C# Source Generator to create Value object pattern, also inspired by units of measure to support all arithmetic operators and serialization.
NuGet: UnitGenerator
Install-Package UnitGenerator
Execute in Unity Game Engine is also supported, please see the Unity section for details.
For example, Identifier, UserId is comparable only to UserId, and cannot be assigned to any other type. Also, arithmetic operations are not allowed.
using UnitGenerator;
public readonly partial struct UserId; { }
or when using C#11 and NET7 you can use
using UnitGenerator;
[UnitOf<int>] public readonly partial struct UserId;
will generates
public readonly partial struct UserId : IEquatable<UserId>
readonly int value;
public UserId(int value)
this.value = value;
public readonly int AsPrimitive() => value;
public static explicit operator int(UserId value) => value.value;
public static explicit operator UserId(int value) => new UserId(value);
public bool Equals(UserId other) => value.Equals(other.value);
public override bool Equals(object? obj) => // snip...
public override int GetHashCode() => value.GetHashCode();
public override string ToString() => value.ToString();
public static bool operator ==(in UserId x, in UserId y) => x.value.Equals(y.value);
public static bool operator !=(in UserId x, in UserId y) => !x.value.Equals(y.value);
private class UserIdTypeConverter : System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter
// snip...
However, Hp in games, should not be allowed to be assigned to other types, but should support arithmetic operations with int. For example double heal = target.Hp = Hp.Min(target.Hp * 2, target.MaxHp)
[UnitOf<int>(UnitGenerateOptions.ArithmeticOperator | UnitGenerateOptions.ValueArithmeticOperator | UnitGenerateOptions.Comparable | UnitGenerateOptions.MinMaxMethod)]
public readonly partial struct Hp;
// -- generates
public readonly partial struct Hp
: IEquatable<Hp>
, IEqualityOperators<Hp, Hp, bool>
, IComparable<Hp>
, IComparisonOperators<Hp, Hp, bool>
, IAdditionOperators<Hp, Hp, Hp>
, ISubtractionOperators<Hp, Hp, Hp>
, IMultiplyOperators<Hp, Hp, Hp>
, IDivisionOperators<Hp, Hp, Hp>
, IUnaryPlusOperators<Hp, Hp>
, IUnaryNegationOperators<Hp, Hp>
, IIncrementOperators<Hp>
, IDecrementOperators<Hp>
readonly int value;
public Hp(int value)
this.value = value;
public int AsPrimitive() => value;
public static explicit operator int(Hp value) => value.value;
public static explicit operator Hp(int value) => new Hp(value);
public bool Equals(Hp other) => value.Equals(other.value);
public override bool Equals(object? obj) => // snip...
public override int GetHashCode() => value.GetHashCode();
public override string ToString() => value.ToString();
public static bool operator ==(in Hp x, in Hp y) => x.value.Equals(y.value);
public static bool operator !=(in Hp x, in Hp y) => !x.value.Equals(y.value);
private class HpTypeConverter : System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter { /* snip... */ }
// UnitGenerateOptions.ArithmeticOperator
public static Hp operator +(Hp x, Hp y) => new Hp(checked((int)(x.value + y.value)));
public static Hp operator -(Hp x, Hp y) => new Hp(checked((int)(x.value - y.value)));
public static Hp operator *(Hp x, Hp y) => new Hp(checked((int)(x.value * y.value)));
public static Hp operator /(Hp x, Hp y) => new Hp(checked((int)(x.value / y.value)));
public static Hp operator ++(Hp x) => new Hp(checked((int)(x.value + 1)));
public static Hp operator --(Hp x) => new Hp(checked((int)(x.value - 1)));
public static Hp operator +(A value) => new((int)(+value.value));
public static Hp operator -(A value) => new((int)(-value.value));
// UnitGenerateOptions.ValueArithmeticOperator
public static Hp operator +(Hp x, in int y) => new Hp(checked((int)(x.value + y)));
public static Hp operator -(Hp x, in int y) => new Hp(checked((int)(x.value - y)));
public static Hp operator *(Hp x, in int y) => new Hp(checked((int)(x.value * y)));
public static Hp operator /(Hp x, in int y) => new Hp(checked((int)(x.value / y)));
// UnitGenerateOptions.Comparable
public int CompareTo(Hp other) => value.CompareTo(other.value);
public static bool operator >(Hp x, Hp y) => x.value > y.value;
public static bool operator <(Hp x, Hp y) => x.value < y.value;
public static bool operator >=(Hp x, Hp y) => x.value >= y.value;
public static bool operator <=(Hp x, Hp y) => x.value <= y.value;
// UnitGenerateOptions.MinMaxMethod
public static Hp Min(Hp x, Hp y) => new Hp(Math.Min(x.value, y.value));
public static Hp Max(Hp x, Hp y) => new Hp(Math.Max(x.value, y.value));
You can configure with UnitGenerateOptions
, which method to implement.
