| Command Description | Required Permissions, empty if none required
| Moderate a Member with some actions | Set/ModNick: ManageNicknames, Timeout: ModerateMembers, Kick: KickMembers, Ban: BanMembers -
| Send an Announcement through the bot | Administrator -
| Get the avatar of an User -
| Ban a Member | BanMembers -
| Deafen a Member | DeafenMembers -
| Disconnect a Member from a Voice Channel | MoveMembers -
| Create and Post an embed | Administrator -
| USF Bot Frequently Asked Questions -
| Get commands and info about the bot -
| Get informations about the bot -
| Invite the bot to your servers -
| Kick a Member | KickMembers -
| Private Command for Bot Owners -
| Lock a Channel and post an embed with the reason | ManageChannels -
| Get the status of a Minecraft Server in Java, Bedrock or Education Edition -- Issues with Aternos and exaroton Servers on their end -
| Generate a random Meme -
| Moderate a Member nickname, format "Moderated Name XXXXXX" X = Number | ManageNicknames -
| Move a Member to another Voice Channel | MoveMembers -
| Returns the Bot Ping -
| Create a poll in the server and max 10 choices | Administrator -
| Prune messages in a channel, up to 200 | ManageMessages -
| Report an User or Issue/Bug with the bot to Developers -
| Get Role Informations -
| Say something in chat through the bot | Administrator -
| Generate search links -
| Display info about the server -
| Set the Nickname of a Member | ModerateNicknames -
| Suggest something to be added in the bot to Developers -
| Timeout a Server Member | ModerateMembers -
| Generates a Timestamp -
| unban an User from the Server | BanMembers -
| Undeafen a Member | DeafenMembers -
| Unlock a channel and post an embed with the reason | ManageChannels -
| Unmute a Member | ModerateMembers -
| Get informations about an User -
| Voice Mute a Member | MuteMembers -
| Voice Unmute a Member | MuteMembers