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Internal Console Commands

These are console commands that were available in internal game builds as of version 1.0.4932.0 from June 25, 2015.

Name Description
AbilitiesRemoveAll Removes all abilities slotted on the local player's current avatar
AbilityActivate Casts the specified ability in the facing direction
AbilityRemove Remove the ability in the given slot for the local player's current avatar
AbilitySlot Slots the given ability prototype in the given slot for the local player's current avatar
AchievementCompleteAll Completes the progress for all achievements.
AchievementEventReport Prints information about how many achievement events have been processed and the average events per second
AchievementFireEvent Simulates firing a game event for the achievement.
AchievementIdToggle Toggles display of Achievement Ids in the UI.
AchievementList Prints a list of achievements.
AchievementReset Resets the progress for an achievement.
AchievementResetAll Resets the progress for all achievements.
AchievementScores Prints total achievement score and per category scores.
AchievementStatus Prints the status of the achievement specified by id.
AcquireAndSwitchToAvatar Unlock and switch to the specified playable character
ActionLoopToggle Toggles the player to repeat their last action (basic attack or power)
AIBlackboardPropertySet Set a blackboard property on a specific AI agents
AIPerformanceTimeSliceClient Set this value for the performance capture time slice on the client
AIPerformanceTimeSliceServer Set this value for the performance capture time slice on the server
AISetProceduralOverride Override a procedural AI with a given profile
AIToggle Toggles the specified agent's AI override
AllianceSet Sets the Alliance property as given for the given entity
AnimDebugTextToggle Toggles the display of anim debug text in world next to entities
AOIDiscovered Prints a list of discovered entities.
AOIRefresh Refresh AOI
AOIRevealAll Override AOI to reveal everything
AOIRevealDefault Remove any AOI override that has been enabled
AOIUpdateOthers Tell the server to consider your current entity in all AOI
ApocolypseEngine Teleports player around level and destroys everything hostile in region.
ApprovalThresholdSet Set the approval threshold of the game database.
AreaListInCurrentRegion Display a list of the areas in the current region
AssertClient Fire an assert on the client
AssertServer Fires an assert on the server
AudioBusStatus Displays the current status for audio busses
AudioToggle Toggles all audio on/off.
AvatarSpeed Sets a multiplier on your current avatar's speed
AvatarsUnlockShipping Unlocks the playable characters that we plan to ship
AvatarSynergySelect Enables/disables avatar synergies from the specified avatar on your current avatar
AwardXp Grants specified amount of XP to your current avatar
BadgeList Lists all badges on the current account.
BlockerEntityVisToggle Enable/disable invisible blocker entity debug visualization
BlueprintHistory Display the replacement history for a blueprint guid
BlueprintList Lists blueprints that match the search pattern
BotAIToggle Toggle the bot AI
BotGodMode Makes the current Avatar invulnerable but keeps ability cooldowns.
Bug Submits a bug description
CameraLoadSettings Load a camera setting prototype
CatalogList Lists items in the catalog.
CellSetNextCell Change the player into the next cell in a cellset for testing
CellSetTest Change the player into a cellset for testing
CellTest Change the player into a cell for testing
ChapterList Shows the status of all chapters
ChapterLock Locks a given chapter
ChapterLockAll Locks all chapters
ChapterUnlock Unlocks a given chapter
ChapterUnlockAll Unlocks all chapters
ClientDownloaderSet Set the client downloader as returned by the static function in ClientApp
ClusterGamesGet Get a report of all the live games on the server cluster
ClusterPlayerStateLifetime Change the lifetime player state is kept on the client manager after logout. Note does not affect already logged out players.
ClusterRegionAccessChange Change the access of the region you are in.
ClusterRegionCloseLifetime Change the lifetime of regions that can soft close
ClusterRegionEmptyLifetime Change the lifetime of regions that can shutdown when empty
ClusterRegionMaxPlayers Change the max players allowed for ALL regions.