enum UnitGenerateOptions
None = 0,
ImplicitOperator = 1,
ParseMethod = 1 << 1,
MinMaxMethod = 1 << 2,
ArithmeticOperator = 1 << 3,
ValueArithmeticOperator = 1 << 4,
Comparable = 1 << 5,
Validate = 1 << 6,
JsonConverter = 1 << 7,
MessagePackFormatter = 1 << 8,
DapperTypeHandler = 1 << 9,
EntityFrameworkValueConverter = 1 << 10,
WithoutComparisonOperator = 1 << 11,
JsonConverterDictionaryKeySupport = 1 << 12,
Normalize = 1 << 13,
UnitGenerateOptions has some serializer support. For example, a result like Serialize(userId) => { Value = 1111 }
is awful. The value-object should be serialized natively, i.e. Serialize(useId) => 1111
, and should be able to be added directly to a database, etc.
Currently UnitGenerator supports MessagePack for C#, System.Text.Json(JsonSerializer), Dapper and EntityFrameworkCore.
public readonly partial struct UserId;
// -- generates
public readonly partial struct UserId
class UserIdMessagePackFormatter : IMessagePackFormatter<UserId>
public void Serialize(ref MessagePackWriter writer, UserId value, MessagePackSerializerOptions options)
options.Resolver.GetFormatterWithVerify<int>().Serialize(ref writer, value.value, options);
public UserId Deserialize(ref MessagePackReader reader, MessagePackSerializerOptions options)
return new UserId(options.Resolver.GetFormatterWithVerify<int>().Deserialize(ref reader, options));
When referring to the UnitGenerator, it generates a internal UnitOfAttribute
namespace UnitGenerator
[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Struct, AllowMultiple = false)]
internal class UnitOfAttribute : Attribute
public Type Type { get; }
public UnitGenerateOptions Options { get; }
public UnitArithmeticOperators ArithmeticOperators { get; set; }
public string? ToStringFormat { get; set; }
public UnitOfAttribute(Type type, UnitGenerateOptions options = UnitGenerateOptions.None) { ... }
[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Struct, AllowMultiple = false)]
internal class UnitOfAttribute<T> : Attribute
public Type Type { get; }
public UnitGenerateOptions Options { get; }
public UnitArithmeticOperators ArithmeticOperators { get; set; } = UnitArithmeticOperators.All;
public string? ToStringFormat { get; set; }
public UnitOfAttribute(UnitGenerateOptions options = UnitGenerateOptions.None)
this.Type = typeof(T);
this.Options = options;
You can attach this attribute with any specified underlying type to readonly partial struct
public readonly partial struct GroupId { }
public readonly partial struct Message { }
public readonly partial struct Power { }
public readonly partial struct Image { }
public readonly partial struct StartDate { }
[UnitOf(typeof((string street, string city)))]
public readonly partial struct StreetAddress { }
Standard UnitOf(UnitGenerateOptions.None
) generates value constructor, explicit operator
, implement IEquatable<T>
, override GetHashCode
, override ToString
, ==
and !=
operator, TypeConverter
for ASP.NET Core binding, AsPrimitive
If you want to retrieve primitive value, use AsPrimitive()
instead of .Value
. This is intended to avoid casual getting of primitive values (using the arithmetic operator option if available).
