Properties are stats the entities have. They are stored in PropertyCollection
instances as 64-bit key-value pairs referred to as PropertyId
and PropertyValue
This list of properties is based on version Properties may differ significantly for other versions of the game.
These properties are defined in the game's code and cannot be changed. Code properties are always sorted alphabetically and always go first in the list.
Name | Description |
AchievementScore | |
AchievementLatestKnownTimestamp | |
AcquiredThroughMTXStore | |
ActiveMissionChapter | |
AIAffixPowerToActivate | |
AIAggroDropByLOSChance | |
AIAggroDropRange | |
AIAggroRangeAlly | |
AIAggroRangeHostile | |
AIAggroRangeOverrideAlly | |
AIAggroRangeOverrideHostile | |
AIProximityRangeOverride | |
AIAggroState | |
AIAggroAnnouncement | |
AIAggroTime | |
AIAlwaysAggroed | |
AIAssistedEntityID | |
AIAssistOverrideTargetId | |
AIAttentionMarkTime | |
AICanFlock | |
AICombatIdling | |
AIConditionTimerCompletionTime | |
AIControlPowerLock | |
AICustomOverrideStateVal1 | |
AICustomProtoRef1 | |
AICustomStateVal1 | |
AICustomStateVal2 | |
AICustomStateVal3 | |
AICustomStateVal4 | |
AICustomEntityId1 | |
AICustomEntityId2 | |
AICustomEntityId3 | |
AICustomEntityId4 | |
AICustomThinkRateMS | |
AICustomTimeVal1 | |
AICustomTimeVal2 | |
AIDefeated | |
AIDefeatedAtHealthPct | |
AIDefaultActiveOverrideStateVal | |
AIDelayCompletionTime | |
AIEnrageState | |
AIEnticedToID | |
AIEnticerGlobalNextAvailableTime | |
AIEnticerTypeNextAvailableTime | |
AIFlankNextThinkTime | |
AIFlankTimeout | |
AIFleeStartTime | |
AIFlockMinimumMoveDistSq | |
AIFocusTargetingID | |
AIFullOverride | |
AIHasSensedAllies | |
AIHasSensedHostiles | |
AIHostilePlayersNearbyCheckRange | |
AIInitialCooldownMSForPower | |
AIIsLeashing | |
AIIgnoreNoTgtOverrideProfile | |
AIInteractEntityId | |
AIInteractStarted | |
AILastAttackerID | |
AILastMoveToIncompletePathETA | |
AILastMoveToIncompletePathTime | |
AILastOrbitContextState | |
AILastPowerActivated | |
AILeaderID | |
AILOSMaxPowerRadius | |
AILostWeapon | |
AIMasterAvatar | |
AIMasterAvatarDbGuid | |
AIMoveToCurrentPathNodeIndex | |
AIMoveToFollowEntityId | |
AIMoveToPathingRangeStart | |
AIMoveToPathingRangeEnd | |
AIMoveToPathNodeAdvanceThres | |
AIMoveToPathNodeReverse | |
AIMoveToPathNodeSetGroup | |
AIMoveToPathNodeSetMethod | |
AIMoveToPathNodeWalk | |
AIMoveToType | |
AINextAllySense | |
AINextHostileSense | |
AINextItemSense | |
AINextSensoryUpdate | |
AINumHostileTargetsNearby | |
AINumHostilePlayersNearby | |
AIOldRotationOverride | |
AIPartialOverride | |
AIPendingTargetId | |
AIPowerOnSpawn | |
AIPowerStarted | |
AIPreviousOrbitDirection | |
AIProceduralNextAttackTime | |
AIProceduralNextFlankTime | |
AIProceduralNextFleeTime | |
AIProceduralPowerPrevTargetId | |
AIProceduralPowerSpecificCDTime | |
AIRawTargetEntityID | |
AIRotationAccum | |
AIRunToExitDelayFired | |
AIRunToExitWanderCount | |
AISendsTargetInfoToClients | |
AIStartsEnabled | |
AISyncAttackTargetPower | |
AITargetableOverride | |
AIThrowCancelPower | |
AIThrowPower | |
AIThrowPowerLoopDelay | |
AIThrowPowerPickupLength | |
AIThrownObjectPickedUp | |
AITrackIncomingDamage | |
AIUltActivationPhase | |
AIUseGlobalThinkVariance | |
AIUsePowerTargetID | |
AllianceOverride | |
AOESizePctModifier | |
AOESizePctModifierKeyword | |
AOESweepDirectionCW | |
AOESweepRateMS | |
AOESweepTick | |
AppearanceEnumClientOverride | |
