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364 lines (295 loc) · 7.68 KB

File metadata and controls

364 lines (295 loc) · 7.68 KB


Resources are serialized prototypes that do not follow the standard Calligraphy format. They are stored separately in the mu_cdata.sip archive.

There are five types of resources: cells, districts, encounters, props, prop sets, and UIs. All resource files start with the same 12-byte header:

struct ResourceHeader
    uint Signature;
    uint Version;
    uint ClassId;

Strings in resource files are similar to Calligraphy (fixed-length UTF-8 strings preceded by their length), however they use 32-bit instead of 16-bit integers for length;

struct FixedString32
    int StringLength;
    byte[StringLength] String; // UTF-8

Resources make use of vectors, that have the following structure unless noted otherwise:

struct Vector3
    float X;
    float Y;
    float Z;

There are also some auxiliary prototypes used in resources that you can read about here.


Cell (.cell) files contain cell prototypes. Cells are basic building blocks used in procedural area generation, similar to tiles in other Diablo-like games.

Cell files have the following structure:

struct CellPrototype
    ResourceHeader Header;
    Vector3 AabbMax;    // Aabb BoundingBox
    Vector3 AabbMin;
    CellType Type;
    uint Walls;
    CellFiller FillerEdges;
    CellType RoadConnections;
    FixedString32 ClientMap;
    MarkerSetPrototype InitializeSet;
    MarkerSetPrototype MarkerSet;
    NaviPatchSourcePrototype NaviPatchSource;
    byte IsOffsetInMapFile;
    HeightMapPrototype HeightMap;

    uint NumHotspotPrototypes;
    ulong[NumHotspotPrototypes] HotspotPrototypes; // PrototypeGuid 

For more information on MarkerSetPrototype and NaviPatchSourcePrototype see here.

Cardinal directions are specified in cells using the following enums:

enum CellType
    None = 0,
    N = 1,
    E = 2,
    S = 4,
    W = 8,
    NS = 5,
    EW = 10,
    NE = 3,
    NW = 9,
    ES = 6,
    SW = 12,
    ESW = 14,
    NSW = 13,
    NEW = 11,
    NES = 7,
    NESW = 15,
    NESWdNW = 159,
    NESWdNE = 207,
    NESWdSW = 63,
    NESWdSE = 111,
    NESWcN = 351,
    NESWcE = 303,
    NESWcS = 159,
    NESWcW = 207,

enum CellWallGroup
    N = 254,
    E = 251,
    S = 239,
    W = 191,
    NE = 250,
    ES = 235,
    SW = 175,
    NW = 190,
    NS = 238,
    EW = 187,
    NES = 234,
    ESW = 171,
    NSW = 174,
    NEW = 186,
    NESW = 170,
    WideNE = 248,
    WideES = 227,
    WideSW = 143,
    WideNW = 62,
    WideNES = 224,
    WideESW = 131,
    WideNSW = 14,
    WideNEW = 56,
    WideNESW = 0,
    WideNESWcN = 130,
    WideNESWcE = 10,
    WideNESWcS = 40,
    WideNESWcW = 160,

enum CellFiller
    N = 1,
    NE = 2,
    E = 4,
    SE = 8,
    S = 16,
    SW = 32,
    W = 64,
    NW = 128,
    C = 256,

Height maps have the following structure:

struct HeightMapPrototype
    uint HeightMapSizeX;
    uint HeightMapSizeY;

    uint NumHeightMapData;
    short[NumHeightMapData] HeightMapData;

    uint NumHotspotData;
    byte[NumHotspotData] Hotspotdata


District (.district) files contain district resource prototypes. Districts are collections of cells with fixed layouts.

District files have the following structure:

struct DistrictResourcePrototype
    ResourceHeader Header;
    MarkerSetPrototype CellMarkerSet; 
    MarkerSetPrototype MarkerSet; // Always empty in
    PathCollectionPrototype PathCollection;

For more information on MarkerSetPrototype and PathCollectionPrototype see here.


Encounter (.encounter) files contain encounter prototypes.