ClusterRegionsGet Get a report of all the live games on the server cluster
ClusterServersGet Get a report of all the live games on the server cluster
ClusterWorldViewGet Get a report of the world view for the specified player from the client manager
ClusterWorldViewShrinkToCurrent Reduce my world view to only the current region that I'm in
CohortClear Clears the given experiment's cohort for metrics
CohortSet Forces a given experiment/cohort for metrics
CombatLevel Sets the effective level in combat of your current Avatar
CombatLogToggle Toggles the logging of combat details to chat
CommandBatch Run a series of console commands separated by a semicolon (
CommunityAddMember Add a player to a community circle
CommunityListClient List client community
CommunityListServer List server community
CommunityRemoveMember Remove a player from a community circle
ConditionsRemoveAll Removes all conditions from the local player's current avatar (including persisted ones)
ControlsPreferLastClicked Toggles whether when entities overlap underneath the cursor, the last clicked on will be chosen
Craft Attempts to craft the recipe with the given ID using the ingredients with the given ID's
CraftGetResults Moves any items from your crafting results inventory to your general inventory
CrashClient Force client crash
CrashServer Force server crash
CreditsSet Set the amount of money your player has to the specified amount.
CritChanceSet Set the Crit and SuperCrit chance. Default: Resets Crit and SuperCrit chance.
CriticalThreadTimeoutServer Timeout the game thread on the server.
CurrencyCapsClient Prints all the player's currency caps on the client.
CurrencyItemsConvertPrintLog Forces a print of the currency conversion log
CurrencyItemsConvertTest Converts Items to Currency
CurrencyItemsConvertToggle Turns on/off conversion of Currency Items to Currency properties
CurrencySet Set the amount of the specified currency your player has to the specified amount.
DamageToggle Toggles damage for all entities ON/OFF
DataMineReports Display a report of game instances including how many players are currently online
DataValidateDisplay Display the list of client data validation errors that have occurred
DataValidatePrototype Run data validation on a prototype
DeathLimitsDisable Disables any death limit metastates in the current region's metagames
DeathLimitSet Sets the numbers of deaths that have happened.
DeathPenaltyToggle Toggles the penalties for dieing ON/OFF
DebugAvatarDestroy Directly destroys your current avatar, used for debugging only
DebugHUDSetEntity Sets the current entity for the debug HUD.
DebugHUDSetEntityToPlayer Sets the local player as the entity for the debug HUD.
Die Kills the current avatar
DifficultyIndexSet Set the region difficulty index to the specified value.
DifficultySet Set the region difficulty to the specified value.
DisplayNameToggle Swaps Display Name for Prototype Names
DodgeChanceSet Set the dodge change. Default: Resets dodge chance.
DPSHUDResetAll Resets the entire DPS hud. Resets the Session time for SESSON DPS
DPSHUDResetSingle Resets a single power for the DPS hud, Removing its data from the DPS calculation.
Duel Invite a player to join a player in a Duel!
DuelAccept Accept a pending invite to a Duel!
DuelCancel Cancel a pending invite or cancel your invite to a Duel!
EnableSpecializationPower Enables or disables a specialization power
EntityBoostCreate Create the entity with the given prototype (w/ optional modifier)
EntityCreate Create the entity with the given prototype (optional # of them to create)
EntityCreateShortcutOverride Set the entity that is created via Ctrl-Shift-H
EntityDebug Display Entities that have hopped off the navi mesh
EntityInWorldCount Outputs list of all entities in world and how many of each type.
EntityKill Kill the entity with the given ID. DOES NOT invoke full combat code path.
EntityKillByRef Kill the entity with the given data ref. DOES NOT invoke full combat code path.
EntityListByProximity Displays a list of WorldEntities near the player, Default = 1000.f
EntityListClient Display a list of all the entities on the client
EntityListServer Display a list of all the entities on the server
EntitySetState Sets the State of the Entity
EntityTrackerReport Outputs a list of all tracked objects in the current player's region.
EnvironmentMapGuess Overrides the current environment map with a best guess
EnvironmentMapSet Overrides the current environment map
EnvironmentMapSetPackage Overrides the current environment map
EquipRestrictionsToggle Toggles item equip restrictions. Use with caution.