When type is bool, also implements
public static bool operator true(Foo x) => x.value;
public static bool operator false(Foo x) => !x.value;
public static bool operator !(Foo x) => !x.value;
When type is Guid or Ulid, also implements
static operator.
For Guid type in .NET 9.0 or later, these methods accept an optionaluuidV7
parameter. WhenuuidV7
is set totrue
, the methods useGuid.CreateVersion7()
public static GroupId New();
public static GroupId NewGroupId();
// overload .NET 9.0+
public static GroupId New(bool uuidV7);
public static GroupId NewGroupId(bool uuidV7);
Second parameter UnitGenerateOptions options
can configure which method to implement, default is None
Optional named parameter: ArithmeticOperators
can configure which generates operators specifically. Default is Number
. (This can be used if UnitGenerateOptions.ArithmeticOperator is specified.)
Optional named parameter: ToStringFormat
can configure ToString
format. Default is null and output as ${0}
When referring to the UnitGenerator, it generates a internal UnitGenerateOptions
that is bit flag of which method to implement.
internal enum UnitGenerateOptions
None = 0,
ImplicitOperator = 1,
ParseMethod = 2,
MinMaxMethod = 4,
ArithmeticOperator = 8,
ValueArithmeticOperator = 16,
Comparable = 32,
Validate = 64,
JsonConverter = 128,
MessagePackFormatter = 256,
DapperTypeHandler = 512,
EntityFrameworkValueConverter = 1024,
You can use this with [UnitOf]
[UnitOf(typeof(int), UnitGenerateOptions.ArithmeticOperator | UnitGenerateOptions.ValueArithmeticOperator | UnitGenerateOptions.Comparable | UnitGenerateOptions.MinMaxMethod)]
public readonly partial struct Strength { }
[UnitOf(typeof(DateTime), UnitGenerateOptions.Validate | UnitGenerateOptions.ParseMethod | UnitGenerateOptions.Comparable)]
public readonly partial struct EndDate { }
[UnitOf(typeof(double), UnitGenerateOptions.ParseMethod | UnitGenerateOptions.MinMaxMethod | UnitGenerateOptions.ArithmeticOperator | UnitGenerateOptions.ValueArithmeticOperator | UnitGenerateOptions.Comparable | UnitGenerateOptions.Validate | UnitGenerateOptions.JsonConverter | UnitGenerateOptions.MessagePackFormatter | UnitGenerateOptions.DapperTypeHandler | UnitGenerateOptions.EntityFrameworkValueConverter)]
public readonly partial struct AllOptionsStruct { }
You can setup project default options like this.
internal static class UnitOfOptions
public const UnitGenerateOptions Default = UnitGenerateOptions.ArithmeticOperator | UnitGenerateOptions.ValueArithmeticOperator | UnitGenerateOptions.Comparable | UnitGenerateOptions.MinMaxMethod;
[UnitOf(typeof(int), UnitOfOptions.Default)]
public readonly partial struct Hp { }
// Default
public static explicit operator U(T value) => value.value;
public static explicit operator T(U value) => new T(value);
// UnitGenerateOptions.ImplicitOperator
public static implicit operator U(T value) => value.value;
public static implicit operator T(U value) => new T(value);
public static T Parse(string s)
public static bool TryParse(string s, out T result)
public static T Min(T x, T y)
public static T Max(T x, T y)
public static T operator +(in T x, in T y) => new T(checked((U)(x.value + y.value)));
public static T operator -(in T x, in T y) => new T(checked((U)(x.value - y.value)));
public static T operator *(in T x, in T y) => new T(checked((U)(x.value * y.value)));
public static T operator /(in T x, in T y) => new T(checked((U)(x.value / y.value)));
public static T operator +(T value) => new((U)(+value.value));
public static T operator -(T value) => new((U)(-value.value));
public static T operator ++(T x) => new T(checked((U)(x.value + 1)));
public static T operator --(T x) => new T(checked((U)(x.value - 1)));
In addition, all members conforming to System.Numerics.INumber are generated.
