Fish detection and segmentation based on YOLOv3 that use GrabCut to do semantic segmentation to fish market images. Trained by FISH9003
You can try clicking here
To downloand the image and run the contaider in detach mode, run the code below.
docker container run -p 8501:8501 --rm -d pablogod/fishv3
To shutdown the docker type this:
docker kill <weird id of fishv3> # Type the id
git clone
cd fishv3
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
conda create -n fishv3 python=3.6 pip
conda activate fishv3
pip install -r requirements.txt
Download the weights of the neural network to your local repository. Or do it manually, downloading from Google Drive.
gdown --output ./fishv3/fish.weights --id 1M8dKL0mjh5QkdH2UeFQN9RF3pXCV6hao
python --image ./path_to/my_image.jpg --yolo fishv3
When finishing, you should find images (.jpg) in the project root directory.
streamlit run
You can upload fish market image to run the program. The results are shown in the browser (make sure to scroll down).
The results are shown in the browser (make sure to scroll down).
To downloand the image and run the contaider in detach mode, run the code below.
$ docker container run -p 8501:8501 --rm -d pablogod/fishv3
To shutdown the docker type this:
$ docker kill <weird id of>