Encounter files have the following structure:

struct EncounterPrototype
    ResourceHeader Header;
    ulong PopulationMarkerGuid; // PrototypeGuid
    FixedString32 ClientMap;
    MarkerSetPrototype MarkerSet;
    NaviPatchSourcePrototype NaviPatchSource;

For more information on MarkerSetPrototype and NaviPatchSourcePrototype see here.


Prop (.prop) files contain prop package prototypes.

Prop files have the following structure:

struct PropPackagePrototype
    ResourceHeader Header;

    uint NumPropGroups;
    ProceduralPropGroupPrototype[NumPropGroups] PropGroups;

Each procedural prop group has the following structure:

struct ProceduralPropGroupPrototype
    uint ProtoNameHash;
    FixedString32 NameId;
    FixedString32 PrefabPath;
    Vector3 MarkerPosition;
    Vector3 MarkerRotation;
    MarkerSetPrototype Objects;
    NaviPatchSourcePrototype NaviPatchSource;
    ushort RandomRotationDegrees;
    ushort RandomPosition;

For more information on MarkerSetPrototype and NaviPatchSourcePrototype see here.

Prop Set

Prop set (.propset) files contain prop set prototypes.

Prop set files have the following structure:

struct PropSetPrototype
    ResourceHeader Header;

    uint NumPropShapeLists;
    PropSetTypeListPrototype[NumPropShapeLists] PropShapeLists;

    FixedString32 PropSetPackage;

Each prop set type list prototype has the following structure:

struct PropSetTypeListPrototype
    uint ProtoNameHash;

    uint NumPropShapeEntries;
    PropSetTypeEntryPrototype[NumPropShapeEntries] PropShapeEntries;

    ulong PropType; // PrototypeGuid

Entries in prop set type lists have the following structure:

struct PropSetTypeEntryPrototype
    uint ProtoNameHash;
    FixedString32 NameId;
    FixedString32 ResourcePackage;


UI (.ui) files contain UI prototypes. It is currently unclear if these prototypes are needed server-side.

UI files have the following structure:

struct UIPrototype
    ResourceHeader Header;

    uint NumUIPanels;
    UIPanelPrototype[NumUIPanels] UIPanels;

There are two types of UI panel prototypes used in StretchedPanelPrototype and AnchoredPanelPrototype. Other versions of the client use additional panel prototypes that are currently unknown.

The format of the panel to follow depends on the ProtoNameHash, similarly to markers. A ProtoNameHash with a value of 0 indicates that no data follows it.

All UI panel prototypes have the following fields:

struct UIPanelPrototypeCommon
    FixedString32 PanelName;
    FixedString32 TargetName;
    PanelScaleMode ScaleMode;
    UIPanelPrototype Children;
    FixedString32 WidgetClass;
    FixedString32 SwfName;
    byte OpenOnStart;
    byte VisibilityToggleable;
    byte CanClickThrough;
    byte StaticPosition;
    byte EntityInteractPanel;
    byte UseNewPlacementSystem;
    byte KeepLoaded;

There are six panel scale modes:

enum PanelScaleMode

StretchedPanelPrototype has the following structure:

struct StretchedPanelPrototype
    uint ProtoNameHash; // djb2 805156721
    Vector2 TopLeftPin;
    FixedString32 TL_X_TargetName;
    FixedString32 TL_Y_TargetName;
    Vector2 BottomRightPin;
    FixedString32 BR_X_TargetName;
    FixedString32 BR_Y_TargetName;

    UIPanelPrototypeCommon CommonFields;

AnchoredPanelPrototype has the following structure:

struct AnchoredPanelPrototype
    uint ProtoNameHash; // djb2 1255662575
    Vector2 SourceAttachmentPin;
    Vector2 TargetAttachmentPin;
    Vector2 VirtualPixelOffset;
    FixedString32 PreferredLane;
    Vector2 OuterEdgePin;
    Vector2 NewSourceAttachmentPin;

    UIPanelPrototypeCommon CommonFields;