If you want to suppress this and generate only certain operators, you can use the the ArithmeticOperatros
option of [UnitOf]
attribute as follows:
ArithmeticOperators = UnitArithmeticOperators.Addition | UnitArithmeticOperators.Subtraction)]
public readonly partial struct Hp { }
Value | Generates |
UnitArithmeticOperators.Addition | T operator +(T, T) |
UnitArithmeticOperators.Subtraction | T operator -(T, T) |
UnitArithmeticOperators.Multiply | T operator *(T, T) , T operator +(T) , T operator-(T) |
UnitArithmeticOperators.Division | T operator /(T, T) , T operator +(T) , T operator-(T) |
UnitArithmeticOperators.Increment | T operator ++(T) |
UnitArithmeticOperators.Decrement | T operator --(T) |
public static T operator +(in T x, in U y) => new T(checked((U)(x.value + y)));
public static T operator -(in T x, in U y) => new T(checked((U)(x.value - y)));
public static T operator *(in T x, in U y) => new T(checked((U)(x.value * y)));
public static T operator /(in T x, in U y) => new T(checked((U)(x.value / y)));
Implements IComparable<T>
and >
, <
, >=
, <=
public U CompareTo(T other) => value.CompareTo(other.value);
public static bool operator >(in T x, in T y) => x.value > y.value;
public static bool operator <(in T x, in T y) => x.value < y.value;
public static bool operator >=(in T x, in T y) => x.value >= y.value;
public static bool operator <=(in T x, in T y) => x.value <= y.value;
Without implements >
, <
, >=
, <=
operators. For example, useful for Guid.
[UnitOf(typeof(Guid), UnitGenerateOptions.Comparable | UnitGenerateOptions.WithoutComparisonOperator)]
public readonly partial struct FooId { }
Implements partial void Validate()
method that is called on constructor.
// You can implement this custom validate method.
[UnitOf(typeof(int), UnitGenerateOptions.Validate)]
public readonly partial struct SampleValidate
// impl here.
private partial void Validate()
if (value > 9999) throw new Exception("Invalid value range: " + value);
// Source generator generate this codes.
public T(int value)
this.value = value;
private partial void Validate();
Implements partial void Normalize(ref T value)
method that is called on constructor.
// You can implement this custom normalize method to change value during initialization
[UnitOf(typeof(int), UnitGenerateOptions.Normalize)]
public readonly partial struct SampleValidate
// impl here.
private partial void Normalize(ref int value)
value = Math.Max(value, 9999);
// Source generator generate this codes.
public T(int value)
this.value = value;
this.Normalize(ref this.value);
private partial void Normalize(ref int value);
Implements System.Text.Json
's JsonConverter
. It will be used JsonSerializer
public readonly partial struct UserId
class UserIdJsonConverter : JsonConverter<UserId>
Implements JsonConverter
's WriteAsPropertyName/ReadAsPropertyName
. It supports from .NET 6, supports Dictionary's Key.
var dict = Dictionary<UserId, int>
Implements MessagePack for C#'s MessagePackFormatter
. It will be used MessagePackSerializer
public readonly partial struct UserId
class UserIdMessagePackFormatter : IMessagePackFormatter<UserId>
Implements Dapper's TypeHandler by public accessibility. TypeHandler is automatically registered at the time of Module initialization.
public readonly partial struct UserId
public class UserIdTypeHandler : Dapper.SqlMapper.TypeHandler<UserId>
public static void AddTypeHandler()
Dapper.SqlMapper.AddTypeHandler(new A.ATypeHandler());
Implements EntityFrameworkCore's ValueConverter by public accessibility. It is not registered automatically so you need to register manually.
public readonly partial struct UserId
public class UserIdValueConverter : ValueConverter<UserId, int>
// setup handler manually
builder.HasConversion(new UserId.UserIdValueConverter());
Minimum supported Unity version is 2022.3.12f1
The easiest way is to install UnitGenerator
from NuGet using NuGetForUnity.
Alternatively, you can download UnitGenerator.dll
from the releases page page and set it up as a RoslynAnalyzer
to make it work.
This library is under the MIT License.