EvalDebug Runs Eval Practice and reports value
EvalUnitTest Runs Eval Unit Test
FactionSet Set your player's Faction for Pvp
FidgetAnimsToggle Toggles whether characters that support idle fidget animations will play them
FloatingNumbersToggle Toggles forced display of floating damage numbers over entities
GameIdGet Get the id of the current game on the server
GetMocoVolume Gets the volume of the motion comics.
GetMusicVolume Gets the music volume.
GetSfxVolume Gets the volume of sfx/ui.
GetVoiceoverVolume Gets the volume of voiceover.
GetVolumeLevels Displays all the volume levels
GISGameCrash Crash a server game by id
GISGameListGet Get a list of game ids running on the current GIS
GlobalGameEventDonate Donates count of items for a global game event.
GodMode Makes the current Avatar invulnerable and able to use powers as frequently as desired.
GracePeriod Set the grace period for players.
GuildCreate Form a new guild
GuildDemote Demotes officers to members, kicks members from the guild
GuildEntityClient Print to the console the guild information stored on the entity.
GuildEntityServer Print to the console the guild information stored on the entity.
GuildInviteNotify Test the notification system for guild invites
GuildInvitePlayer Invite another player to your guild
GuildLeader Select a new guild leader, can only be done by the current leader.
GuildLeave Leave your current guild
GuildListAllClient Print to the console all guilds the client has knowledge of.
GuildListAllServer Print to the console all guilds the server game has knowledge of.
GuildListLocalClient Print to the console what your client knows about your own guild.
GuildListLocalServer Print to the console what the server knows about your own guild.
GuildNameChange Change the name of your guild
GuildPromote Promotes members to officers
GuildsUnlock Toggle the unlocked status of guilds for your player.
HardMode Toggles development hard mode, which buffs mobs and debuffs players
HasKeyword Tests if keyword is present on entity
HealthBarToggleAvatars Toggles whether in-world health bars are shown for avatars
HealthBarToggleMobs Toggles whether in world health bars are shown for mobs
HealthSetPct Sets the HP on a target entity id
Help List all commands and their descriptions, optionally takes name of a specific command for more info
HotloadToggle Toggles hot-loading of game db data on both the client and the server
HotloadToggleClient Toggles hot-loading of game db data on the CLIENT
HotloadToggleServer Toggles hot-loading of game db data on the SERVER
HotspotBoundsDebug Toggles debug visualization of hotspot bounds
HotspotForceUpdate Forces the specified hotspot to immediately update its powers.
HotspotToggle Toggles hotspot ticking.
InteractRegion Reports the interaction options for a particular region
InteractReport Reports the interaction options for a particular entity
InventoryClear Clears your general inventory of all items
InventoryList Lists all the items in all the inventories of the player and current active avatar
InventoryUnlock Attempts to unlocks the specified inventory on the player
ItemAffixLevelUp Increase your currently equipped Legendary item's affix-level
ItemCreate Create an item and drop it on the ground
ItemGive Create an item and add it to your inventory
ItemGiveDestroyAndAutoEquip Create an item and equip it destroying current item in destination location
ItemMaxDrop Set the max drop item limit for all players
ItemMove Move an item in your inventory
ItemSplitStack Split a single item off from an item stack in your inventory (main inventory only)
ItemStackCreate Create a stack of items and drop them on the ground
ItemStackGive Create a stack of items and add them to your inventory
ItemTrash Destroy an item in your inventory
ItemUse Attempt a use interaction on the item with the given entity ID in this player's inventory
KillAllSummons Kill all entities in your current avatar's summoned-entity inventory
KillAndRemoveControlledAgents Kills the controlled agents and removes them from the current avatars inventory
KillControlledAgents Kills the controlled agents in the current avatars inventory
KismetSeqPlay Play a Kismet Sequence
KismetSeqState Fire a Kismet Sequence Event
LagServer Lag the server randomly
LatencyBufferDelay Set the latency buffer delay time
LatencySet Set the latency simulator round trip time
LegendaryMarksSet Set the number of legendary marks your player has to the specified amount.
