- This repository contains raw data bitfields and utilities used to decode them
- This repository also contains classes which are generated within the DAQ and intended to be persisted to disk and read by Offline code.
- Class Diagram:
The following are brief descriptions of the various structs in this package, including links to fuller, field-by-field descriptions:
Fragment: the data fragment interface, representing the data response of one part of the detector (TPC link, etc.) to a Dataflow DataRequest message. Contains a FragmentHeader and the data payload.
FragmentHeader: data-about-the-data, e.g. run number, trigger timestamp, etc.
TriggerRecordHeaderData: An assortment of information about the trigger. Trigger timestamp, trigger type, etc.
TriggerRecordHeader: contains an instance of TriggerRecordHeaderData and a set of component requests
TriggerRecord: contains an instance of TriggerRecordHeader and a set of fragments
TriggerRecordHeader description
WIBFrame: WIB1 bit fields and accessors
WIB2Frame: Class for accessing raw WIB v2 frames, as used in ProtoDUNE-SP-II