% CB-ACCEPTANCE(1) Cyber Grand Challenge Manuals % Brian Caswell bmc@lungetech.com % May 5, 2015
cb-acceptance - Challenge Binary acceptance testing utility
cb-acceptance [options] CB [CB ...]
cb-acceptance is a utility to verify CGC challenge binary (CB) acceptability.
cb-acceptance output is in the TAP format.
CB [CB ...]
--help : Show the available options
--debug : Enable debugging output
--list_checks : List available checks and exit
--check CHECK : Only run the specified check
--check_type CHECK_TYPE : Only run checks that match the provided type
--cb_type CB_TYPE : Validate a binary to be a specific type of CB (CFE or CQE)
- cb-acceptance /usr/share/cgc-sample-challenges/examples/CADET_00001
This will test the CADET_00001 binary.
- cb-acceptance --cb_type cqe /usr/share/cgc-sample-challenges/examples/CADET_00001
This will test the CADET_00001 binary, verifying it is a CB for CQE.
- cb-acceptance --check_type static /usr/share/cgc-sample-challenges/examples/CADET_00001
This will test the CADET_00001 binary, only verifying the static components that do not require any content generation.
Copyright (C) 2015, Brian Caswell bmc@lungetech.com
(1), poll-validate
For information regarding the TAP Format, see http://testanything.org/
For more information relating to DARPA's Cyber Grand Challenge, please visit http://www.darpa.mil/cybergrandchallenge/