This standalone DRIVER+ Adapter provides an REST Endpoint for sending standard message (e.g. CAP, MLP) via the JAVA Testbed Adapter. The standard message can be validated before sending it to the CIS. This mechanism can be configured in the Adaptor properties. If the parameter is not specified no validation is performed. It offers two possibilities for retrieving messages back: REST Endpoint: can be configured in the adaptor properties or by passing it via a REST Endpoint WebSocket: established by the client, adaptor is sending the message via this socket communication (heartbeat - invoked by the client (request-response) needed to check if the socket is up).
- Java JDK 1.8+
- Development environment e.g. Eclipse
- maven
- java-testbed-adaptor
- run die CISRestAdapter class as java application
- run the REST Service by calling the bat file in the executable directory
- Run docker container
The REST Adapter offers for testing purposes a swagger ui where all exposed methods can be tested. The SWAGER UI can be reached by:
If the application wants to get the received messages via a RESTEndpoint (provided by the application), this can be configured by sending the URL to the addRESTEndpoint:
e.g.:curl -X POST "http://localhost:8190/CISRestAdaptor/addRESTEndpoint?url=http%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A8090%2FrestCallbackEndpoint" -H "accept: /"
An alternative way of getting the received messages is a websocket communication. This is the prio1 way for communication, if you specify both, the websocket will be used.
WS endpoint: ws://localhost:8190/RESTAdaptorWSEndpoint
to check if the connection is up and running, a regular heartbeat has to be send. This will be answered by the Server:
{ "requestId" : "1224-at56-7890-atgf", "type" : "", "sendTime" : 1520502643030 } { "requestId" : "1224-at56-7890-atgf", "type" : "", "sendTime" : 1520502661640, "state" : "OK" }
In order to receive messages from different topics, you need to subscribe on them. This can be done via the REST Endpoint:
When a message is received on a subscribed topic it will be enveloped into a JOSN structure and forwareded to the client via the registered Callback (REST) or via the WebSocket connection: { "header": { "topic": , "senderId": }, "payload", }
- server.port = 8190
- unique id
Be sure the the id you are using is unique
If you wish to override default configuration values you can do so in the configuration files in the 'config' directory.
###Default Consumer Properties
- bootstrap.servers=broker.url
-<> from the files
- auto.offset.reset=latest
- key.deserializer=io.confluent.kafka.serializers.KafkaAvroDeserializer
- value.deserializer=io.confluent.kafka.serializers.KafkaAvroDeserializer
- schema.registry.url=schema.url
###Default Consumer Properties
- bootstrap.servers=broker.url
- schema.registry.url=schema.url
- compression.type=none
- acks=all
- retries=retry.count
- retry.time
- key.serializer=io.confluent.kafka.serializers.KafkaAvroSerializer
- value.serializer=io.confluent.kafka.serializers.KafkaAvroSerializer
If the Testbed is running in seucred mode, the adapter needs to identify with a certificate. This certificate has to be stored and the needed information have to be provided in the file. The adapter will automatically detect if ssl is needed.
- security.protocol=SSL
- ssl.truststore.location=config/cert/truststore.jks
- ssl.truststore.type=JKS
- ssl.truststore.password=changeit
- ssl.keystore.location=config/cert/test_new.p12
- ssl.keystore.type=PKCS12
- ssl.keystore.password=test
- ssl.key.password=test
Then, run the .bat file or the java command inside:
\test-bed-rest-service-master\executable>java -jar rest-testbed-adapter-1.2.6.jar
\executable>java -jar rest-testbed-adapter-1.2.6.jaras soon as the adapter is up
- register a REST Endpoint callback: http://localhost:8190/CISRestAdaptor/addRESTEndpoint?url= or * connect to the WebSocket and run the heartbeat protocol to keep the Websocket upNext step is,
without this, you will not receive any messages. As soon as you receive a message you will get a json message (on the REST or the WebSocket) which detailed information and the message itself { "header": { "topic": , "senderId": }, "payload", }