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Testing K8s configuration for v4.1.0

Pierre Lasorak edited this page Jul 24, 2023 · 8 revisions

To test configurations that use k8s, there are a couple of extra-step.

Steps you have to do once

You need to have the following environment variable correctly set:

export KUBECONFIG=/nfs/home/np04daq/np04-kubernetes/config

So you can add it in you ~/.bashrc

Steps everytime you want to run

The configuration generation process works in the same way as normal:

daqconf_multiru_gen --force-pm k8s -c config.json config_dir

However, after this step, you need to upload this configuration directory to a database so that applications can access it from inside the k8s cluster:

upload-conf config_dir configname-username
  • config_dir is the name of the configuration you have just generated with daqconf_multiru_gen
  • configname-username is the name of the key in the database. Note that this name must be without underscores (that's the _ character) AND without uppercase letters. Also, you should postfix it with your username. For example config-plasorak.

Note: if you get an error message like this:

Couldn't upload conf/ to the configuration service (url: 'np04-srv-014:31011') with name: conf-plasorak

It is generally because you have a web proxy setup, you can therefore do:

source ~np04daq/bin/ -u

Once you have done that, you can run nanorc as such:

nanorc --pm k8s://np04-srv-015:31000 db://configname-username session-name

Note the --pm and the format of the configuration is a bit different than usual.