities slotted on the local player's current avatar |
AbilityActivate | Casts the specified ability in the facing direction |
AbilityRemove | Remove the ability in the given slot for the local player's current avatar |
AbilitySlot | Slots the given ability prototype in the given slot for the local player's current avatar |
AchievementCompleteAll | Completes the progress for all achievements. |
AchievementEventReport | Prints information about how many achievement events have been processed and the average events per second |
AchievementFireEvent | Simulates firing a game event for the achievement. |
AchievementIdToggle | Toggles display of Achievement Ids in the UI. |
AchievementList | Prints a list of achievements. |
AchievementReset | Resets the progress for an achievement. |
AchievementResetAll | Resets the progress for all achievements. |
AchievementScores | Prints total achievement score and per category scores. |
AchievementStatus | Prints the status of the achievement specified by id. |
AcquireAndSwitchToAvatar | Unlock and switch to the specified playable character |
ActionLoopToggle | Toggles the player to repeat their last action (basic attack or power) |
AI | |
AIBlackboardPropertySet | Set a blackboard property on a specific AI agents |
AIPerformanceTimeSliceClient | Set this value for the performance capture time slice on the client |
AIPerformanceTimeSliceServer | Set this value for the performance capture time slice on the server |
AISetProceduralOverride | Override a procedural AI with a given profile |
AIToggle | Toggles the specified agent's AI override |
AllianceSet | Sets the Alliance property as given for the given entity |
AnimDebugTextToggle | Toggles the display of anim debug text in world next to entities |
AOIDiscovered | Prints a list of discovered entities. |
AOIRefresh | Refresh AOI |
AOIRevealAll | Override AOI to reveal everything |
AOIRevealDefault | Remove any AOI override that has been enabled |
AOIShow | |
AOIUpdateOthers | Tell the server to consider your current entity in all AOI |
ApocolypseEngine | Teleports player around level and destroys everything hostile in region. |
ApprovalThresholdSet | Set the approval threshold of the game database. |
AreaDebug | |
AreaListInCurrentRegion | Display a list of the areas in the current region |
AssertClient | Fire an assert on the client |
AssertServer | Fires an assert on the server |
AudioBusStatus | Displays the current status for audio busses |
AudioToggle | Toggles all audio on/off. |
AvatarSpeed | Sets a multiplier on your current avatar's speed |
AvatarsUnlockShipping | Unlocks the playable characters that we plan to ship |
AvatarSynergySelect | Enables/disables avatar synergies from the specified avatar on your current avatar |
AwardXp | Grants specified amount of XP to your current avatar |
BadgeList | Lists all badges on the current account. |
BlockerEntityVisToggle | Enable/disable invisible blocker entity debug visualization |
BlueprintHistory | Display the replacement history for a blueprint guid |
BlueprintList | Lists blueprints that match the search pattern |
BotAIToggle | Toggle the bot AI |
BotGodMode | Makes the current Avatar invulnerable but keeps ability cooldowns. |
Bug | Submits a bug description |
CameraLoadSettings | Load a camera setting prototype |
CatalogList | Lists items in the catalog. |
CellDebug | |
CellSetNextCell | Change the player into the next cell in a cellset for testing |
CellSetTest | Change the player into a cellset for testing |
CellTest | Change the player into a cell for testing |
ChapterList | Shows the status of all chapters |
ChapterLock | Locks a given chapter |
ChapterLockAll | Locks all chapters |
ChapterUnlock | Unlocks a given chapter |
ChapterUnlockAll | Unlocks all chapters |
ClientDownloaderSet | Set the client downloader as returned by the static function in ClientApp |
ClusterGamesGet | Get a report of all the live games on the server cluster |
ClusterPlayerStateLifetime | Change the lifetime player state is kept on the client manager after logout. Note does not affect already logged out players. |
ClusterRegionAccessChange | Change the access of the region you are in. |
ClusterRegionCloseLifetime | Change the lifetime of regions that can soft close |
ClusterRegionEmptyLifetime | Change the lifetime of regions that can shutdown when empty |
ClusterRegionMaxPlayers | Change the max players allowed for ALL regions. |
ClusterRegionsGet | Get a report of all the live games on the server cluster |
ClusterServersGet | Get a report of all the live games on the server cluster |
ClusterWorldViewGet | Get a report of the world view for the specified player from the client manager |