LegendaryMissionShare Shares your current legendary mission with a party member or the entire party
LevelUp Levels your current Avatar
LevelUpAll Levels all your Avatars
LimitedEditionItemGive Create a limited edition item and add it to your inventory
LineHitReportClient Generate a report containing instrumentation information
LineHitReportServer Generate a report containing instrumentation information
LiveTuningVarSet Set the live tuning var with the given enum to the given value
LoadingScreenStart Displays the specified loading screen
LoadingScreenStop Hide the current loading screen
LocaleGetResolver Returns current string tag resolution method.
LocaleList Lists the available locales
LocaleListMods Lists formatting modifiers available for string construction
LocaleListTokens Lists tokens available for string construction by system
LocaleNextResolver Cycles current string tag resolution method.
LocaleSet Sets the current locale
Localize Print the translated text given a 'Translation ref' label starting at the translation data root for the current locale
LocomotionSync Toggles experimental locomotion sync mode
LocomotorHeightSweepToggle Toggles the height sweep for flying
LogEntityReport Logs an entity report.
LogEventReport Logs an event report.
LoggingFlagClearClient Stop logging on the given log channel
LoggingFlagClearServer Stop logging on the given log channel
LoggingFlagSetClient Start logging on the given log channel
LoggingFlagSetServer Start logging on the given log channel
LoggingTraceLevelClient Sets the logging trace level to the given value
LoggingTraceLevelServer Sets the logging trace level to the given value
LogHotspotReport Logs a hotspot report.
LootCooldownCurrentTime Resets the current time used by loot cooldown to real time.
LootCooldownCurrentTimeSet The current time used when computing the roll over time by loot.
LootCooldownReset Resets all loot cooldown timers on the current player and avatar.
LootCooldownToggle If false loot generation will skip the check for per-entity cooldown on loot drops
LootDebugToggle Turns on/off debug output for loot tables. Look for verifies when LootTable Roll fails.
LootDropDebugDraw Toggles loot debug lines on & off
LootDropToggle Toggles loot dropping on and off
LootGive Gives loot directly to the player
LootRollOverSet Sets all loot cap roll over times to the next rollover time minus N weeks.
LootSpawn Spawns loot from the given loot table
LootStatus Shows the current Cooldowns and Caps running on the player and avatar.
LootSummary Test roll on the given loot table N times and print a result summary
LootSummaryEntity Test roll on the given entity N times and print a result summary
LootSummaryItem Test roll on the given item N times and print a result summary
LootTest Test roll on the given loot table N times with detailed results
LowPopulationRegions Prefer low population regions player option.
MapAlpha Set the minimap Alpha
MapColorBlocked Set the minimap blocked color
MapColorBlockedEdge Set the minimap blocked edge color
MapColorFloor Set the minimap floor color
MapEnable Enable / Disable the minimap
MapRevealAll Reveal the entire region map to the client
MapRevealRadius Set the minimap reveal radius
MapToggleFillerCell Toggle Minimap Filler Cell Visibility
MapToggleMainCell Toggle Minimap Main Cell Visibility
MapTogglePOIMode Toggle Minimap POI Render Mode
MapToggleSmallMapProj Toggle Small Minimap Projection Mode
MapZoom Set the minimap zoom factor
MemoryReportClient Generate a csv file in the server directory of all current memory in use
MemoryReportServer Generate a csv file in the server directory of all current memory in use
MetaGameDifficultyPerSec Set DifficultyRate to value
MetaGameDifficultySet Set Difficulty to value
MetaGameModeSet Advance the meta game mode to the passed in value
MetaGameProgressSet Set Progress to the passed in value
MetaGameStateApply Apply Specified State
MetaGameStateRemove Remove Specified State
MetaGameStatesActive List of states currently Active
MetaGameWaveCount Force a wave count
MetaGameWaveForce Force a state to activate
MetaStateWaveCount Force a wave on a particular MetaStateWaveInstance to the specified count
MetaStateWaveForce Force a wave on a particular MetaStateWaveInstance to the specified state
MissileSocketSpawnToggle Toggles whether missiles (skillshots) spawn at a specified mesh socket or at the game system position
MissionActivate Activates a given mission by prototype name.
MissionActivateAll Activates all missions for your player
MissionActivateLegendary Forces a given legendary mission to activate.