AppearanceEnumServer | |
AttachedToEntityId | |
AutoPartyPrefCheckedInRegion | |
AvatarEmoteUnlocked | |
AvatarInPlay | |
AvatarIsStarterDEPRECATED | |
AvatarTeamUpAgent | |
AvatarTeamUpAgentId | |
AvatarTeamUpIsSummoned | |
AvatarTeamUpStartTime | |
AvatarTeamUpDuration | |
AvatarLastActiveCalendarTime | |
AvatarLastActiveTime | |
AvatarLastRegionChangeTime | |
AvatarLibraryCostume | An avatar's costume in the hero roster UI. |
AvatarLibraryLevel | An avatar's level in the hero roster UI. |
AvatarLibraryTeamUp | An avatar's selected team-up in the hero roster UI. |
AvatarMappedPower | |
AvatarMissionLootSeed | |
AvatarMissionObjectiveRegionId | |
AvatarMissionObjectiveSeq | |
AvatarMissionResetsWithRegionId | |
AvatarMissionState | |
AvatarMode | |
AvatarPowerPointsBonus | |
AvatarPowerUltimatePoints | |
AvatarPrestigeLevel | |
AvatarSelectSession | |
AvatarSpecializationPower | |
AvatarSwitchPending | |
AvatarSynergySelected | |
AvatarSynergyNewUnlock | |
AvatarTimePlayedStart | |
AvatarTotalTimePlayed | |
AvatarUnlock | An avatar's unlock status (starter / unlocked) |
AvatarVanityTitle | |
BlockAlways | |
BlockChancePctAdd | |
BlockChanceReductionPct | |
BlockDamageReductionPct | |
BlockDamageReductionPctMod | |
BlockRatingBonusAdd | |
BlockRatingBonusMult | |
BlockRatingBonusVsPowerKwd | |
BlockRatingBonusVsAttackerKwd | |
BlocksTeleports | |
BodySliderAreaRef | |
BodySliderEntityId | |
BodySliderRegionId | |
BodySliderRegionPos | |
BodySliderRegionRef | |
BodySliderDifficultyRef | |
BodySliderRegionSeed | |
BonusItemFindBonusDifficultyMult | |
BonusItemFindRating | |
BonusItemFindPoints | |
BounceCanRepeatTarget | |
BounceCount | |
BounceCountPayload | |
BounceRangePayload | |
BounceSpeedPayload | |
BoundsScaleRadiusCOTUnitsPerSec | |
CastSpeedDecrPct | |
CastSpeedIncrPct | |
CastSpeedIncrPctKwd | |
CastSpeedIncrPctTab | |
CastSpeedMult | |
CastSpeedMultKwd | |
CastSpeedMultPower | |
CCAlwaysCheckResist | |
CCAttackScore | |
CCResistAlways | |
CCResistAlwaysAll | |
CCResistScore | |
CCResistScoreAll | |
CCResistScoreKwd | |
ChapterUnlocked | |
CharacterLevel | |
ChatOverrideMoo | |
ClusterPrototype | |
CombatLevel | |
ConditionItemLevel | |
ConditionKillCountLimit | |
Confused | |
ContextAreaRef | |
ContextTracking | |
ControlledAgentRespawnTime | |
ControlledAgentHasSummonDur | |
CostumeCurrent | |
CostumeUnlock | |
CooldownModifierMSForKeyword | |
CooldownModifierMSForPower | |
CooldownModifierPctForKeyword | |
CooldownModifierPctForPower | |
CooldownModifierPctGlobal | |
CraftingCostCreditsModPct | |
CraftingIngredientAvailable | |
CreatorEntityAssetRefBase | |
CreatorEntityAssetRefCurrent | |
CreatorPowerPrototype | |
CreatorRank | |
CreditsAmount | |
CritAlwaysOnGotHitKeyword | |
CritAlwaysOnKeywordAttack | |
CritChancePctAdd | |
CritChancePctAddPowerKeyword | |
CritDamageMult | |
CritDamageRating | |
CritDamagePowerMultBonus | |
CritRatingBonusAdd | |
CritRatingBonusMult | |
CritRatingBonusAddPowerKeyword | |
CritRatingBonusMultPowerKeyword | |
CritRatingBonusVsTargetKeyword | |
CritRatingPowerBonusAdd | |
CritRatingPowerBonusMult | |
Currency | |
CurrentCyclePowerRef | |
Damage | |
DamageAccumulation | |
DamageAccumulationChange | |
DamageAccumulationChangeBase | |
DamageAccumulationCOT | |
DamageAccumulationLimit | |
DamageAccumulationLimitBonus | |
DamageAccumScaleByPlayers | |
DamageBase | |
DamageBasePerLevel | |
DamageBaseBonus | |
DamageBasePctTargetHealthCur | |