ClusterWorldViewShrinkToCurrent | Reduce my world view to only the current region that I'm in |
CohortClear | Clears the given experiment's cohort for metrics |
CohortSet | Forces a given experiment/cohort for metrics |
CombatLevel | Sets the effective level in combat of your current Avatar |
CombatLogToggle | Toggles the logging of combat details to chat |
CommandBatch | Run a series of console commands separated by a semicolon ( |
CommunityAddMember | Add a player to a community circle |
CommunityListClient | List client community |
CommunityListServer | List server community |
CommunityRemoveMember | Remove a player from a community circle |
ConditionsRemoveAll | Removes all conditions from the local player's current avatar (including persisted ones) |
ControlsPreferLastClicked | Toggles whether when entities overlap underneath the cursor, the last clicked on will be chosen |
Craft | Attempts to craft the recipe with the given ID using the ingredients with the given ID's |
CraftGetResults | Moves any items from your crafting results inventory to your general inventory |
CrashClient | Force client crash |
CrashServer | Force server crash |
CreditsSet | Set the amount of money your player has to the specified amount. |
CritChanceSet | Set the Crit and SuperCrit chance. Default: Resets Crit and SuperCrit chance. |
CriticalThreadTimeoutServer | Timeout the game thread on the server. |
CurrencyCapsClient | Prints all the player's currency caps on the client. |
CurrencyItemsConvertPrintLog | Forces a print of the currency conversion log |
CurrencyItemsConvertTest | Converts Items to Currency |
CurrencyItemsConvertToggle | Turns on/off conversion of Currency Items to Currency properties |
CurrencySet | Set the amount of the specified currency your player has to the specified amount. |
DamageToggle | Toggles damage for all entities ON/OFF |
DataMineReports | Display a report of game instances including how many players are currently online |
DataValidateDisplay | Display the list of client data validation errors that have occurred |
DataValidatePrototype | Run data validation on a prototype |
DeathLimitsDisable | Disables any death limit metastates in the current region's metagames |
DeathLimitSet | Sets the numbers of deaths that have happened. |
DeathPenaltyToggle | Toggles the penalties for dieing ON/OFF |
DebugAvatarDestroy | Directly destroys your current avatar, used for debugging only |
DebugHUDSetEntity | Sets the current entity for the debug HUD. |
DebugHUDSetEntityToPlayer | Sets the local player as the entity for the debug HUD. |
Die | Kills the current avatar |
DifficultyIndexSet | Set the region difficulty index to the specified value. |
DifficultySet | Set the region difficulty to the specified value. |
DisplayNameToggle | Swaps Display Name for Prototype Names |
DodgeChanceSet | Set the dodge change. Default: Resets dodge chance. |
DPSHUDResetAll | Resets the entire DPS hud. Resets the Session time for SESSON DPS |
DPSHUDResetSingle | Resets a single power for the DPS hud, Removing its data from the DPS calculation. |
Duel | Invite a player to join a player in a Duel! |
DuelAccept | Accept a pending invite to a Duel! |
DuelCancel | Cancel a pending invite or cancel your invite to a Duel! |
EnableSpecializationPower | Enables or disables a specialization power |
EntityBoostCreate | Create the entity with the given prototype (w/ optional modifier) |
EntityCreate | Create the entity with the given prototype (optional # of them to create) |
EntityCreateShortcutOverride | Set the entity that is created via Ctrl-Shift-H |
EntityDebug | Display Entities that have hopped off the navi mesh |
EntityInWorldCount | Outputs list of all entities in world and how many of each type. |
EntityKill | Kill the entity with the given ID. DOES NOT invoke full combat code path. |
EntityKillByRef | Kill the entity with the given data ref. DOES NOT invoke full combat code path. |
EntityListByProximity | Displays a list of WorldEntities near the player, Default = 1000.f |
EntityListClient | Display a list of all the entities on the client |
EntityListServer | Display a list of all the entities on the server |
EntitySetState | Sets the State of the Entity |
EntityTrackerReport | Outputs a list of all tracked objects in the current player's region. |
EnvironmentMapGuess | Overrides the current environment map with a best guess |
EnvironmentMapSet | Overrides the current environment map |
EnvironmentMapSetPackage | Overrides the current environment map |
EquipRestrictionsToggle | Toggles item equip restrictions. Use with caution. |