MissionAdvance Advances a given mission by prototype name.
MissionArrowEntitiesClient Print a list of all of the entities that should be displaying arrows.
MissionArrowEntitiesServer Print a list of all of the entities that should be displaying arrows.
MissionEntityCreate Create a mission entity with the given prototype
MissionItemCreate Create a mission item and drop it on the ground
MissionItemGive Create a mission item and add it to your inventory
MissionMarkerReport Shows information about population marker usage by missions
MissionObjectiveSetState Sets a mission objective state by prototype name and objective index
MissionProgressionReset Resets/clears any of the player's MetaStateMissionProgress saved state
MissionReset Resets a given mission by prototype name.
MissionResetAll Resets all missions.
MissionSetState Sets the state of a mission by prototype name
ModTypeReset Resets all skill ranks to zero.
MotionBlurToggle Enable/Disable the motion blur effect
MouseHitShow Toggles debug view for mouse hit collision volumes
MouseStopOnRelease Toggles whether or not you immediately stop when releasing the mouse button when moving or path to the mouse cursor
MoviePlay Trigger a movie to play from the server.
MusicDisable Disables music playing
MusicEnable Enables music playing
MusicInfo Display information about the current music track playing
MusicPlay Play music track
MusicStop Stop current music
MusicToggle Toggles music on/off (unmute/mute).
NaviHeightSweepTest Toggles the the test mode for height sweep
NaviPatchReport Display a report about the complexity of all navi patches found in the game data
NaviRegen Regenerate Navigation
NaviShowPaths Toggles path debug visualization
NetMsgSentGameClient Display lifetime tracking of message sent to a remote server game
NetMsgSentGameGIS Display lifetime tracking of message to remote players across all games on this GIS
NetMsgSentGameServer Display lifetime tracking of message to remote players
NetMsgTracingToggle Toggles tracing of high-volume network messages.
NoAffixVarianceToggle Toggles whether affix property values are rolled in a range, or just pegged to the max
NoLootDropVarianceToggle Toggles whether variances should not be computed for loot dropping
NoVarianceToggle Toggles whether variances should not be computed (Damage, DamageOverTime, Healing, and Endurance)
NumNearbyPlayers No Args: Print number of nearby players.
ObjectiveGraphClient Prints the ObjectiveGraph on client.
ObjectiveGraphDebug Renders ObjectiveGraph in game.
ObjectiveGraphMode Set the mode of the ObjectiveGraph 0, 1, 2
ObjectiveGraphServer Prints the ObjectiveGraph on server.
OctreeToggle Toggles the octree visualization on/off
OmegaBonusPointsChange Change your player's omega gem points
OmegaBonusRespec Respec a specific omega bonus
OmegaBonusRespecAll Respec all OmegaBonuses
OmegaBonusSelect Select an Omega Bonus using OmegaBonusPoints
OmegaBonusUnlock Unlock an Omega Bonus without requiring OmegaBonusPoints
OneHP Sets the health of entity id to 1
PAMHim Spawns a new target attached to P.A.M.
PAMSetHim Sets the Entity used in Him menu.
PAMYou Sets your avatar and attached to P.A.M.
PartyAccept Accept a party invite
PartyBoot Boot from party
PartyChangeLeader Make target new party leader
PartyDecline Decline a party invite
PartyFilterList Lists any party filters the current player matches
PartyInfoGet List party members
PartyInvite Invite a player to join a player party group by player name.
PartyLeave Leave a party
PauseCondition (Un)Pauses a condition's duration timer
PermaBuffUnlock Unlocks the specified perma-buff (permanently) on the player
PetTechAffixUnlock Unlocks the affix at the speicified Rarity, if no rarity is specified it unlocks all affixes.
Ping Test the round-trip time for network traffic
PlayerAvatarLibraryList Lists all the avatars currently in the player's library (those not on the current team)
PlayerReset Reset player and avatars to default new player state
PlayerSave Force an immediate and complete save of the player
PlayerTeleport Teleport to the specified player
PlayerTradeAddItem Add item from general inventory to trade inventory.