DamageBasePctTargetHealthMax | |
DamageBaseUnmodified | |
DamageBaseUnmodifiedPerRank | |
DamageBonusReservoir | |
DamageBonusReservoirExclusive | |
DamageConversionForPower | |
DamageConversionIncoming | |
DamageConversionMax | |
DamageConversionMaxForPower | |
DamageConversionOutgoing | |
DamageConversionRatio | |
DamageConversionRatioForPower | |
DamageConvertToCondition | |
DamageIgnoreFromAlliance | |
DamageIncoming | |
DamageMagnitude | |
DamageMetaGameBossPenetration | |
DamageMetaGameBossResistance | |
DamageOverTimeBase | |
DamageOverTimeBasePerLevel | |
DamageOverTimeBaseBonus | |
DamageOverTimeBaseUnmodified | |
DamageOverTimeBaseUnmodPerRank | |
DamageOverTimeMagnitude | |
DamageOverTimePctTargetHealthMax | |
DamageOverTimeVariance | |
DamageMult | |
DamageMultForPower | |
DamageMultForPowerKeyword | |
DamageMultOnPower | |
DamageMultPowerCdKwd | |
DamageMultVsKeyword | |
DamageMultVsKeywordForPowerKwd | |
DamageMultVsRank | |
DamagePctBonus | |
DamagePctBonusByType | |
DamagePctBonusDistanceClose | |
DamagePctBonusDistanceFar | |
DamagePctBonusForPower | |
DamagePctBonusForPowerKeyword | |
DamagePctBonusVsAggroed | |
DamagePctBonusVsBosses | |
DamagePctBonusVsConditionKeyword | |
DamagePctBonusVsRank | |
DamagePctBonusVsUnaware | |
DamagePctResist | |
DamagePctResistFromAngle | |
DamagePctResistFromDistance | |
DamagePctResistFromGear | |
DamagePctResistVsPower | |
DamagePctResistVsPowerKeyword | |
DamagePctResistVsRank | |
DamagePctVulnerability | |
DamagePctVulnerabilityVsPower | |
DamagePctVulnerabilityVsPowerKwd | |
DamagePctVulnerabilityPvP | |
DamagePctWeaken | |
DamagePctWeakenForPowerKeyword | |
DamagePctWeakenVsKeyword | |
DamageRating | |
DamageRatingBonusByType | |
DamageRatingBonusHardcore | |
DamageRatingBonusMvmtSpeed | |
DamageRatingBonusWithinDist | |
DamageRatingBonusForPower | |
DamageRatingBonusForPowerVsTarget | |
DamageRatingBonusForPowerKeyword | |
DamageRatingBonusForPowerKeywordVsTarget | |
DamageRatingBonusPerPvPKill | |
DamageRatingBonusVsAggroed | |
DamageRatingBonusVsBosses | |
DamageRatingBonusVsConditionKeyword | |
DamageRatingBonusVsRank | |
DamageRatingBonusVsUnaware | |
DamageReductionPctFromGear | |
DamageRegionMobToPlayer | |
DamageRegionPlayerToMob | |
DamageShieldNumHitLimit | |
DamageShieldPercent | |
DamageShieldRegensFromDamage | |
DamageShieldRemoveWhenExpired | |
DamageShieldScaleByStat | |
DamageSplitBetweenTargets | |
DamageTransferChance | |
DamageTransferID | |
DamageTransferMax | |
DamageTransferPct | |
DamageVariance | |
DangerRoomScenarioItemDbGuid | |
DeathLimitOverride | |
DEBUGFakePartyMember | |
Defense | |
DefenseChangePercent | |
DefensePenetration | |
DefensePenetrationKwd | |
DefensePenetrationPct | |
DefensePenetrationPctKwd | |
DestinationArea | |
DestinationCell | |
DestinationEntity | |
DestinationRegion | |
DetachOnContainerDestroyed | |
DifficultyIndex | |
DifficultyTier | |
DifficultyTierPreference | |
DisableClientConditionFX | |
DisableEnduranceGain | |
DisableEnduranceRegen | |
DisableEnduranceUsage | |
DisableHealthGain | |
DisablePowerEffects | |
DisableSecondaryResourceGain | |
DisplayNameOverride | |
DodgeChancePct | |
DodgeChancePctVsPowerKeyword | |
DodgeRatingBonusAdd | |
DodgeRatingBonusMult | |
DontTriggerOtherProcs | |
DontTriggerOtherPowerEvents | |
Dormant | |
DramaticEntrancePlayedOnce | |
DroppedByPlayerId | |
Enabled | |
EncounterResource | |
EndlessLevel | |