EvalDebug | Runs Eval Practice and reports value |
EvalUnitTest | Runs Eval Unit Test |
FactionSet | Set your player's Faction for Pvp |
FidgetAnimsToggle | Toggles whether characters that support idle fidget animations will play them |
FloatingNumbersToggle | Toggles forced display of floating damage numbers over entities |
GameIdGet | Get the id of the current game on the server |
GetMocoVolume | Gets the volume of the motion comics. |
GetMusicVolume | Gets the music volume. |
GetSfxVolume | Gets the volume of sfx/ui. |
GetVoiceoverVolume | Gets the volume of voiceover. |
GetVolumeLevels | Displays all the volume levels |
GISGameCrash | Crash a server game by id |
GISGameListGet | Get a list of game ids running on the current GIS |
GlobalGameEventDonate | Donates count of items for a global game event. |
GodMode | Makes the current Avatar invulnerable and able to use powers as frequently as desired. |
GracePeriod | Set the grace period for players. |
GuildCreate | Form a new guild |
GuildDemote | Demotes officers to members, kicks members from the guild |
GuildEntityClient | Print to the console the guild information stored on the entity. |
GuildEntityServer | Print to the console the guild information stored on the entity. |
GuildInviteNotify | Test the notification system for guild invites |
GuildInvitePlayer | Invite another player to your guild |
GuildLeader | Select a new guild leader, can only be done by the current leader. |
GuildLeave | Leave your current guild |
GuildListAllClient | Print to the console all guilds the client has knowledge of. |
GuildListAllServer | Print to the console all guilds the server game has knowledge of. |
GuildListLocalClient | Print to the console what your client knows about your own guild. |
GuildListLocalServer | Print to the console what the server knows about your own guild. |
GuildNameChange | Change the name of your guild |
GuildPromote | Promotes members to officers |
GuildsUnlock | Toggle the unlocked status of guilds for your player. |
HardMode | Toggles development hard mode, which buffs mobs and debuffs players |
HasKeyword | Tests if keyword is present on entity |
HealthBarToggleAvatars | Toggles whether in-world health bars are shown for avatars |
HealthBarToggleMobs | Toggles whether in world health bars are shown for mobs |
HealthSetPct | Sets the HP on a target entity id |
Help | List all commands and their descriptions, optionally takes name of a specific command for more info |
HotloadToggle | Toggles hot-loading of game db data on both the client and the server |
HotloadToggleClient | Toggles hot-loading of game db data on the CLIENT |
HotloadToggleServer | Toggles hot-loading of game db data on the SERVER |
HotspotBoundsDebug | Toggles debug visualization of hotspot bounds |
HotspotForceUpdate | Forces the specified hotspot to immediately update its powers. |
HotspotToggle | Toggles hotspot ticking. |
InstanceReset | |
InteractRegion | Reports the interaction options for a particular region |
InteractReport | Reports the interaction options for a particular entity |
InventoryClear | Clears your general inventory of all items |
InventoryList | Lists all the items in all the inventories of the player and current active avatar |
InventoryUnlock | Attempts to unlocks the specified inventory on the player |
ItemAffixLevelUp | Increase your currently equipped Legendary item's affix-level |
ItemCreate | Create an item and drop it on the ground |
ItemGive | Create an item and add it to your inventory |
ItemGiveDestroyAndAutoEquip | Create an item and equip it destroying current item in destination location |
ItemMaxDrop | Set the max drop item limit for all players |
ItemMove | Move an item in your inventory |
ItemSplitStack | Split a single item off from an item stack in your inventory (main inventory only) |
ItemStackCreate | Create a stack of items and drop them on the ground |
ItemStackGive | Create a stack of items and add them to your inventory |
ItemTrash | Destroy an item in your inventory |
ItemUse | Attempt a use interaction on the item with the given entity ID in this player's inventory |
KillAllSummons | Kill all entities in your current avatar's summoned-entity inventory |
KillAndRemoveControlledAgents | Kills the controlled agents and removes them from the current avatars inventory |
KillControlledAgents | Kills the controlled agents in the current avatars inventory |
KismetSeqPlay | Play a Kismet Sequence |
KismetSeqState | Fire a Kismet Sequence Event |
LagServer | Lag the server randomly |
LatencyBufferDelay | Set the latency buffer delay time |
LatencySet | Set the latency simulator round trip time |
