PushDown Automata - AALborg
Install dependencies:
sudo apt install build-essentials cmake
Build using cmake:
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
For pushdown systems we have two similar JSON formats. The only difference is whether states are named or indexed. Each state has a dictionary, where keys correspond to precondition labels and the values are the rules that can be applied if the top of the stack matches the label. A rule indicates the "to" state and the push, swap or pop operation. For weighted pushdown systems, the rule also has a weight attribute.
Indexed states:
"pda": {
"states": [
{"A": {"to": 1, "pop": ""},
"B": {"to": 0, "push": "A"}},
{"A": [
{"to": 0, "swap": "A"},
{"to": 2, "push": "B"}]},
{"B": {"to": 2, "pop": ""}}
Names states:
"pda": {
"states": {
"p0": {
"A": {"to": "p1", "pop": ""},
"B": {"to": "p0", "push": "A"}},
"p1": {
"A": [
{"to": "p0", "swap": "A"},
{"to": "p2", "push": "B"}]},
"p2": {
"B": {"to": "p2", "pop": ""}}
P-automata are defined relative to a pushdown system. For the PDS above with named states, an example of a P-automaton is:
"P-automaton": {
"accepting": [3],
"initial": ["p0","p1","p2"],
"edges": [
It is also possible to define a P-automaton using regular expressions to describe the stack:
< [p0], [B]? [A] > | < [p1], [A] >
For convenience, we can group a pushdown system and two P-automata (representing initial and final configurations) together into a reachability problem instance. This is a JSON array, where the first element has meta-data of whether PDS states are named and the type of weight used. After this follows the PDS, the initial automaton and the final automaton.
"instance": [
{"state-names": true, "weight-type": "uint"},
{ "states": {
"p0": {
"A": {"to": "p1", "pop": "", "weight": 1},
"B": {"to": "p0", "push": "A", "weight": 0}},
"p1": {
"A": [
{"to": "p0", "swap": "A", "weight": 2},
{"to": "p2", "push": "B", "weight": 1}]},
"p2": {
"B": {"to": "p2", "pop": "", "weight": 3}}
{ "accepting": [3],
"edges": [
{ "accepting": ["p2",3],
"edges": [
To run PDAAAL, provide an instance file for the option --input
, and select the engine -e 1
(post*), -e 2
(pre*), or -e 3
(dual*) and the trace type -t 0
(no trace), -t 1
(any trace), -t 2
(shortest trace), or -t 3
(longest trace). For finding shortest trace with negative weights use -t 4
to enable the fixed-point algorithm for shortest trace.
Example of using the post* algorithm to find the shortest trace in the above example:
./bin/pdaaal --input example-instance.json -e 1 -t 2
The output of running the tool contains the boolean reachability result, the weight, and a trace along with some timing information. For example the above command can produce this output:
"parsing-duration" : 0.0542163,
"engine" : "post*",
"weight" : 4,
"rtime" : 0.0070728,
"result" : true,
"trace" : [{"stack":["A"],"state":1},{"stack":["B","A"],"state":2},{"stack":["A"],"state":2}]