- Original release thread: https://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?t=139703
- Usage stats: https://www.sourcemod.net/newstats.php?mod_id=0&addon_id=2757
"driver" "default"
"host" "<your database ip or hostname>"
"database" "<your hlstatx database name>"
"user" "<your database userid>"
"pass" "<your database password>"
//"timeout" "0"
"port" "3306"
"sm_top10_hlstatsce_enabled", "1", "Whether this plugin should be enabled"
"sm_top10_hlstatsce_game", buffer, "The shortname found after the game settings for particular servers on admin page"
"sm_top10_hlstatsce_text", "2", "Default message type. 1 = Center, 2 = Hint text, 3 = Regular text. Leave empty for center"
"sm_top10_hlstatsce_sounds", "addons/sourcemod/configs/top10_sounds.kv", "The config file containing the paths of sounds to play when a top10 hlstats player joins the game"