LegendaryMarksSet | Set the number of legendary marks your player has to the specified amount. |
LegendaryMissionShare | Shares your current legendary mission with a party member or the entire party |
LevelUp | Levels your current Avatar |
LevelUpAll | Levels all your Avatars |
LimitedEditionItemGive | Create a limited edition item and add it to your inventory |
LineHitReportClient | Generate a report containing instrumentation information |
LineHitReportServer | Generate a report containing instrumentation information |
LineOfSightTest | |
LiveTuningVarSet | Set the live tuning var with the given enum to the given value |
LoadingScreenStart | Displays the specified loading screen |
LoadingScreenStop | Hide the current loading screen |
LocaleGetResolver | Returns current string tag resolution method. |
LocaleList | Lists the available locales |
LocaleListMods | Lists formatting modifiers available for string construction |
LocaleListTokens | Lists tokens available for string construction by system |
LocaleNextResolver | Cycles current string tag resolution method. |
LocaleSet | Sets the current locale |
Localize | Print the translated text given a 'Translation ref' label starting at the translation data root for the current locale |
LocomotionSync | Toggles experimental locomotion sync mode |
LocomotorHeightSweepToggle | Toggles the height sweep for flying |
LogEntityReport | Logs an entity report. |
LogEventReport | Logs an event report. |
LoggingFlagClearClient | Stop logging on the given log channel |
LoggingFlagClearServer | Stop logging on the given log channel |
LoggingFlagSetClient | Start logging on the given log channel |
LoggingFlagSetServer | Start logging on the given log channel |
LoggingTraceLevelClient | Sets the logging trace level to the given value |
LoggingTraceLevelServer | Sets the logging trace level to the given value |
LogHotspotReport | Logs a hotspot report. |
LootCooldownCurrentTime | Resets the current time used by loot cooldown to real time. |
LootCooldownCurrentTimeSet | The current time used when computing the roll over time by loot. |
LootCooldownReset | Resets all loot cooldown timers on the current player and avatar. |
LootCooldownToggle | If false loot generation will skip the check for per-entity cooldown on loot drops |
LootDebugToggle | Turns on/off debug output for loot tables. Look for verifies when LootTable Roll fails. |
LootDropDebugDraw | Toggles loot debug lines on & off |
LootDropToggle | Toggles loot dropping on and off |
LootGive | Gives loot directly to the player |
LootRollOverSet | Sets all loot cap roll over times to the next rollover time minus N weeks. |
LootSpawn | Spawns loot from the given loot table |
LootStatus | Shows the current Cooldowns and Caps running on the player and avatar. |
LootSummary | Test roll on the given loot table N times and print a result summary |
LootSummaryEntity | Test roll on the given entity N times and print a result summary |
LootSummaryItem | Test roll on the given item N times and print a result summary |
LootTest | Test roll on the given loot table N times with detailed results |
LowPopulationRegions | Prefer low population regions player option. |
MapAlpha | Set the minimap Alpha |
MapColorBlocked | Set the minimap blocked color |
MapColorBlockedEdge | Set the minimap blocked edge color |
MapColorFloor | Set the minimap floor color |
MapEnable | Enable / Disable the minimap |
MapInfoGet | |
MapRevealAll | Reveal the entire region map to the client |
MapRevealRadius | Set the minimap reveal radius |
MapToggleFillerCell | Toggle Minimap Filler Cell Visibility |
MapToggleMainCell | Toggle Minimap Main Cell Visibility |
MapTogglePOIMode | Toggle Minimap POI Render Mode |
MapToggleSmallMapProj | Toggle Small Minimap Projection Mode |
MapZoom | Set the minimap zoom factor |
MemoryReportClient | Generate a csv file in the server directory of all current memory in use |
MemoryReportServer | Generate a csv file in the server directory of all current memory in use |
MetaGameDifficultyPerSec | Set DifficultyRate to value |
MetaGameDifficultySet | Set Difficulty to value |
MetaGameModeSet | Advance the meta game mode to the passed in value |
MetaGameProgressSet | Set Progress to the passed in value |
MetaGameStateApply | Apply Specified State |
MetaGameStateRemove | Remove Specified State |
MetaGameStatesActive | List of states currently Active |
MetaGameWaveCount | Force a wave count |
MetaGameWaveForce | Force a state to activate |
MetaStateWaveCount | Force a wave on a particular MetaStateWaveInstance to the specified count |
MetaStateWaveForce | Force a wave on a particular MetaStateWaveInstance to the specified state |
MissileSocketSpawnToggle | Toggles whether missiles (skillshots) spawn at a specified mesh socket or at the game system position |
MissionActivate | Activates a given mission by prototype name. |
MissionActivateAll | Activates all missions for your player |
MissionActivateLegendary | Forces a given legendary mission to activate. |
MissionAdvance | Advances a given mission by prototype name. |
MissionArrowEntitiesClient | Print a list of all of the entities that should be displaying arrows. |
MissionArrowEntitiesServer | Print a list of all of the entities that should be displaying arrows. |
MissionEntityCreate | Create a mission entity with the given prototype |
MissionItemCreate | Create a mission item and drop it on the ground |
MissionItemGive | Create a mission item and add it to your inventory |
MissionMarkerReport | Shows information about population marker usage by missions |
MissionObjectiveSetState | Sets a mission objective state by prototype name and objective index |
MissionProgressionReset | Resets/clears any of the player's MetaStateMissionProgress saved state |
MissionReset | Resets a given mission by prototype name. |
MissionResetAll | Resets all missions. |
MissionSetState | Sets the state of a mission by prototype name |
ModTypeReset | Resets all skill ranks to zero. |
MotionBlurToggle | Enable/Disable the motion blur effect |
MouseHitShow | Toggles debug view for mouse hit collision volumes |
MouseStopOnRelease | Toggles whether or not you immediately stop when releasing the mouse button when moving or path to the mouse cursor |
MoviePlay | Trigger a movie to play from the server. |
MusicDisable | Disables music playing |
MusicEnable | Enables music playing |
MusicInfo | Display information about the current music track playing |
MusicPlay | Play music track |
MusicStop | Stop current music |
MusicToggle | Toggles music on/off (unmute/mute). |
NaviDebug | |
NaviHeightSweepTest | Toggles the the test mode for height sweep |
NaviPatchReport | Display a report about the complexity of all navi patches found in the game data |
NaviRegen | Regenerate Navigation |
NaviShowPaths | Toggles path debug visualization |
NaviVerifyIntegrityClient | |
NaviVerifyIntegrityServer | |
NetMsgSentGameClient | Display lifetime tracking of message sent to a remote server game |
NetMsgSentGameGIS | Display lifetime tracking of message to remote players across all games on this GIS |
NetMsgSentGameServer | Display lifetime tracking of message to remote players |
NetMsgTracingToggle | Toggles tracing of high-volume network messages. |
NoAffixVarianceToggle | Toggles whether affix property values are rolled in a range, or just pegged to the max |
NoLootDropVarianceToggle | Toggles whether variances should not be computed for loot dropping |
NoVarianceToggle | Toggles whether variances should not be computed (Damage, DamageOverTime, Healing, and Endurance) |
NumNearbyPlayers | No Args: Print number of nearby players. |
ObjectiveGraphClient | Prints the ObjectiveGraph on client. |
ObjectiveGraphDebug | Renders ObjectiveGraph in game. |
ObjectiveGraphMode | Set the mode of the ObjectiveGraph 0, 1, 2 |
ObjectiveGraphServer | Prints the ObjectiveGraph on server. |
OctreeToggle | Toggles the octree visualization on/off |
OmegaBonusPointsChange | Change your player's omega gem points |
OmegaBonusRespec | Respec a specific omega bonus |
OmegaBonusRespecAll | Respec all OmegaBonuses |
OmegaBonusSelect | Select an Omega Bonus using OmegaBonusPoints |
OmegaBonusUnlock | Unlock an Omega Bonus without requiring OmegaBonusPoints |
OneHP | Sets the health of entity id to 1 |
Orient | |
PAMHim | Spawns a new target attached to P.A.M. |
PAMSetHim | Sets the Entity used in Him menu. |
PAMYou | Sets your avatar and attached to P.A.M. |
PartyAccept | Accept a party invite |
PartyBoot | Boot from party |
PartyChangeLeader | Make target new party leader |
PartyDecline | Decline a party invite |
PartyFilterList | Lists any party filters the current player matches |
PartyInfoGet | List party members |
PartyInvite | Invite a player to join a player party group by player name. |
PartyLeave | Leave a party |
PauseCondition | (Un)Pauses a condition's duration timer |
PauseServer | |
PermaBuffUnlock | Unlocks the specified perma-buff (permanently) on the player |
PetTechAffixUnlock | Unlocks the affix at the speicified Rarity, if no rarity is specified it unlocks all affixes. |
PhysicsTest | |
Ping | Test the round-trip time for network traffic |
PlayerAvatarLibraryList | Lists all the avatars currently in the player's library (those not on the current team) |
PlayerCountOverride | |
