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Vercel deployment guide

In this guide we'll deploy Saleor Checkout to production and host it on Vercel.


We assume you've already configured environment variables except CHECKOUT_APP_URL, as described in README

The repo needs to be hosted on GitHub or some other git repository. Before you start, fork the repo to your account or organization.

  • Authenticate the Turborepo CLI with your Vercel account
pnpm dlx turbo login
  • Link the repo to a Vercel scope to enable the Remote Caching feature
pnpm dlx turbo link

Remote Caching drastically reduces build times if you work in a team. Learn more about it at Turborepo documentation and Vercel documentation

Deploying Checkout App

1. Create new project

Start by creating new project on Vercel and select your forked GitHub repo

Vercel doesn't support importing the entire monorepo at the moment, you will need to set up a project yourself for each app inside /apps folder

Create project on Vercel by selecting your cloned GitHub repository in the menu

2. Configuring new project for saleor-app-checkout

On the configuration page:

  • Provide your project name (for example saleor-app-checkout)
  • Select framework to Next.js
  • Choose the root directory to be apps/saleor-app-checkout
  • Override the build command to:
cd ../.. && pnpm run build:saleor-app-checkout
  • Add environment variables:
    • ENABLE_EXPERIMENTAL_COREPACK with value 1 – this enables the Corepack support and is required for the proper pnpm version to be used in Vercel
    • SETTINGS_ENCRYPTION_SECRET — Random string used for encrypting apps configuration (you can generate it using openssl rand -hex 256)
    • NEXT_PUBLIC_SALEOR_API_URL - URL to your Saleor GraphQL API
    • SALEOR_APP_TOKEN - Saleor App token, see below for instructions on how to generate it
    • SALEOR_APP_ID - Saleor App ID
    • SALEOR_APP_JWKS - JWKS as a JSON string – obtain it by opening https://{you_saleor_domain}/.well-known/jwks.json in your browser
    • APL=vercel - this is required for the single-tenant deployment to Vercel

Here's the final result on configuration page:

Vercel "Configure project" page with all settings filled out

Click deploy and wait until the app is deployed.

3. Update environment variables in repository

Update CHECKOUT_APP_URL in .env file located at the root of monorepo to be your deployment URL.



4. Install the app in Saleor

Grab the deployed app URL from Vercel and add /api/manifest. This URL points to the manifest file that is required for installing the app in Saleor

Example manifest URL:

You can install the app by using:

saleor app install

PROTIP 💡: If you want your app to automatically update whenever you push changes to the main branch, make sure to use production domain from Vercel (not deployment domain) for your manifest URL.

❌ Deployment domain (won't update app after push):

✅ Production domain:

To see which domain is used for production go to Vercel Dashboard > Settings > Domains: Vercel dashboard settings page that shows which domain is connected to production deployment

5. Generate app token

After the app was installed, generate its app token by using:

saleor app token
mutation {
  appTokenCreate(input: { name: "Vercel", app: "<MY_APP_ID>" }) {

Where <MY_APP_ID> is the app id. You can retrieve the id by using this GraphQL query:

query {
  apps(first: 10) {
    edges {
      node {

outputs this:

  "data": {
    "apps": {
      "edges": [
          "node": {
            "id": "QXBwOjQ=", // <- this is the app id
            "name": "Checkout"

6. Update environment variables in Vercel

You have to add additional environment variables for Checkout App in Vercel:

  • SALEOR_APP_TOKEN — Token you've just generated

🚨 These values are secrets — don't store them inside your git repository

Make sure that you also have "Automatically expose System Environment Variables" selected

Here's how the configuration should look like in the end: Vercel env variable final configuration

After you're done, re-deploy the app

⚠️ Make sure that you don't select the "Redeploy with existing Build Cache." option

  1. 🥳 Congrats! saleor-app-checkout is now ready to be used!

Checkout SPA

Checkout SPA (user-facing interface for Checkout) is available on the same URL as the saleor-app-checkout under the /checkout-spa/?saleorApiUrl=<YOUR_SALEOR_API_URL> path.

Deploying Storefront SPA

1. Create another project on Vercel

Start by creating another project on Vercel similar to saleor-app-checkout.

On the configuration page:

  • Provide your project name (for example saleor-storefront)
  • Select framework to Next.js
  • Choose the root directory to be apps/storefront
  • Override the build command to:
cd ../.. && pnpm run build:storefront