PlayerTradeCancel Cancel the current trading session.
PlayerTradeListInventory List the player's trade inventory.
PlayerTradeRemoveItem Remove item from trade inventory and return it to general inventory.
PlayerTradeSetConfirmFlag Set the trade confirmation flag. When both players have set the flag to true, the trade executes.
PlayerTradeStart Start trading with a player.
PlayerTradeStatus Print the player's trade status.
PopBlackoutsAtPos Reports all blackouts that overlap current avatar position.
PopDensity Dumps current hostile counts in cells and all relevant SpawnGroups with hostile weight
PopEnabled Enables/disables future random population
PopErrorReport Reports the errors that have occured in Population System
PopGroupByEntityId Gets the spawn group attached to an EntityId.
PopGroupById Gets the spawn group by SpawnGroupId.
PopGroupsByProximity Does a search for spawn groups within a range.
PopGroupsContainingEntityRef Does a reverse search for all spawn groups with that Entity PrototypeDataRef
PopHandles Population Memory State
PopHandlesContainingEntityRef Population Handles that contain a particular entity ref.
PopMarkerQuery Population Marker State
PopSetCrowdSupression Reduces the chances to spawn mobs in a radius around existing mobs
PopSetHeatBleed Adjusts the Heat Map Bleed of neighbooring tiles on spawn. (0.0f-1.0f)
PopSetHeatDensity Adjusts the Heat Map to a new density. (0.0f-0.5f)
PopSetHeatLevelTick Adjusts the Heat Map Leveling tick rate.
PopSetHeatPoolTick Adjusts the Heat Map Distribute tick rate.
PopSpawnMapAudit Reports an Audit of all spawn map heat info.
PopSpawnMapReset Population SpawnMap Reset
PopSpawnMapVis Population SpawnMap Visualize
PopSummary Abreviated Population Memory State
PowerForceFailToggle Toggles the ability to force the server to fail power activations and send them to the client
PowersAllowInAllRegions Toggles whether some regions can restrict power use
PowersAllowTeleportToRegion Toggles whether the TeleportToRegion power event action will function
PowersAvatarFailReportToggle Toggles whether we print why the player failed.
PowersCooldownReset Clears all cooldowns active on powers, but doesn't disable future ones.
PowersCooldownToggle Toggles whether you will be able to activate powers on cooldown or not
PowersExportAll Exports all power progression table powers to a file for all Avatars.
PowersForceActivate Forces the power to cast in the direction the player faces
PowersQueueActivate Activate all powers queue'd up by PowersQueueUp
PowersQueueRemove Clear the queue queued up by PowersQueueUp.
PowersQueueRepeat Toggles repeating the active queue of powers playing.
PowersQueueUp Queue up a power, then fire them all with PowersQueueActivate
PowersRespec Resets all current avatar power point allocations and refunds the points.
PowersShowAreaToggle Toggles power visualizations
PowersSpecLockAll Locks all powers spec slots (except the default one).
PowersSpecSelect Activate the specified power spec. It must be unlocked.
PowersSpecUnlock Unlocks the next available powers spec slot.
PowersUltimateRank Sets the current avatar's Ultimate Power to the specified rank.
PowersUnlockAll Unlocks all powers the current Avatar and current Team-Up can use.
PrestigeModeActivate Reset current avatar to Level 1 using the Prestige Mode feature.
PrestigeModeClear Clear the Prestige Mode state for the current avatar.
PrintPrototype Prints the values of the given Prototype
PrintPrototypeClient Prints the values of the given Prototype on the Client.
ProcAlwaysToggle Toggles whether proc chance rolls will always succeed.
ProcChanceSet Overrides the chance that the given proc effect power will proc
ProfileServerFrame Toggles server frame profiling.
PropertyRemove Removes the given property, resetting it back to its default value
PropertyRemoveRange Removes the entire range of the given property enum, restting it back to its default value
PropertySet Sets the given property for the given entity to the given value
PrototypeHistory Display the replacement history for a prototype guid
PrototypeList Lists prototypes that match the search pattern
PurchaseUnlock Attempts to purchase the unlock for the given avatar/teamup
PvPCollisionEnable Toggles player versus player collision
RawDamageToggle Toggles sending raw damage (i.e. reveal scaling by nearby players to client).
RedeemPromoCodeCheat Redeems a promo code for current player
RegionChange Change the region the local player is in
RegionPopulationSpawn Automatically cause all populations in all cells in the current players region to spawn
RegionRequestQueue Request to enter a queue
RegionRequestQueueAccept Accept an available match
RegionRequestQueueDecline Decline an available match
RegionRequestQueueForce Force starts a match with players in queue of question
RegionRequestQueueInfo Report Info on queue and matches
RegionReset Reload the region with a different seed
RegionWarp Transport yourself to a specific region.
ReleaseCheckVerify Checks if an avatar or team up has all the correct data set up for release
ReloadGamePackages Reloads the Game Packages (that are needed given the AOI
ResetVolumeLevels Resets all audio volume levels to max.
RosterLoadAvatar Loads the given roster avatar from the database
RunestonesSet Set the number of runestones your player has to the specified amount.
ScreenArrowDebugTextToggle Toggles debug text on screen arrows
ServerNotification Sends a server message to all clients
SetAudioBudget Sets the audio budget (in MB).
SetMocoVolume Sets the volume of the motion comics.
SetMusicVolume Sets the music volume.
SetSfxVolume Sets the volume of sfx/ui.
SetVoiceoverVolume Sets the volume of voiceover.
SfxToggle Toggles sound effects on/off.
ShowServerPosition Toggles showing server's position for entities
SiteCommunityBatchBroadcastCountLimit Set the community batch broadcast limit
SiteCommunityBatchBroadcastMaxPerMessage Set the community max batch broadcasts per message
SiteCommunityBatchBroadcastTimeLimitInSeconds Set the community batch broadcast time limit in seconds
SiteCommunityMultithreadedBroadcasts Enable or disable multi-threaded broadcast sends
SiteGameInfo Display information for a game instance
SiteLoginQueueStatus Display login queue status
SiteMatchQueueAvailability Set queue availability
SiteOpenMissionQuery Lists the state of open missions in the current region
SitePlayerInfo Display information for a player
SitePlayerList Display list of players (including online and offline)
SitePlayerListOffline Display list of offline players that we still have state for in the site
SitePlayerListOnline Display list of only online players
SiteRegionChange Transport yourself to a specific region instance by id. Player limits and region age are bypassed.
SiteRegionInfo Display information for a region instance
SiteRegionList Get all regions at the site sorted by player population
SiteRegionShutdown Kicks all players from region
SiteServerInfo Display information for a Game Instance Server
SiteServerList List all Game Instances Servers at the host site
SiteServerListByLoad List all Game Instances Servers at the host site sorted by load
SiteSetLoadTestMultiplier Set a multiplier the target server will use when reporting load
SkillsReport Lists your skill ranks.
SkillsSet Sets a skill to a value.
SleepClient Sleeps the client
SleepServer Sleeps the server
Slomo Sets the time dialation multiplier
Smite Kills entity by id. Triggers all normal combat side-effects. Some targets may be invulnerable.
SmiteAOE Kills all hostiles around the avatar within a given radius. Triggers all normal combat side-effects. Some targets may be invulnerable.
SpawnerEnable Enable or Disable a spawner
SpawnerPulse Pulse a spawner
StealPower Steal a power that is in this avatar's StealablePowersAllowed list. The Power will be slotted in the stealable power ref's place
StealPowerWithValidation Steal a power that is in this avatar's StealablePowersAllowed list. The Power will be slotted in the s
StolenPowerForget Unassign a stolen power.
StoreDeliveryBoxListInventory List the player's store delivery box inventory.
TargetShadersToggle Enable/Disable all hit and mouse-over shader effects
TeamUpDestroy Destroy a Team Up, removing it from the TeamUp Library
TeamUpDismiss Dismiss the currently selected Team Up, removing it from the world.
TeamUpLevel Sets the character level of your current TeamUp
TeamUpLevelAll Sets the character level of ALL TeamUps
TeamUpPowerSelect Select the specified power in the current Team Up's power progression.