EndlessLevelDeathCount | |
EndlessLevelStartTime | |
EndlessLevelsTotal | |
Endurance | |
EnduranceAddBonus | |
EnduranceBase | |
EnduranceChange | |
EnduranceChangeBase | |
EnduranceChangePct | |
EnduranceCost | |
EnduranceCostAllRemaining | |
EnduranceCostChangePct | |
EnduranceCostChangePctKeywrd | |
EnduranceCostChangePctTab | |
EnduranceCostChangePctOverride | |
EnduranceCostRequired | |
EnduranceCOTBase | |
EnduranceCOTMagnitude | |
EnduranceCOTPctBase | |
EnduranceCOTVariance | |
EnduranceMax | |
EnduranceMaxOther | |
EnduranceOnHitAccumulation | |
EnduranceOverTimePerSec | |
EnduranceOverTimePerSecPct | |
EndurancePctBonus | |
EnemyBoost | |
EnrageStartTime | |
EntityState | |
EntSelActTypesSupported | |
EntSelActReactTimeMS | |
EntSelActLifespanEndPower | |
EntSelActLifespanMS | |
EntSelActOverheadText | |
EntSelActOverheadTextDelay | |
EntSelActAttributeAction | |
EntSelActPower | |
EntSelActPowerCancel | |
EntSelActSelectorPowersCancl | |
EntSelActAIOverride | |
EntSelActAIOverrideCancel | |
EntSelActAIAggDistOvrdAlly | |
EntSelActAIAggDistOvrdEnemy | |
EntSelActAIProximityDist | |
EntSelActRewardLootTable | |
EntSelActSpawnTrigger | |
EntSelActAllianceOverride | |
EntSelActEventBroadcast | |
EntSelActHasInteractOption | |
EntSelActInteractOptDisabled | |
EntSelActScriptTrigger | |
EntSelActScriptCancel | |
EntSelActScriptInterrupt | |
EvalLoopVarProtoRef | |
EvalRegisterFloat | |
EvalRegisterInt | |
ExperienceAwardMinimumPct | |
ExperiencePoints | |
ExperiencePointsNeeded | |
ExperienceBonusAvatarSynergy | |
ExperienceBonusPct | |
ExperienceBonusPerKill | |
ExperienceBonusPerKillMaxPct | |
ExperienceBonusStackCount | |
ExperienceBonusStackingMult | |
ExperimentCohortAssignment | |
Faction | |
FactionDB | |
Feared | |
FocusTargetedOnByID | |
ForceEnduranceRegen | |
FullScreenMoviePlaying | |
FullScreenMovieQueued | |
FullScreenMovieSession | |
GlobalEventContributionScore | |
GracePeriod | |
GuildsUnlocked | |
HasPowerKeyword | |
HasResurrectPending | |
HasSeenOpeningCinematic | |
HasPlayedGameMode | |
HasUsedFreeUnlockDEPRECATED | |
HealerNPC | |
Healing | |
HealingBase | |
HealingBaseCurve | |
HealingBasePct | |
HealingBlocked | |
HealingMagnitude | |
HealthOnHitAccumulation | |
HealingOverTimeBase | |
HealingOverTimeBasePct | |
HealingOverTimePerSecond | |
HealingOverTimePerSecondPct | |
HealingOverTimeMagnitude | |
HealingOverTimeVariance | |
HealingReceivedMult | |
HealingReceivedMultPowerKeyword | |
HealingVariance | |
Health | Current health of an entity. |
HealthAddBonus | |
HealthBase | Base health of an entity before any bonuses are applied. |
PowerHealthCostOverTime | |
HealthMax | |
HealthMaxMagnitude | |
HealthMaxMagnitudeDCL | |
HealthMaxMult | |
HealthMaxOther | A copy of HealthMax that is replicated to clients. |
HealthMin | |
HealthPctBonus | |
HighlightPowerWithKeyword | |
HitReact | |
HotspotTriggerEntity | |
IgnoreClientsideVisibility | |
IgnoreMissionOwnerForTargeting | |
IgnoreNegativeStatusResist | |
Immobilized | |
ImmobilizedByHitReact | |
ImmuneToConditionWithKwd | |
ImmuneToPower | |
Intangible | |
InventoryExtraSlotsAvailable | |
LookForPartyOptions | |
OmegaRank | |
OmegaRankTemp | |
OmegaSpec | |
OmegaSpecTemp | |
OmegaXP | |
OmegaPoints | |
OmegaPointsSpent | |
OmegaRespecResult | |
InfinityGemBonusRank | |
InfinityGemBonusRankTemp | |
InfinityGemNext | |
InfinityPoints | |
InfinityPointsSpent | |
InfinityPointsSpentTemp | |
