cyctw@vm /home/cyctw/Github~$ whoami
> Cheng Yuan Chang
- Undergraduate: 🏫 Deparement of Computer Science, National Chiao Tung University. (2017/9 - 2021/6)
- Graduate: 🏫 Graduate Institute of Electrical Engineering CyberSecurity program, National Taiwan University. (2021/09 - 2022/10)
Web Infra Template | k8s, Gitops, GCP: Cloud Build
- Build a sample CI/CD pipeline for arbitrary application.
- Build a K8s template for fullstack application.
Activity LineBot | Golang, gin, Line API
- LineBot for event scheduling and notification.
- Use golang gin framework to develop backend.
- Developed with Line MessageAPI and Line Notify for interaction and notification.
Image Labeling to Earn! 💰 | ReactJS, Ethereum, Truffle, IPFS
- A simple DApp (Decentralized Application) that make people solve trivial tasks and earn little money.
- Write smart contract with solidity for backend on ethereum.
- Use IPFS, a decentralized storage application to store transaction data.
Web3-offline-shop | ReactJS, Ethereum, Hardhat, NodeJS, IPFS
- Build a Dapp that user can safely exchange their NFT for real world goods
Food Explorer | Javascript, React, Netlify, Fauna DB
- Developed a full-stack web application using with Flask serving a REST API with React as the frontend
- Parse data from Google Map API.
- Visualized customized food map for individual user
- Use Netlify Function(AWS Lambda) and Fauna DB to build website’s backend service
Parallel Monte Carlo Tree Search | C++, OpenMP, Pthread, Github Action, Git
- Develop and analyze the parallelism method in MCTS algorithm.
- Implemented continuous delivery using Github Action and build test coverage using googletest
- Collaborate with other two members.
Personal Website | Nuxt.js Vuetify D3.js
- Personal website built by Nuxt.js Static Site Generation, which make use of Server Side Rendering.
- Make use of Vuetify css library and implement simple RWD.
- Implement interactive skill tree svg using D3.js.
Surakarta AI | C++, PyTorchC++
- Developed Surakarta board game engine available for two gamers.
- Won 3rd place in TAAI2019 Tournament of Surakarta Game.
- Implemented different RL (Reinforcement Learning), DL (Deep Learning) technique to train AI.
- Introduction to Operating System
- Introduction to Machine Learning
- Introudction to Computer Graphic
- Theory of Computer Game: