% TI-ROTATE(1) Cyber Grand Challenge Manuals % Chris Eagle cseagle@nps.edu % April 18, 2015
ti-rotate - CGC CFE round simulator; part of Virtual Competiton. Meant to populate data that ti-server will make available.
ti-rotate [-h] --roundlen ROUNDLEN [--debug] [--log LOG] [--cbdir CBDIR] [--webroot WEBROOT] [--team TEAM] [--rounds ROUNDS]
ti-rotate simlates CFE rounds by creating data for ti-server to make available via the CRS API. Once started, ti-rotate will continue to simulate rounds every ROUNDLEN seconds until ti-rotate is stopped or ROUNDS is reached.
WARNING: Virtual Competition for finals in DARPA's Cyber Grand Challenge is for use in verifying the API capability with the competition framework. Data created by the virtual competition is synthetic in nature and is only intended to be used to test the API compatibility of competitor's CRSs.
-h, --help : show this help message and exit
--debug : Enable debugging (default: False)
--log LOG : Log filename (default: None)
--cbdir CBDIR : Initial CB directory (default: /usr/share/cgc-challenges)
--webroot WEBROOT : ti-server web root directory (default: ./webroot)
--team TEAM : Simulate playing as the specified team (0-7) (default: 1)
--rounds ROUNDS : How many rounds to simulate (default: None)
--roundlen ROUNDLEN
: Length of a round in seconds (default: None)
start ti-rotate specifying a new round to be simulated every 5 seconds
ti-rotate --roundlen 5
start ti-rotate specifying a new round to be simulated every 5 minutes, for 90 rounds, in a tmp directory
ti-rotate --roundlen 300 --webroot /tmp/simulation/webroot --rounds 90
start ti-rotate specifying a new round to be simulated every 20 minutes, simulating team 3
ti-rotate --roundlen 1200 --team 3
Under 17 U.S.C S 105 US Government Works are not subject to domestic copyright protection.
ti-server(1) ti-client(1)
For more information relating to DARPA's Cyber Grand Challenge, please visit http://www.darpa.mil/cybergrandchallenge/