InfinityXP | |
InformsHitInfoToAlly | |
InformsHitInfoToAllyId | |
InitialCharacterLevel | |
InstantKill | |
Interactable | |
InteractableDestroyDelayMS | |
InteractableSpawnLootDelayMS | |
InteractableUsesLeft | |
InteractHasDialog | |
InteractReadyForTargetId | |
InteractTargetId | |
InvalidBounceTarget | |
InventoryAddTime | |
InventoryStackCount | |
InventoryStackSizeMax | |
Invulnerable | |
InvulnExceptWithPowerKwd | |
IsDead | |
IsInCombat | |
IsResurrectionPower | |
IsTeamUpAwaySource | |
IsTransientPowerUser | |
ItemAffixLevel | |
ItemAllowPickupWhenInventoryFull | |
ItemAutoUseOnPurchase | |
ItemBindsToAccountOnPickup | |
ItemBindsToCharacterOnEquip | |
ItemBoundAvatar | |
ItemCurrency | |
ItemEquipEngineEffect | |
ItemFulfillmentEntry | |
ItemEventActionIndex | |
ItemIsBoundToAccount | |
ItemIsTradable | |
ItemLevel | |
ItemLimitedEdition | |
ItemRarity | |
ItemRecentlyAddedGlint | |
ItemRecentlyAddedToInventory | |
ItemRegisterFloat | |
ItemVariation | |
ItemSoldPrice | |
PowerKeywordChange | |
Knockback | |
KnockbackDistance | |
KnockbackTimeResult | |
KnockbackSpeedResult | |
KnockbackAccelerationResult | |
KnockbackMovementType | |
KnockbackResist | |
KnockbackReverseTargetOri | |
KnockbackSourceUseUltimateOwner | |
KnockbackToSource | |
Knockdown | |
Knockup | |
LastActiveMissionChapter | |
LastDailyAdvMishCalendarDay | |
LastDailyMissionCalendarDay | |
LastInflictedDamageTime | |
LastHostileTargetID | |
LastTownRegion | |
LastTownRegionForAccount | |
LegendaryMarksAmount | |
LegendaryMissionObjsComp | |
LegendaryMissionSuccCondCnt | |
LegendaryMissionFailCondCnt | |
LegendaryMissionCRC | |
LegendaryMissionsComplete | |
LegendaryMissionSharedByPlayer | |
LegendaryMissionSharedMission | |
LegendaryMissionWasShared | |
LiveTuneConditionVar | |
LoginRewardReceivedDate | |
LoginCount | The number of days a player has logged in. Used for login rewards. |
LookAtMousePosition | |
LootBonusRarityPct | |
LootBonusRarityStackCount | |
LootBonusRarityStackingMult | |
LootBonusCreditsFlat | |
LootBonusCreditsStackCount | |
LootBonusCreditsStackingMult | |
LootBonusCreditsPct | |
LootBonusCurrencyStackCount | |
LootBonusSpecialPct | |
LootBonusSpecialStackCount | |
LootBonusSpecialStackingMult | |
LootBonusXPPct | |
LootCooldownByChannel | |
LootCooldownCount | |
LootCooldownKillWithLootCount | |
LootCooldownRolloverWallTime | |
LootCooldownTimeHours | |
LootCooldownTimeStartChannel | |
LootCooldownTimeStartEntity | |
LootCooldownTimeStartRegion | |
LootCooldownTimeStartSpecial | |
LootSourceTableOverride | |
LootSpawnPrototype | |
LootTablePrototype | |
LootTableSource | |
Magnetized | |
MapAreaId | |
MapCellId | |
MapIconOverride | |
MapOrientation | |
MapPosition | |
MapRegionId | |
MapTracking | |
MetaGameEntityEventCount | |
MetaGameIgnoreDeathLimits | |
MetaGameStateForce | |
MetaGameTeam | |
MetaGameTimeStateRemovedMS | |
MetaGameTimeStateAddedMS | |
MetaGameWaveCount | |
MetaStateProgress | |
MetaStateWaveCount | |
MetaStateWaveForce | |
MetaStateApplyOnInit | |
Mesmerized | |
MissileAbsorbChancePct | |
MissileAbsorbImmunity | |
MissileAlwaysCollides | |
MissileOwnedByPlayer | |
MissileBaseMoveSpeed | |
MissileBlockingHotspot | |
MissileBlockingHotspotImmunity | |
MissileContextIndex | |
MissileCountPerCreationEvent | |
MissileCreationCountTotal | |
MissileCreationDelay | |
MissileCreatorId | |
MissilePierceChance | |
MissileRange | |
