This page provides definitions for terms used by the game internally.
Agent - a world entity that can perform actions.
AkEvent - a Wwise sound event, Ak stands for Audiokinetic.
Archive - a proprietary data serialization format developed by Gazillion based on the underlying encoding used for protobufs.
Area - an arrangement of cells.
Area of Interest (AOI) - a part of the overall server-side simulation that needs to be replicated to a specific client.
Asset - a value of an asset type.
Asset Type - a enumerated type used by Calligraphy.
Avatar - an agent that can be controlled by players.
Badge - a flag that grants a player elevated privileges of some kind.
Behavior - a system that handles the AI of enemies and NPCs.
Billing - a service that handles interaction with the in-game store.
Blackout - a boundary within the game world within which entities are prohibited from spawning under normal circumstances.
Blueprint - a template for prototypes made in Calligraphy.
Calligraphy - a proprietary static game data framework developed by Gazillion.
Cell - the basic building block of the game world.
Character Level - the level of an entity used for unlocks.
Circle - a collection of players displayed in the social tab (friends, ignored, etc.).
Combat Level - the level of an entity used for combat calculations. In most cases is equal to character level.
Community - a collection of circles.
Condition - a buff or a debuff that can be applied to an entity.
Curve - a collection of numeric values.
Date Time - a number of milliseconds or microseconds elapsed since
Jan 01 1970 00:00:00 GMT+0000
. Also referred to as calendar time. -
District - a static arrangement of cells.
Dynamic Combat Level (DCL) - a level scaling system that adjusts combat calculations based on the difference in combat level between the power user and its target.
Dynamic Random Area Generator (DRAG) - a system that handles procedural generation of the game world.
Encounter - a static arrangement of entities to be spawned as part of the overall population.
Endurance - the primary resource used for powers (e.g. spirit).
Entity - a dynamic game object. Each entity contains a collection of properties.
Eval - a system that evaluates formulas defined in static game data.
Field Group - a collection of field values belonging to a specific blueprint.
Front End Server (FES) - a server that acts as an intermediary between external connections and internal services.
Game Database - a proprietary static game data management system developed by Gazillion.
Game Instance Server (GIS) - a server that runs game instances.
Game Time - a number of milliseconds or microseconds elapsed since
Sep 22 2012 09:31:18 GMT+0000
. -
Grouping Manager - a service that handles social and matchmaking features.
Guild - a supergroup.
Hotspot - a world entity that defines a boundary that triggers effects when entered by other world entities.
Hub - a region in which combat is prohibited (also known as a town in other Diablo-like games).
Data GUID - a 64-bit value representing a static data file that does not change between versions of the game.
Data Id - a 64-bit hash representing a static data file derived from its file path. If a file is moved in another version of the game, its DataId is going to be different.
Interest - data replicated to the client.
Inventory - a container for entities (avatars are also stored in inventories).
Item - a world entity that represents an item.
Keyword - a tag that can be applied to a power, such as physical, melee, area, etc.
Kismet - a visual scripting system that is part of Unreal Engine 3.
Live Tuning - a system that overrides some of the static data contained in the game database without changing it.
Locomotion - a system that handles the movement of world entities in the game world.
Mapped Power - an override of an existing power in the power library with another power. Used for talents that change powers and Rogue's stolen powers.
Marker - a definition for spawning objects that includes position and rotation.
MetaGame - a system that handles special game modes, such as PvP or X-Defense.
Missile - an agent that represents a projectile.
Mission - a quest.
Mixin - a field group that belongs to one of the fields contained in a prototype rather than the prototype itself.
Mux - a system used by the frontend server for routing messages to appropriate services.
Navi - a system that defines what sections of the game world are navigable.
Pak - a proprietary file storage format developed by Gazillion. Also known as GPAK.
Persistence - saving of the game state between sessions.
Player - an entity representing a player's account.
Player Manager - a service that manages connected players and transfers them between game instance servers as needed.
Population - a system that handles the spawning of world entities.
Power - an ability that can be used by an entity.
Private Instance (PI) - a region that only the player and their party members can visit.
Prop - a world entity that represents a background object in the game world.
Property - an attribute of an entity, such as its level, health, etc.
Property Collection - a collection of properties that can be aggregated with another collection.
Protobuf - Protocol Buffers, a data serialization technology developed by Google.
Prototype - an object representing a piece of static game data.
Public Combat Zone (PCZ) - a region shared by many players.
Region - a collection of areas.
Replication - a process that handles synchronization of the game state between a game instance server and all clients connected ot it.
RHStruct - a prototype embedded as a field of another prototype. Stands for right-hand struct.
Super Cell - a block of cells (such as 2x2) representing a single place.
Transition - a world entity that connects two places of the game world.
Varint - a variable-width unsigned integer that can take 1-10 bytes. This is the primary data type used for encoding in protobufs. See here for more information.
World Entity - an entity that can physically exist in a game world.
Wwise - Wave Works Interactive Sound Engine, audio middleware developed by Audiokinetic.
ZigZag - a way of encoding signed values in unsigned integers used in protobufs. See here for more information.