TeamUpRespec Forget all power choices of your the current TeamUp
TeamUpSelect Select an unlocked Team Up to be the currently active one for the current Avatar.
TeamUpStyle Sets the style of your current TeamUp (assigns a basic passive power)
TeamUpSummon Summon the currently selected Team Up, spawning it in the world.
TeamUpUnlock Unlock a Team Up, creating it in the TeamUp Library
TeamUpUnlockAll Unlock ALL Team Ups, creating them in the TeamUp Library
TenacityToggle Toggles tenacity computation.
TestItemLinkChat Unit test for item linking say
TestItemLinkTell Unit test for item linking tell
ToggleMobLosVisibility Toggles whether mobs get hidden when out of line-of-sight
TooltipHiddenTextToggle Toggles showing tooltip text that is marked as #hidden# (for advanced tooltips).
TutorialDisableTips Disables tutorial tips
TutorialEnableTips Enables tutorial tips
TutorialResetTips Resets all tutorial tips
TutorialShowTip Shows a tutorial tip
UIAudioToggle Toggles UI audio on/off.
UINotificationToggle Toggles UI notifications on/off
UIPlayerHUDConsider Calls PropertyHUD::Consider on an EntityId for debugging.
UIPlayerHUDInterest Dumps list of tracked UI entities.
UnhandledExceptionClient Fire an unhandled exception on the client
UnhandledExceptionServer Fire an unhandled exception on the server
UniqueBoxGive Create a box that, when used, grants uniques and cosmics, and add it to your inventory.
UnloadGamePackages Attempts to Unload all Packages
UnlockEmotePower Unlocks an emote power for a specific avatar
VanityTitleLockAll Re-lock all Vanity Titles for the player
VanityTitleSelect Select a Vanity Title for current avatar from those the player has unlocked
VanityTitleUnlock Unlock a Vanity Title for the player
VendorDonateItem Donates to the current open vendor the first item found in your player inv or the item with the specified EntityId if one is given
VendorEnergySet Sets your vendor energy level in the given VendorType to 100%, or to the specified [0,1] pct if given
VendorLevelUp Increases your vendor level in the given VendorType by 1 or to the specified level if given
VendorRefresh Requests refresh of the inventory of the current open vendor entity
VendorStats Prints your current vendor level, XP, and current energy pct for each VendorType
VerifyClient Fires a verify failure on the client
VerifyServer Fire a failed verify on the server
VerifyUploadSet Set which verifies are shown on the client. Use the format: +ALL,-TEST
Version Displays the game version
WalletBalance Get balance in the wallet
WalletBuyGift Buy gift from the catalog.
WalletBuyItem Buy an item that was in the catalog.
WarpArea Warp to random location inside of specified area. If multiple areas exist, the first one will be chosen.
WarpAreaNext Warp to the next area in a region
WarpAreaPrev Warp to the next area in a region
WarpCell Warp to random location inside of specified cell. If multiple areas exist, the first one will be chosen.
WarpCellNext Warp to the next cell in a region
WarpCellPrev Warp to the next cell in a region
WarpEntityId Warp next to the entity specified
WarpEntityNext Warp to the next closest entity moving forward through the set
WarpEntityPrev Warp to the next closest entity moving reverse through the set
WarpMissionEntityNext Warp to the next closest entity relevant to the given mission
WarpMissionEntityPrev Warp to the previous closest entity relevant to the given mission
WarpPosition Warp to the specified position
WarpTransitionNext Warp to the next transition entity in a region
WarpTransitionPrev Warp to the next transition entity in a region
WarpWaypoint Warps to a given waypoint
WaypointList Shows the status of all waypoints
WaypointLock Locks a given waypoint
WaypointLockAll Locks all waypoints
WaypointUnlock Unlocks a given waypoint
WaypointUnlockAll Unlocks all waypoints
WhoRegion Display players in your current region
WhoServer Display players in your current game instance server
XPAwardCount Displays the number of times the currently active Avatar received XP due to a mob kill
XPAwardCountReset Resets the Kill Counter for the currently active avatar
XPNumbersToggle Toggles the display of floating experience numbers over entities