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Client resources

Crystal Spider edited this page Nov 25, 2023 · 14 revisions

General info

Since by registering new leathered boots you are creating new items in the game, you need to create localization and texture related files for them.

Every time below you see the string custom_armor_material, it must be replaced with the value returned by your custom ArmorMaterial ArmorMaterial#getName() method.

Leathered Boots provides a dyeable texture overlay for items (boots in inventory), however it fits with Vanilla texture shape only.
If your custom boots have the same texture shape as Vanilla, you can freely use the provided overlay, otherwise everywhere below you see a reference to leatheredboots:item/leathered_boots_overlay you need to have your own dyeable overlay.

Leathered Boots can't provide dyeable texture overlay for armors (boots being worn), however if your custom boots have a texture that fits the Vanilla shape of boots being worn, you can download and reuse TODO.


Under resources/assets/modid/lang/ add at least a en_us.json file with the following content:

  "item.leatheredboots.leathered_custom_armor_material_boots": "Custom Leathered Boots"
  // Do the above for all the leathered boots you add via the API

Item models

For each of your leathered boots added via the API, add a file called leathered_custom_armor_material_boots.json under resources/assets/leatheredboots/models/item/ with the following content:

  "parent": "item/generated",
  "textures": {
    "layer0": "leatheredboots:item/leathered_boots_overlay",
    "layer1": "leatheredboots:item/leathered_custom_armor_material_boots"

Item textures

This is very easy, as you can just duplicate your already existing custom boots texture and put it under resources/assets/leatheredboots/textures/item/ as leathered_custom_armor_material_boots.png.

Armor textures

TODO (LB overlay)