A howto-module for DCS: World about high fidelity flight dynamics and advanced systems modeling. Originally created by CptSmiley. 3D work done by SkateZilla. EFM development continued by kazereal.
This does not use ED SDK in any shape or form.
All names are usernames at: https://forums.eagle.ru
Flight model source code: Use Only for Non-Commercial Purposes
3D model: Do NOT Use the External 3D model or Cockpit Model EDMs outside of this Module. Anyone Caught Moving the 3D External/Cockpit EDMs to Private/Hacked/Jury Rigged Mods, Even for Personal Use will be dealt with harsely as it violates the license Agreements for the 3D Assets. So Once Again, Do NOT use the 3D Model EDMs with any private Mods.
Forum thread: http://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?t=95985
Release notes in same thread.
Stall testing video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9k03-pzb8MI
Original source of aerodynamic calculations:
- F-16 University of Minnesota Non-Linear Flight Model http://www.aem.umn.edu/people/faculty/balas/darpa_sec/SEC.Software.html
- NASA TP 1538 Simulator Study of Stall/Post-Stall Characteristics of a Fighter Airplane With Relaxed Longitudinal Static Stability
- NASA TN D-8176 Simulator Study of the Effectiveness of an Automatic Control System Designed to Improve the High Angle-of-Attack Characteristics of a Fighter Airplane
- AFIT/GE/ENG/88D-8 A Real-time Simulator for Man-In-The-Loop Testing of Aircraft Control Systems
- JBSim 1.0 F-16 Configuration