Resources are serialized prototypes that do not follow the standard Calligraphy format. They are stored separately in the mu_cdata.sip
There are five types of resources: cells, districts, encounters, props, prop sets, and UIs. All resource files start with the same 12-byte header:
struct ResourceHeader
uint Signature;
uint Version;
uint ClassId;
Strings in resource files are similar to Calligraphy (fixed-length UTF-8 strings preceded by their length), however they use 32-bit instead of 16-bit integers for length;
struct FixedString32
int StringLength;
byte[StringLength] String; // UTF-8
Resources make use of vectors, that have the following structure unless noted otherwise:
struct Vector3
float X;
float Y;
float Z;
There are also some auxiliary prototypes used in resources that you can read about here.
Cell (.cell
) files contain cell prototypes. Cells are basic building blocks used in procedural area generation, similar to tiles in other Diablo-like games.
Cell files have the following structure:
struct CellPrototype
ResourceHeader Header;
Vector3 AabbMax; // Aabb BoundingBox
Vector3 AabbMin;
CellType Type;
uint Walls;
CellFiller FillerEdges;
CellType RoadConnections;
FixedString32 ClientMap;
MarkerSetPrototype InitializeSet;
MarkerSetPrototype MarkerSet;
NaviPatchSourcePrototype NaviPatchSource;
byte IsOffsetInMapFile;
HeightMapPrototype HeightMap;
uint NumHotspotPrototypes;
ulong[NumHotspotPrototypes] HotspotPrototypes; // PrototypeGuid
For more information on MarkerSetPrototype
and NaviPatchSourcePrototype
see here.
Cardinal directions are specified in cells using the following enums:
enum CellType
None = 0,
N = 1,
E = 2,
S = 4,
W = 8,
NS = 5,
EW = 10,
NE = 3,
NW = 9,
ES = 6,
SW = 12,
ESW = 14,
NSW = 13,
NEW = 11,
NES = 7,
NESW = 15,
NESWdNW = 159,
NESWdNE = 207,
NESWdSW = 63,
NESWdSE = 111,
NESWcN = 351,
NESWcE = 303,
NESWcS = 159,
NESWcW = 207,
enum CellWallGroup
N = 254,
E = 251,
S = 239,
W = 191,
NE = 250,
ES = 235,
SW = 175,
NW = 190,
NS = 238,
EW = 187,
NES = 234,
ESW = 171,
NSW = 174,
NEW = 186,
NESW = 170,
WideNE = 248,
WideES = 227,
WideSW = 143,
WideNW = 62,
WideNES = 224,
WideESW = 131,
WideNSW = 14,
WideNEW = 56,
WideNESW = 0,
WideNESWcN = 130,
WideNESWcE = 10,
WideNESWcS = 40,
WideNESWcW = 160,
enum CellFiller
N = 1,
NE = 2,
E = 4,
SE = 8,
S = 16,
SW = 32,
W = 64,
NW = 128,
C = 256,
Height maps have the following structure:
struct HeightMapPrototype
uint HeightMapSizeX;
uint HeightMapSizeY;
uint NumHeightMapData;
short[NumHeightMapData] HeightMapData;
uint NumHotspotData;
byte[NumHotspotData] Hotspotdata
District (.district
) files contain district resource prototypes. Districts are collections of cells with fixed layouts.
District files have the following structure:
struct DistrictResourcePrototype
ResourceHeader Header;
MarkerSetPrototype CellMarkerSet;
MarkerSetPrototype MarkerSet; // Always empty in
PathCollectionPrototype PathCollection;
For more information on MarkerSetPrototype
and PathCollectionPrototype
see here.
Encounter (.encounter
) files contain encounter prototypes.
Encounter files have the following structure:
struct EncounterPrototype
ResourceHeader Header;
ulong PopulationMarkerGuid; // PrototypeGuid
FixedString32 ClientMap;
MarkerSetPrototype MarkerSet;
NaviPatchSourcePrototype NaviPatchSource;
For more information on MarkerSetPrototype
and NaviPatchSourcePrototype
see here.
Prop (.prop
) files contain prop package prototypes.
Prop files have the following structure:
struct PropPackagePrototype
ResourceHeader Header;
uint NumPropGroups;
ProceduralPropGroupPrototype[NumPropGroups] PropGroups;
Each procedural prop group has the following structure:
struct ProceduralPropGroupPrototype
uint ProtoNameHash;
FixedString32 NameId;
FixedString32 PrefabPath;
Vector3 MarkerPosition;
Vector3 MarkerRotation;
MarkerSetPrototype Objects;
NaviPatchSourcePrototype NaviPatchSource;
ushort RandomRotationDegrees;
ushort RandomPosition;
For more information on MarkerSetPrototype
and NaviPatchSourcePrototype
see here.
Prop set (.propset
) files contain prop set prototypes.
Prop set files have the following structure:
struct PropSetPrototype
ResourceHeader Header;
uint NumPropShapeLists;
PropSetTypeListPrototype[NumPropShapeLists] PropShapeLists;
FixedString32 PropSetPackage;
Each prop set type list prototype has the following structure:
struct PropSetTypeListPrototype
uint ProtoNameHash;
uint NumPropShapeEntries;
PropSetTypeEntryPrototype[NumPropShapeEntries] PropShapeEntries;
ulong PropType; // PrototypeGuid
Entries in prop set type lists have the following structure:
struct PropSetTypeEntryPrototype
uint ProtoNameHash;
FixedString32 NameId;
FixedString32 ResourcePackage;
UI (.ui
) files contain UI prototypes. It is currently unclear if these prototypes are needed server-side.
UI files have the following structure:
struct UIPrototype
ResourceHeader Header;
uint NumUIPanels;
UIPanelPrototype[NumUIPanels] UIPanels;
There are two types of UI panel prototypes used in StretchedPanelPrototype
and AnchoredPanelPrototype
. Other versions of the client use additional panel prototypes that are currently unknown.
The format of the panel to follow depends on the ProtoNameHash, similarly to markers. A ProtoNameHash with a value of 0
indicates that no data follows it.
All UI panel prototypes have the following fields:
struct UIPanelPrototypeCommon
FixedString32 PanelName;
FixedString32 TargetName;
PanelScaleMode ScaleMode;
UIPanelPrototype Children;
FixedString32 WidgetClass;
FixedString32 SwfName;
byte OpenOnStart;
byte VisibilityToggleable;
byte CanClickThrough;
byte StaticPosition;
byte EntityInteractPanel;
byte UseNewPlacementSystem;
byte KeepLoaded;
There are six panel scale modes:
enum PanelScaleMode
has the following structure:
struct StretchedPanelPrototype
uint ProtoNameHash; // djb2 805156721
Vector2 TopLeftPin;
FixedString32 TL_X_TargetName;
FixedString32 TL_Y_TargetName;
Vector2 BottomRightPin;
FixedString32 BR_X_TargetName;
FixedString32 BR_Y_TargetName;
UIPanelPrototypeCommon CommonFields;
has the following structure:
struct AnchoredPanelPrototype
uint ProtoNameHash; // djb2 1255662575
Vector2 SourceAttachmentPin;
Vector2 TargetAttachmentPin;
Vector2 VirtualPixelOffset;
FixedString32 PreferredLane;
Vector2 OuterEdgePin;
Vector2 NewSourceAttachmentPin;
UIPanelPrototypeCommon CommonFields;