Call of Duty 4 New Experience server side modification aims to bring new life into the game. This modification requires CoD4x server modification which is available at and supports only TDM and DM gametypes. This modification is still work in progress and may include bugs. Current feature list is not final and will be updated as more exciting stuff is added.
- Brand new hardpoint system
- New hardpoints
- XP multiplier mode
- Fast paced mode
- Smart spawn protection
- Custom and final killcam
- Dynamic killcam times
- Map specific best players on game end
- Custom spectating - You can see spectating player FPS and his vision settings
- Script and rcon command support for vision settings
- Geowelcome system
- Ability to disable attachements and perks such as grenade launcher, juggernaut, etc.
- Optimisation to the stock code making game feel smoother
- And more...
- Airstrike
- Artillery using ballistic trajectory and simulated projectiles
- Air superiority fighter - will seek enemy helicopter and destroy it
- Air to Ground missile
- Unmanned helicopter
- Predator drone
- AC130 gunship
- Manned helicopter - bringing Battlefield to CoD4, take control of your helicopter
- Nuclear missile - kill everyone and leave radiation zone that will stop the enemy in its tracks
Buy hardpoints by spending your hard earned credits and take control of the game. There is no longer need to camp to get hard to reach hardpoints, get your credits by killing your enemies and gain even more by getting headshots and melee kills. You won't lose any of the credits on death so feel free to rush enemy team or bring your hidden ninja to the game.