MissileReflectionImmunity | |
MissileReturning | |
MissileReturnsWeapon | |
MissileSeed | |
MissileSeekTargetId | |
MissileSpeedBonus | |
MissionAllyOfAvatar | |
MissionAllyOfAvatarDbGuid | |
MissionCompleted | |
MissionHotspot | |
MissionPlayerID | |
MissionPrototype | |
MissionRewardReceived | |
MissionTrackerAchievements | |
MissionTrackerFilter | |
MissionXEncounterHostilityOk | |
MobRankOverride | |
MouseHitCollisionMultExtra | |
MovementSpeedChangeImmunity | |
MovementSpeedDecrPct | |
MovementSpeedFromEndurance | |
MovementSpeedIncrPct | |
MovementSpeedOverride | |
MovementSpeedRate | |
NavigationInfluenceBeforeMoving | |
NeedsInventoryDBLoad | |
NeedsTeamAssignment | |
NegateHotspots | |
NegStatusImmunity | |
NegStatusUsable | |
NoAvatarSwap | |
NoCooldowns | |
NoEnduranceCosts | |
NoEntityCollide | |
NoEntityCollideException | |
NoExpOnDeath | |
NoForcedMovement | |
NoLootDrop | |
NoMissileCollide | |
NPCAmbientLock | Status effect that prevents NPC ambient animation powers from being interrupted by other AI states. |
NumMissileBounces | |
NumberOfDeaths | |
NumMissionAllies | |
NumOfPlayersInSameRegion | |
OmniDurationBonusPct | |
OnKillDestroyImmediate | |
OnPowerUsePowerRef | |
OpenMTXStore | |
OpenPlayerStash | |
OpenStoryWarpPanel | |
OrbAggroRangePctBonus | |
OrbAggroRangeBonusStackCount | |
OrbAggroRangeBonusStackingMult | |
ParentSpawnerGroupId | |
PartyKickGracePeriodExpireTime | |
PartySize | |
PartyBoostCount | |
PartyLastId | |
PayloadDamageRatingTotal | Sum of user damage rating bonuses stored in a power payload. |
PayloadDamageMultTotal | Sum of user damage multiplier bonuses stored in a power payload. |
PayloadDamagePctModifierTotal | Sum of user damage percentage bonuses stored in a power payload. |
PayloadDamagePctWeakenTotal | Sum of user damage weaken penalties stored in a power payload. |
PayloadSkipRangeCheck | |
PendingResurrectEntityId | |
PendingTeleportPartyMemberId | |
PermaBuff | |
PetDamagePctBonus | |
PetHealthPctBonus | |
PetItemDonationCount | |
PetLifetimeChangePct | |
PetRegisterFloat | |
PetTechDonationMultiplier | |
PickupDestroyPending | |
PlaceableDead | |
PlayerScalingHealthPctBonus | |
PlayerMaxAvatarLevel | |
PowerActivationCount | |
PowerActiveUntilProjExpire | |
PowerBoost | |
PowerChargesAvailable | |
PowerChargesMaxBonus | |
PowerChargesMaxBonusForKwd | |
PowerChargesMax | |
PowerClearsNegStatusChancePct | |
PowerClearsNegStatusChancePctAll | |
PowerContactPctWhenMoving | |
PowerCooldownDuration | |
PowerCooldownDurationPersistent | |
PowerCooldownStartTime | |
PowerCooldownStartTimePersistent | |
PowerDmgBonusFromAtkSpdPct | |
PowerForceHealing | |
PowerGrantRank | |
PowerHealthCost | |
PowerIconAssetOverride | |
PowerLock | |
PowerLockForPowerKeyword | |
PowerPeriodicActivation | |
PowerPeriodicActivationCount | |
PowerPreviousTargetsID | |
PowerProgressionVersion | |
PowerPointsUnspent | |
PowerRank | |
PowerRankBase | |
PowerRankCurrentBest | |
PowerRankConsiderPendingPoints | |
PowerRankShowNextRank | |
PowerRecurringCost | |
PowersRespecResult | |
PowerSpec | |
PowerSpecPending | |
PowerSpecIndexActive | |
PowerSpecIndexUnlocked | |
PowerSummonedEntityCount | |
PowersUnlockAll | |
PowerToggleOn | |
PowerToggleInPrevRegion | |
PowerUnlocked | |
PowerUsePreventIn | |
PowerUsePreventInRegionKwd | |
PowerUseRequiresRegionKwd | |
PowerUserOverrideID | |
PowerUsesReturningWeapon | |
Proc | |
ProcKeyword | |
ProcNotKeyword | |
