% TI-SERVER(1) Cyber Grand Challenge Manuals % Chris Eagle cseagle@nps.edu % April 18, 2015
ti-server - API compatible synthetic CFE team interface server, part of Virtual Competition.
ti-server [-h] [--debug] [--team TEAM] [--port PORT] [--daemonize] [--cbdir CBDIR] [--username USERNAME] [--password PASSWORD] [--webroot WEBROOT]
ti-server makes CFE data available to a CRS. As part of Virtual competition, ti-server serves synthetic data created by ti-rotate.
WARNING: Virtual Competition for finals in DARPA's Cyber Grand Challenge is for use in verifying the API capability with the competition framework. Data created by the virtual competition is synthetic in nature and is only intended to be used to test the API compatibility of competitor's CRSs.
-h, --help : show this help message and exit
--debug : Enable debugging (default: False)
--team TEAM : Run as the server for the specified team (default: 1)
--port PORT : TCP Port to listen (default: 1996)
--daemonize : Run as a daemon (default: False)
--cbdir CBDIR : Initial CB directory (default: /usr/share/cgc-challenges)
--username USERNAME : Username for client to use (default: vagrant)
--password PASSWORD : Password for client to use (default: vagrant)
--webroot WEBROOT : ti-server web root directory (default: ./webroot)
--max_ids SIZE : Specify max size of a IDS rule
--max_pov SIZE : Specify max size of a POV
--max_rcb SIZE : Specify max size of a RCB
Under 17 U.S.C S 105 US Government Works are not subject to domestic copyright protection.
ti-rotate(1) ti-client(1)
For more information relating to DARPA's Cyber Grand Challenge, please visit http://www.darpa.mil/cybergrandchallenge/