XCache description is available in this article here.
You can look at the official XrootD documentation for detailed information about the XRootD tool:
The setup infrastructure is shown the figure below, where the clients that run the payload can be instructed to request data to a cache system deployed on the same cloud provider and thus with low latency. The cache stack consists in:
- a proxy server to function as bridge between the private network of the cache and the client. This server will simply tunnel the request from cache servers.
- a cache redirector for federating each cache server deployed. If a new server is added, it will be automatically configured to contact this redirector for registration
- a configurable number of cache servers, the core of the tool that are responsibles for reading-ahead from remote site while caching.
- The client show its identity only to the cache server
- The cache server will check in its local mapfile if the client is allowed to read the requested namespace
- If that is the case the cache server will server the file from its disk if already cached or it will use its own certificate (robot/service/power user as needed) to authenticate with the remote storage for the reading process
- The remote storage check its own mapfile if the robot/service/power user certificate is allowed to read from that namespace.
N.B. a procedure to use a user proxy forwarding approach is available but not recomended for security reasons.
Coming soon...
helm repo add dodas https://dodas-ts.github.io/helm_charts
helm repo update
helm install cod dodas/cachingondemand
Tip: You can use the default values.yaml
Value | Default | Description | Type |
gsi.enabled | false | Enable GSI authentication | boolean |
gsi.vo | null | Enable GSI authentication with a VO | string |
gsi.vomses | [] | list of files for vomses endpoints | list |
gsi.cacheCert | {} | cert and key for cache service certificates | map |
gsi.proxy | false | use cache service proxy for auth with remote storage | boolean |
externalIp.enabled | false | Enable ExternalIPs for k8s services | boolean |
externalIp.ips | [] | List of ExternalIPs for k8s services | list |
cache.image | cloudpg/cachingondemand | Cache server docker image | string |
cache.tag | latest | Cache server docker image tag | string |
cache.pullPolicy | IfNotPresent | Cache server image pull policy | string |
cache.replicas | 1 | Number of cache pod replicas | int |
cache.redirHost | xcache-redir-service.default.svc.cluster.local | Cache redirector address | string |
cache.cachePath | /data/xrd | Cache local path to data | string |
cache.blockSize | 512k | Cache file block size | string |
cache.memGb | 2 | Cache memory (in GB) for writing queue | float |
cache.highWm | 0.95 | Space usage % triggering eviction untili low water mark | float |
cache.lowWm | 0.80 | Space usage % at which the eviction ended | float |
cache.nPrefetch | 0 | Number of file blocks read ahead | int |
cache.originHost | xrootd-cms.infn.it | Remote source of data address | string |
cache.originXrdPort | 1094 | Remote source of data port | int |
cache.streams | 256 | Number of active xrootd streams | int |
cache.logLevel | info | Enable GSI authentication | string |
cache.persistence.enabled | true | Enable data persistence | boolean |
cache.persistence.cacheHostPath | false | Path on physical host where to save data | boolean |
cache.persistence.volumeClaim.enabled | false | TO BE IMPLEMENTED YET | boolean |
cache.http.enabled | false | TO BE IMPLEMENTED YET | boolean |
cache.configMap.enabled | false | TO BE IMPLEMENTED YET | boolean |
cache.nodeSelector | {} | TO BE IMPLEMENTED YET | map |
cache.resources | {} | TO BE IMPLEMENTED YET | map |
redirector.enabled | true | Enable Cache server federation | boolean |
redirector.image | cloudpg/cachingondemand | Federator docker image | string |
redirector.image.tag | latest | Federator docker image tag | string |
redirector.pullPolicy | InNotPresent | Federator image pull policy | string |
redirector.replicas | 1 | Federator server replicas | int |
redirector.service.type | NodePort | K8s service type for federator | string |
redirector.service.xrootd.port | 1294 | Federator container port for xroot daemon | int |
redirector.service.xrootd.targetport | 31294 | Federator k8s target port for xroot daemon | int |
redirector.service.xrootd.nodePort | 31294 | Federator k8s nodePort for xroot daemon (if type is NodePort) | int |
redirector.service.cms.port | 1213 | Federator container port for cluster manager daemon | int |
redirector.service.cms.targetport | 31213 | Federator k8s target port for cluster manager daemon | int |
redirector.service.cms.nodePort | 31213 | Federator k8s nodePort for cluster manager daemon (if type is NodePort) | int |
redirector.confiMap.enabled | false | TO BE IMPLEMENTED YET | boolean |
redirector.nodeSelector | {} | TO BE IMPLEMENTED YET | map |
redirector.resources | {} | TO BE IMPLEMENTED YET | map |
proxy.enabled | true | Enable proxy service for external access | boolean |
proxy.image | cloudpg/cachingondemand | Proxy service docker image | string |
proxy.tag | latest | Proxy service docker image tag | string |
proxy.pullPolicy | IfNotPresent | Proxy service image pull policy | string |
proxy.replicas | 1 | Proxy service replicas | int |
proxy.service.type | NodePort | Proxy k8s service type | map |
proxy.service.xrootd.port | 1394 | Proxy container port for xrootd daemon | int |
proxy.service.xrootd.targetPort | 31394 | Proxy k8s target port for xrootd daemon | int |
proxy.service.xrootd.nodePort | 31394 | Proxy k8s node port for xrootd daemon (if type is NodePort) | int |
proxy.configMap.enabled | false | TO BE IMPLEMENTED YET | boolean |
proxy.nodeSelector | {} | TO BE IMPLEMENTED YET | map |
proxy.resources | {} | TO BE IMPLEMENTED YET | map |
fakeOrigin.enabled | false | Deploy a fake remote storage for demo purpose only | boolean |
fakeOrigin.image | cloudpg/cachingondemand | Fake origin docker image | string |
fakeOrigin.tag | latest | Fake origin docker image tag | string |
fakeOrigin.pullPolicy | IfNotPresent | Fake origin image pull policy | string |
fakeOrigin.replicas | 1 | Fake origin pod replicas | int |
fakeOrigin.service.type | NodePort | Fake origin k8s service type | string |
fakeOrigin.service.xrootd.port | 1094 | Fake origin container target port for xroot daemon | int |
fakeOrigin.service.xrootd.targetPort | 1094 | Fake origin k8s target port for xroot daemon | int |
fakeOrigin.service.xrootd.nodePort | 31194 | Fake origin k8s node port for xroot daemon (if type is NodePort) | int |