JMath is an extended mathematics utils library providing a bunch of functionnalities (e.g. functions derivatives, analytical geometry, matrix calculation etc. (take a look to the Wiki if you want the full list of features)).
For the moment, the only way to install JMath is to build your own JAR library from the master branch (see the Wiki for the 'how to'). Don't worry, I will set up a Bintray repository for the first version and each version will be available in the 'Release' section of GitHub as JAR.
Here is a simple utilisation of JMath:
//creating 3 points
Point A = new Point(2,4);
Point B = new Point(0,0);
Point C = new Point(7.5,9);
Triangle t = new Triangle(A,B,C); //creating a triangle from the 3 points
System.out.println("Permimeter of the triangle is:" + t.getPerimeter()); //side length are auto-calculated with perimeter
Everyone can contribute to Jmath by adding features, correcting bugs and improve tests. The only rules are:
- You must push your modifications on a separated Git branch
- You must write unit tests (with JUnit) and these tests must me compliant with the other tests (take a look to the tests on the master branch to get an idea) and with the Gradle Build Tool.
- Your tests musl all pass before you push onto your branch, else it will not be merged into the master branch and your modifications will be ignored... forever...