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Cuberto Boilerplate that we use to start developing all our projects.

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Quick start


Make sure you have Node v.11 or above installed.

npm install

Copy .env.default to .env if it exists.


To build an optimized version of the application in /dist/ use command:

gulp build:production

or just use shortcut:



Deploy the app and start the middleware server with live reload:

gulp serve

Basic configuration

Build settings located in config.development.js and config.production.js.

Webpack configuration located in webpack.development.js and webpack.production.js.

The locale can be switched using the pug.locale parameter in build config and can override with FORCE_LOCALE environment variable.

The configuration files can be switched using the NODE_ENV environment variable.

File structure

├── /dist/                      # Production directory (minified, optimized and compiled files)
└── /src/                       # The source code of the application
    ├── /icons/                 # SVG icons
    ├── /js/                    # JavaScript source
    ├── /locales/               # JSON localizations strings
    ├── /pug/                   # Pug templates
        └── /_includes/         # Pug partials
    ├── /scss/                  # SCSS styles
        └── /templates/         # SCSS templates for generator tasks (icons, sprites, etc..)
        └── /generates/         # Generated styles
    ├── /sprites/               # Sprite raster images
    ├── /static/                # Root of static files (fonts, images, videos, etc..)
├── /tmp/                       # Temporary served files
├── .env                        # Environment variables
├── .editorconfig               # IDE style configuration
├── babel.config                # Babel config
├── config.development.js       # Development build configuration
├── config.production.js        # Production build configuration
├── webpack.development.js      # Webpack development configuration
├── webpack.production.js       # Webpack production configuration
├── package.json                # Project meta and dependencies

Gulp tasks

gulp serve deploy the app and start middleware server with live reload

gulp build build the app in /dist/ with current environment

gulp build:production build the app to /dist/ with force production environment

gulp pug compile Pug files

gulp sass compile Sass files

gulp js build JS with Webpack + Babel

gulp sprites make spritesheet based on sprites in /src/sprites/

gulp svgsprite make svg spritesheet based on icons in /src/icons/

gulp copy:static copy static files from /src/static/ to /dist/

gulp browsersync start browser sync server

gulp watch start watching stream

gulp clean remove temporary files

gulp clean:dist clean directory /dist/

Advanced configuration


Boilerplate use Pug as an HTML Preprocessor.

The following options are available in the build configuration:

parameter type description
locale string default locale
ext string extension of .html files
pugOptions object compiler options
fetch function callable to fetch external data
templates array templates map

The following constants are available in each template:

variable type description
__ object current locale data
$$ object fetched data (only if use fetch)
ENV object environment variables
NODE_ENV string current NODE_ENV
PACKAGE object package.json contents
LOCALE string current locale
$ string current page key (only in templates)


All locales should be stored in ./src/locales/{LANG}/*.json.

Builder merges all .json files from current locale directory into one object, and you can access it from __ constant in each template.

The locale can be switched using locale parameter in build config and can override with FORCE_LOCALE environment variable.


Builder can receive additional dynamic data to generate pages using fetch. This implements a simple Jamstack architecture and "Static Site Generation".

Callable function can be async.

The received data will be available in $$ constant in each pug template.


const axios = require('axios');

const fetchBackendData = async(locals, config) => {
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
        axios.get(``).then((response) => {

module.exports = {
    // ..... //
    pug: {
        src: ['./src/pug/**/*.pug', '!./src/pug/_includes/**/*'],
        dest: "./tmp/",
        locale: "en",
        ext: false,
        fetch: fetchBackendData
    // .... //


The builder can dynamically generate pages based on any object (locales, fetched data, array, etc..).

variable type description
src string template path
target any iterable target
key string iterable target key (optional)
dirname string destination directory ($ - replaced with a current key)
basename string destination filename ($ - replaced with a current key)


// Generate posts from array
templates: [
        src: "./src/pug/_includes/templates/post.pug",
        target: [
                "id": 1,
                "title": "Post #1"
                "id": 2,
                "title": "Post #2"
        key: "id",
        dirname: "posts/$",
        basename: "index"
// Generate posts from locales
templates: [
        src: "./src/pug/_includes/templates/post.pug",
        target: "__.posts",
        key: "id",
        dirname: "posts/$",
        basename: "index"
// Generate posts from fetched data
fetch: fetchBackendData,
templates: [
        src: "./src/pug/_includes/templates/post.pug",
        target: "$$.posts",
        key: "id",
        dirname: "posts/$",
        basename: "index"
// Generate posts from array
templates: [
        src: "./src/pug/_includes/templates/post.pug",
        target: [1,3,4,5],
        dirname: "tutorials",
        basename: "$"


Boilerplate use Sass as an CSS Preprocessor.

Autoprefixer, clean-css and RTLCSS (disabled by default in config) is also included. Clean-css disabled by default in the development environment to increase assembly speed.

Entrypoint by default: ./src/scss/main.scss.

The following options are available in the build configuration:

parameter type description
maps boolean use Sourcemap
autoprefixer boolean use Autoprefixer
rtl boolean use RTLCSS
cleanCss boolean use clean-css
sassOptions object node-sass options
cleanCssOptions object clean-css options
autoprefixerOptions object Autoprefixer options

SVG Sprites

All svg icons should be stored in ./src/icons/.

Make sure the shapes do not use a fill property, so that you can dynamically change the color in css.

To directly compile svg spritesheet use command:

gulp svgsprite

Spritesheet stored in:


Svg sprites also generated scss:


Make sure to include it in ./src/scss/main.scss.

To use icon in Pug use mixin:

+svgicon("ICON_NAME", insertinline = true | false)


All sprites should be stored in ./src/sprites/. @2x (retina) icons also supported.

To directly compile png spritesheet use command:

gulp sprites

Spritesheet stored in:



Sprites also generated scss:


Make sure to include it in ./src/scss/main.scss.

To use sprites in pug:



All javascript proceeds with webpack + Babel.

Webpack config localed in ./webpack.{NODE_ENV}.js.

Babel config located in ./babel.config.js.

Entrypoint, by default: ./src/js/app.js.

To directly compile js use command:

gulp js

Read webpack docs.

Read Babel docs.


Browsersync creates a small server for local development with live reloading. If Browsersync detects changes in code, it makes a local rebuild and reloads the page (complete or partial).

To start a project on a local web server with enabled livereload services use command:

gulp serve

To start the server without building the project, use the command:

gulp browsersync

In build configuration you can configure browsersync options.

See Browsersync options.


Cuberto Boilerplate that we use to start developing all our projects.






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