A simple but beautiful design. Click here to see my design.
bg-image Upon first visiting the landing page, the user is met with a high resolution image of Tupac Shakur that covers the entire screen. Naturally, the user would want to scroll down to see if there is more.
js-toggle-script A simple
script which triggers on scroll. The scroll event triggers the header to go from 0 opacity to 100 opacity in 0.3s. This gives the user a feeling of 'having arrived' at the site and being 'greeted' by the site. -
the header In this version the header gives a simple logo on the left spelling '2PAC' in capital letters. In the middle is the title of the page, which in this case needs little to no explanation but hopefully a future version of this site will eloborate more on that. On the right are 3 navigation options, in a format suitable for mobile phone users.
The about page is a special feature, in a sense. It can be on the same page, it can be on a different site. It is information to the user given by the site-developer. The web developer, for this tribute page, wants to establish something about the person he gives tribute to: The importance of his figure, the longevity of his era, his enemy and his supporters.
Whom do I write this to? Not to the dead man.. but to his supporters.
About, music and Legacy