% CB-REPLAY(1) Cyber Grand Challenge Manuals % Brian Caswell bmc@lungetech.com % April 18, 2014
cb-replay - POV/Poll replay utility
cb-replay [options] --host HOST --port PORT XML [XML ...]
cb-replay is a utility to send deterministic testing traffic to a CGC challenge binary (CB), following an XML specification. Results are recorded in the TAP format.
--port PORT : Specify the TCP port used for testing the CB.
--host HOST : Specify the IP address used for testing the CB.
XML : Specify the XML files to be used with the replay tool. These can be POVs or polls. Multiple XML files can be tested at once.
-h : Display a usage message and exit
--concurrent NUMBER : Specify the number of POVs/polls to run concurrently.
--timeout TIMEOUT : Specify the timeout for connecting to challenge binaries.
--failure_ok : Specify if failures are acceptable. Useful for testing a POV against a patched CB.
--debug : Specify if debug output should be enabled.
- cb-replay --host --port 10000 test-1.xml
This will test the challenge binary listening on port '10000' on the IP address '' with the Poll/POV 'test-1.xml'.
- cb-replay --host --port 31337 test-1.xml test-2.xml test-3.xml
This will test the challenge binary listening on port '31337' on the IP address '' with the Poll/POVs 'test-1.xml', 'test-2.xml', 'test-3.xml'.
Copyright (C) 2014, Brian Caswell bmc@lungetech.com
For the Replay DTD, see '/usr/share/cgc-docs/replay.dtd'.
For information regarding the TAP Format, see http://testanything.org/
For more information relating to DARPA's Cyber Grand Challenge, please visit http://www.darpa.mil/cybergrandchallenge/