PlayerReset | Reset player and avatars to default new player state |
PlayerSave | Force an immediate and complete save of the player |
PlayerTeleport | Teleport to the specified player |
PlayerTradeAddItem | Add item from general inventory to trade inventory. |
PlayerTradeCancel | Cancel the current trading session. |
PlayerTradeListInventory | List the player's trade inventory. |
PlayerTradeRemoveItem | Remove item from trade inventory and return it to general inventory. |
PlayerTradeSetConfirmFlag | Set the trade confirmation flag. When both players have set the flag to true, the trade executes. |
PlayerTradeStart | Start trading with a player. |
PlayerTradeStatus | Print the player's trade status. |
PopBlackoutsAtPos | Reports all blackouts that overlap current avatar position. |
PopDensity | Dumps current hostile counts in cells and all relevant SpawnGroups with hostile weight |
PopEnabled | Enables/disables future random population |
PopErrorReport | Reports the errors that have occured in Population System |
PopGroupByEntityId | Gets the spawn group attached to an EntityId. |
PopGroupById | Gets the spawn group by SpawnGroupId. |
PopGroupsByProximity | Does a search for spawn groups within a range. |
PopGroupsContainingEntityRef | Does a reverse search for all spawn groups with that Entity PrototypeDataRef |
PopHandles | Population Memory State |
PopHandlesContainingEntityRef | Population Handles that contain a particular entity ref. |
PopMarkerQuery | Population Marker State |
PopSetCrowdSupression | Reduces the chances to spawn mobs in a radius around existing mobs |
PopSetHeatBleed | Adjusts the Heat Map Bleed of neighbooring tiles on spawn. (0.0f-1.0f) |
PopSetHeatDensity | Adjusts the Heat Map to a new density. (0.0f-0.5f) |
PopSetHeatLevelTick | Adjusts the Heat Map Leveling tick rate. |
PopSetHeatPoolTick | Adjusts the Heat Map Distribute tick rate. |
PopSpawnMapAudit | Reports an Audit of all spawn map heat info. |
PopSpawnMapReset | Population SpawnMap Reset |
PopSpawnMapVis | Population SpawnMap Visualize |
PopSummary | Abreviated Population Memory State |
PowerForceFailToggle | Toggles the ability to force the server to fail power activations and send them to the client |
PowersAllowInAllRegions | Toggles whether some regions can restrict power use |
PowersAllowTeleportToRegion | Toggles whether the TeleportToRegion power event action will function |
PowersAvatarFailReportToggle | Toggles whether we print why the player failed. |
PowersCooldownReset | Clears all cooldowns active on powers, but doesn't disable future ones. |
PowersCooldownToggle | Toggles whether you will be able to activate powers on cooldown or not |
PowersExportAll | Exports all power progression table powers to a file for all Avatars. |
PowersForceActivate | Forces the power to cast in the direction the player faces |
PowersListAssigned | |
PowersListAssignedServer | |
PowersQueueActivate | Activate all powers queue'd up by PowersQueueUp |
PowersQueueRemove | Clear the queue queued up by PowersQueueUp. |
PowersQueueRepeat | Toggles repeating the active queue of powers playing. |
PowersQueueUp | Queue up a power, then fire them all with PowersQueueActivate |
PowersRespec | Resets all current avatar power point allocations and refunds the points. |
PowersShowAreaToggle | Toggles power visualizations |
PowersSpecLockAll | Locks all powers spec slots (except the default one). |
PowersSpecSelect | Activate the specified power spec. It must be unlocked. |
PowersSpecUnlock | Unlocks the next available powers spec slot. |
PowersUltimateRank | Sets the current avatar's Ultimate Power to the specified rank. |
PowersUnlockAll | Unlocks all powers the current Avatar and current Team-Up can use. |
PrestigeModeActivate | Reset current avatar to Level 1 using the Prestige Mode feature. |
PrestigeModeClear | Clear the Prestige Mode state for the current avatar. |
PrintPrototype | Prints the values of the given Prototype |
PrintPrototypeClient | Prints the values of the given Prototype on the Client. |
ProcAlwaysToggle | Toggles whether proc chance rolls will always succeed. |
ProcChanceSet | Overrides the chance that the given proc effect power will proc |
ProfileServerFrame | Toggles server frame profiling. |
PropertyRemove | Removes the given property, resetting it back to its default value |
PropertyRemoveRange | Removes the entire range of the given property enum, restting it back to its default value |
PropertySet | Sets the given property for the given entity to the given value |
PrototypeHistory | Display the replacement history for a prototype guid |
PrototypeList | Lists prototypes that match the search pattern |
PurchaseUnlock | Attempts to purchase the unlock for the given avatar/teamup |
PvPCollisionEnable | Toggles player versus player collision |
RawDamageToggle | Toggles sending raw damage (i.e. reveal scaling by nearby players to client). |
RedeemPromoCodeCheat | Redeems a promo code for current player |
RegionChange | Change the region the local player is in |
RegionPopulationSpawn | Automatically cause all populations in all cells in the current players region to spawn |
RegionPrimitiveToggle | |
RegionRequestQueue | Request to enter a queue |
RegionRequestQueueAccept | Accept an available match |
RegionRequestQueueDecline | Decline an available match |
RegionRequestQueueForce | Force starts a match with players in queue of question |
RegionRequestQueueInfo | Report Info on queue and matches |
RegionReset | Reload the region with a different seed |
RegionWarp | Transport yourself to a specific region. |
ReleaseCheckVerify | Checks if an avatar or team up has all the correct data set up for release |
ReloadGamePackages | Reloads the Game Packages (that are needed given the AOI |
ResetVolumeLevels | Resets all audio volume levels to max. |
Respawning | |
RosterLoadAvatar | Loads the given roster avatar from the database |
RunestonesSet | Set the number of runestones your player has to the specified amount. |
ScreenArrowDebugTextToggle | Toggles debug text on screen arrows |
ServerNotification | Sends a server message to all clients |
SetAudioBudget | Sets the audio budget (in MB). |
SetMocoVolume | Sets the volume of the motion comics. |
SetMusicVolume | Sets the music volume. |
SetSfxVolume | Sets the volume of sfx/ui. |
SetVoiceoverVolume | Sets the volume of voiceover. |
SfxToggle | Toggles sound effects on/off. |
ShowServerPosition | Toggles showing server's position for entities |
SiteCommunityBatchBroadcastCountLimit | Set the community batch broadcast limit |
SiteCommunityBatchBroadcastMaxPerMessage | Set the community max batch broadcasts per message |
SiteCommunityBatchBroadcastTimeLimitInSeconds | Set the community batch broadcast time limit in seconds |
SiteCommunityMultithreadedBroadcasts | Enable or disable multi-threaded broadcast sends |
SiteGameInfo | Display information for a game instance |
SiteLoginQueueStatus | Display login queue status |
SiteMatchQueueAvailability | Set queue availability |
SiteOpenMissionQuery | Lists the state of open missions in the current region |
SitePlayerInfo | Display information for a player |
SitePlayerList | Display list of players (including online and offline) |
SitePlayerListOffline | Display list of offline players that we still have state for in the site |
SitePlayerListOnline | Display list of only online players |
SiteRegionChange | Transport yourself to a specific region instance by id. Player limits and region age are bypassed. |
SiteRegionInfo | Display information for a region instance |
SiteRegionList | Get all regions at the site sorted by player population |
SiteRegionShutdown | Kicks all players from region |
SiteServerInfo | Display information for a Game Instance Server |
SiteServerList | List all Game Instances Servers at the host site |
SiteServerListByLoad | List all Game Instances Servers at the host site sorted by load |
SiteSetLoadTestMultiplier | Set a multiplier the target server will use when reporting load |
SkillsReport | Lists your skill ranks. |
SkillsSet | Sets a skill to a value. |
SleepClient | Sleeps the client |
SleepServer | Sleeps the server |
Slomo | Sets the time dialation multiplier |
Smite | Kills entity by id. Triggers all normal combat side-effects. Some targets may be invulnerable. |
SmiteAOE | Kills all hostiles around the avatar within a given radius. Triggers all normal combat side-effects. Some targets may be invulnerable. |
SpawnerEnable | Enable or Disable a spawner |
SpawnerPulse | Pulse a spawner |
StealPower | Steal a power that is in this avatar's StealablePowersAllowed list. The Power will be slotted in the stealable power ref's place |
StealPowerWithValidation | Steal a power that is in this avatar's StealablePowersAllowed list. The Power will be slotted in the s |
StolenPowerForget | Unassign a stolen power. |
StoreDeliveryBoxListInventory | List the player's store delivery box inventory. |
StoryNotificationVOPlay | |
TargetShadersToggle | Enable/Disable all hit and mouse-over shader effects |
TeamUpDestroy | Destroy a Team Up, removing it from the TeamUp Library |
TeamUpDismiss | Dismiss the currently selected Team Up, removing it from the world. |
TeamUpLevel | Sets the character level of your current TeamUp |
TeamUpLevelAll | Sets the character level of ALL TeamUps |