ProcActivatedByCondCreator | |
ProcAlwaysSucceedCount | |
ProcCasterOverride | |
ProcChanceOverride | |
ProcPowerItemLevel | |
ProcPowerItemVariation | |
ProcPowerInvStackCount | |
ProcPowerRank | |
ProcRecursionDepth | |
ProcTargetOverride | |
ProcTargetsConditionCreator | |
ProcTargetsConditionOwner | |
PublicEventTeamAssignment | |
PvPIncomingDamageMult | |
PvPOutgoingDamageMult | |
PvPDeaths | |
PvPKills | |
PvPAssists | |
PvPKillsAnyTransient | |
PvPLastKilledByEntityId | |
PvPMatchCount | |
PvPWins | |
PvPLosses | |
PvPRecentWinLossRatio | |
PvPKillsDuringMatch | |
PvPDeathsDuringMatch | |
PvPLastMatchIndex | |
PvPRecentKDRatio | |
PvPMode | |
PvPUpgrades | |
PvPUpgradesBase | |
PvPUpgradesCurrency | |
PvPUpgradesTemp | |
Rank | |
RangeModifierPctKeyword | |
RangeModifier | |
RegionAffix | |
RegionAffixDifficulty | |
Reflected | |
ReflectInForwardDirection | |
RegionAvatarPower | |
RegionBodysliderTargetOverride | |
RegionUITopPanel | |
RegionStartTargetOverride | |
RemoveConditionsOfPower | |
RemoveConditionsOfType | |
RemoveConditionsWithKeyword | |
RemoveConditionsWithPropertyOfType | |
RemovePowerWhenNotSimulated | |
Requirement | |
RespawnHotspotOverrideInst | |
RespawnHotspotOverride | |
ResourceUIMaterialIndex | |
ResistancePercentage | |
RestrictedToPlayer | |
RestrictedToPlayerGuid | |
RestrictedToPlayerGuidParty | |
RollWithRarityTier | |
RotationSpeedOverride | |
RunestonesAmount | |
ScriptRoleKey | |
ScoringEventTimerStartTimeMS | |
ScoringEventTimerAccumTimeMS | |
SecondaryResource | |
SecondaryResourceReserve | |
SecondaryResourceReservePips | |
SecondaryResourceChange | |
SecondaryResourceChangeBase | |
SecondaryResourceChangePct | |
SecondaryResourceCost | |
SecondaryResourceCostPerPip | |
SecondaryResourceCostPips | |
SecondaryResourceCOTBase | |
SecondaryResourceCOTPct | |
SecondaryResourceDmgBns | |
SecondaryResourceDmgBnsPct | |
SecondaryResourceNoEndurance | |
SecondaryResourceMax | |
SecondaryResourceMaxBase | |
SecondaryResourceMaxChange | |
SecondaryResourceMaxPips | |
SecondaryResourceMaxPipsBase | |
SecondaryResourceMaxPipsChg | |
SecondaryResourceOverride | |
SecondaryResourcePips | |
SecondaryResourceRequired | |
SecondaryResourceVisible | |
SetTargetLifespanMS | |
SharedQuestCompletionCount | |
ShowXPRewardText | |
SinglePowerLock | |
SituationalTriggerColliderId | |
SkillshotReflectAngVariance | |
SkillshotReflectChancePct | |
SkillshotReflectFromAngle | |
SkillshotReflectInHotspot | |
SkillshotReflectOutHotspot | |
Socket | |
SpawnDistanceToTargetSqr | |
SpawnGroupId | |
StashNewItemCount | |
StatAllModifier | |
StatDurability | |
StatDurabilityDmgPctPerPoint | |
StatDurabilityModifier | |
StatEnergyDmgPctPerPoint | |
StatEnergyProjection | |
StatEnergyProjectionModifier | |
StatFightingSkills | |
StatFightingSkillsDmgPctPerPoint | |
StatFightingSkillsModifier | |
StatIntelligence | |
StatIntelligenceDmgPctPerPoint | |
StatIntelligenceModifier | |
StatSpeed | |
StatSpeedDmgPctPerPoint | |
StatSpeedModifier | |
StatStrength | |
StatStrengthDmgPctPerPoint | |
StatStrengthModifier | |
StatusDurationBonusMS | |
StatusResistByDurationMS | |
StatusResistByDurationMSAll | |
StatusResistByDurationMSKwd | |
StatusResistByDurationPct | |
StatusResistByDurationPctAll | |
StatusResistByDurationPctKwd | |
Stealth | |
StealthDetection | |
StealthPenalty | |
SteamUserId | |
SteamAchievementUpdateSeqNum | |
StolenPowerAvailable | |
Stunned | |
StunnedByHitReact | |
SummonContextIndex | |
SummonedByPower | |
SummonedEntityIsRegionPersisted | |
SummonEntityOverrideRef | |
SummonLifespanMS | |
SummonLifespanRemainingMS | |
SummonNumPerActivation | |
SummonOwnerConditionId | |
SummonWidthMax | |
SuperCritChancePctAdd | |
SuperCritChancePctAddPowerKwd | |
SuperCritDamageMult | |
SuperCritDamageRating | |
SuperCritDamagePowerMultBonus | |
SuperCritRatingBonusAdd | |
SuperCritRatingPowerBonusAdd | |
SuperCritRatingBonusMult | |
SuperCritRatingPowerBonusMult | |
SuperCritRatingBonusAddPowerKeyword | |
SuperCritRatingBonusMultPowerKeyword | |
SystemImmobilized | |
TargetedCritBonus | |
TargetedCritBonusId | |
TargetRankExclusion | |
TargetRankInclusion | |
TargetRestriction | |
TargetsHit | |
Taunted | |
TauntersID | |
TeamIconAssetRef | |
TeamUpIsPermanent | |
TeamUpOwnerId | |
TeamUpsAtMaxLevel | |
TeamUpsAtMaxLevelPersistent | |
TeamUpStyle | |
Teleport | |
TeleportLockdown | |
Throwability | |
ThrowableOriginatorEntity | |
ThrowableOriginatorAssetRef | |
ThrowablePower | |
ThrowableRestorePower | |
TrackedRegionScore | |
TrackedRegionScoreDivByParty | |
TrackedRegionScoreRangeLow | |
TrackedRegionScoreRangeHigh | |
Trainer | |
TransformMode | |
TransformModeStartTime | |
TriggeringPowerRef | |
TutorialHasSeenTip | |
TutorialImmobilized | |
TutorialInvulnerable | |
TutorialPowerLock | |
UIItemDisplayState | |
UINewItemsInSlot | |
UICraftingIngredientSlotEntityId | |
UICraftingRecipeEntityId | |
UICursorSelectedEntityId | |
UICursorSelectedPrototypeId | |
UICursorHoverSlotOwnerId | |
UICursorHoverSlotProtoId | |
UICursorHoverSlotIndex | |
UIFocusAvatar | |
UIFocusTeamUp | |
UIFocusControllerIndex | |
Unaffectable | |
Untargetable | |
UpdateTargetPosDelayMS | |
VanityTitleUnlocked | |
Vaporized | |
VaporizeSellPriceMultiplier | |
VariableActivationTimeMS | |
VariableActivationTimePct | |
VariationSeed | |
VendorLastRefreshPctEngAfter | |
VendorLastRefreshTime | |
VendorLevel | |
VendorRollAvatar | |
VendorRollLevel | |
VendorRollSeed | |
VendorRollTableLevel | |
VendorType | |
VendorXP | |
VendorXPCapCounter | |
VendorXPCapRollOverTime | |
Visible | |
WeaponMissing | |
Waypoint | |
WaypointHotspotUnlock | |
XPAwardRequiredDbGuid | |
XPTransfer | |
XPTransferToID | |
UISystemLock | Unlock status for UI widgets that are locked by default (chat, minimap, etc.). |
InterruptRatingDefense | |
CritChanceReductionPct | |
LootBonusBIFStackCount | |
InterruptRatingPowerBonusKeyword | |
TestProp | |
EvalLoopVarInt | |
TeamUpItemRegisterFloat | |
InterruptRatingPower | |
SuperCritChanceReductionPct | |
PowerStackCountRegisterFloat | |
XPBonusStackCount | |
Invalid | Invalid property enum, always equals 2047 in all versions of the game. |
These properties are defined in Calligraphy data and cannot be referred to directly from game code.
Data-only properties are sorted by their blueprint id and appended after the last code property, but before the invalid one.
Name | Description |
MindPointsSpentRegisterInt | |
DamageChgPowerPctTarg | |
DamageBonusArmor | |
DamagePctObscuredToPlayers | |
LootBonusComboBarStackCount | |
UserStanceEvalRegisterFloat | |
ResistancePercentageChange | |
HealthAddBonusHardcore | |
ItemDefenseMultiplier | |
IsDefenderPvP | |
AIResurrectsDead | |
MedkitHealBonus | |
EvalRegisterAsset | |
EvalRegisterBool | |
InterpolateRotatioSpeed | |
Charmed | |
SendOrbToPowerUser | |
ConditionPowerCount |