TeamUpPowerSelect | Select the specified power in the current Team Up's power progression. |
TeamUpRespec | Forget all power choices of your the current TeamUp |
TeamUpSelect | Select an unlocked Team Up to be the currently active one for the current Avatar. |
TeamUpStyle | Sets the style of your current TeamUp (assigns a basic passive power) |
TeamUpSummon | Summon the currently selected Team Up, spawning it in the world. |
TeamUpUnlock | Unlock a Team Up, creating it in the TeamUp Library |
TeamUpUnlockAll | Unlock ALL Team Ups, creating them in the TeamUp Library |
TenacityToggle | Toggles tenacity computation. |
TestItemLinkChat | Unit test for item linking say |
TestItemLinkTell | Unit test for item linking tell |
TestNaviCreateDoor | |
TestNaviRemoveDoor | |
TestNaviSweep | |
TestTooltipMod | |
TestTooltipPower | |
ToggleMobLosVisibility | Toggles whether mobs get hidden when out of line-of-sight |
TooltipHiddenTextToggle | Toggles showing tooltip text that is marked as #hidden# (for advanced tooltips). |
TutorialDisableTips | Disables tutorial tips |
TutorialEnableTips | Enables tutorial tips |
TutorialResetTips | Resets all tutorial tips |
TutorialShowTip | Shows a tutorial tip |
UIAudioToggle | Toggles UI audio on/off. |
UINotificationToggle | Toggles UI notifications on/off |
UIPlayerHUDConsider | Calls PropertyHUD::Consider on an EntityId for debugging. |
UIPlayerHUDInterest | Dumps list of tracked UI entities. |
UnhandledExceptionClient | Fire an unhandled exception on the client |
UnhandledExceptionServer | Fire an unhandled exception on the server |
UniqueBoxGive | Create a box that, when used, grants uniques and cosmics, and add it to your inventory. |
UnloadGamePackages | Attempts to Unload all Packages |
UnlockEmotePower | Unlocks an emote power for a specific avatar |
VanityTitleLockAll | Re-lock all Vanity Titles for the player |
VanityTitleSelect | Select a Vanity Title for current avatar from those the player has unlocked |
VanityTitleUnlock | Unlock a Vanity Title for the player |
VendorDonateItem | Donates to the current open vendor the first item found in your player inv or the item with the specified EntityId if one is given |
VendorEnergySet | Sets your vendor energy level in the given VendorType to 100%, or to the specified [0,1] pct if given |
VendorLevelUp | Increases your vendor level in the given VendorType by 1 or to the specified level if given |
VendorRefresh | Requests refresh of the inventory of the current open vendor entity |
VendorStats | Prints your current vendor level, XP, and current energy pct for each VendorType |
VerifyClient | Fires a verify failure on the client |
VerifyServer | Fire a failed verify on the server |
VerifyUploadSet | Set which verifies are shown on the client. Use the format: +ALL,-TEST |
Version | Displays the game version |
WalletBalance | Get balance in the wallet |
WalletBuyGift | Buy gift from the catalog. |
WalletBuyItem | Buy an item that was in the catalog. |
WarpArea | Warp to random location inside of specified area. If multiple areas exist, the first one will be chosen. |
WarpAreaNext | Warp to the next area in a region |
WarpAreaPrev | Warp to the next area in a region |
WarpCell | Warp to random location inside of specified cell. If multiple areas exist, the first one will be chosen. |
WarpCellNext | Warp to the next cell in a region |
WarpCellPrev | Warp to the next cell in a region |
WarpEntityId | Warp next to the entity specified |
WarpEntityNext | Warp to the next closest entity moving forward through the set |
WarpEntityPrev | Warp to the next closest entity moving reverse through the set |
WarpMissionEntityNext | Warp to the next closest entity relevant to the given mission |
WarpMissionEntityPrev | Warp to the previous closest entity relevant to the given mission |
WarpPosition | Warp to the specified position |
WarpTransitionNext | Warp to the next transition entity in a region |
WarpTransitionPrev | Warp to the next transition entity in a region |
WarpWaypoint | Warps to a given waypoint |
WaypointList | Shows the status of all waypoints |
WaypointLock | Locks a given waypoint |
WaypointLockAll | Locks all waypoints |
WaypointUnlock | Unlocks a given waypoint |
WaypointUnlockAll | Unlocks all waypoints |
WhoRegion | Display players in your current region |
WhoServer | Display players in your current game instance server |
XPAwardCount | Displays the number of times the currently active Avatar received XP due to a mob kill |
XPAwardCountReset | Resets the Kill Counter for the currently active avatar |
XPNumbersToggle | Toggles the display of floating experience numbers over entities |