liquidity to the market and earn staking rewards. Liquidation prices at 20x are 0.95<>1.05 (CFD.sol)
View Source: contracts/CFD.sol
Check out all this sweet code!
struct Stake {
uint256 upLP,
uint256 downLP,
uint256 mintVolume,
bool liquidated
Constants & Variables
address public makerMedianizer;
address public uniswapFactory;
address public daiToken;
contract UpDai public upDai;
contract DownDai public downDai;
contract IUniswapExchange public uniswapUpDaiExchange;
contract IUniswapExchange public uniswapDownDaiExchange;
uint256 public leverage;
uint256 public feeRate;
uint256 public settlementDate;
bool public inSettlementPeriod;
uint256 public daiPriceAtSettlement;
uint256 public upDaiRateAtSettlement;
uint256 public downDaiRateAtSettlement;
uint256 public totalMintVolumeInDai;
mapping(address => struct CFD.Stake) public stakes;
event NeededEthCollateral(address indexed depositor, address indexed cfd, uint256 indexed amount, uint256 upDaiPoolEth, uint256 downDaiPoolEth);
modifier notInSettlementPeriod() internal
Name | Type | Description |
modifier onlyInSettlementPeriod() internal
Name | Type | Description |
- (address _makerMedianizer, address _uniswapFactory, address _daiToken, uint256 _leverage, uint256 _fee, uint256 _settlementDate, uint256 _version)
- mint(uint256 _daiDeposit)
- getETHCollateralRequirements(uint256 _daiDeposit)
- claimRewards()
- redeem(uint256 _redeemAmount)
- redeemFinal()
- _payout(address redeemer, uint256 upDaiUnits, uint256 downDaiUnits, uint256 upDaiRate, uint256 downDaiRate)
- _getCurrentDaiRates(uint256 daiUsdPrice)
- GetDaiPriceUSD()
- GetETHUSDPriceFromMedianizer()
function (address _makerMedianizer, address _uniswapFactory, address _daiToken, uint256 _leverage, uint256 _fee, uint256 _settlementDate, uint256 _version) public nonpayable
Name | Type | Description |
_makerMedianizer | address | maker medianizer address |
_uniswapFactory | address | uniswap factory address |
_daiToken | address | maker medianizer address |
_leverage | uint256 | leverage (1000000000000000x) (1x == 1e18) |
_fee | uint256 | payout fee (1% == 1e16) |
_settlementDate | uint256 | maker medianizer address |
_version | uint256 | which tranche are we on? |
mint UP and DOWN DAI tokens
function mint(uint256 _daiDeposit) external payable notInSettlementPeriod
Name | Type | Description |
_daiDeposit | uint256 | amount of DAI to deposit |
get the amount of ETH required to create a uniswap exchange
function getETHCollateralRequirements(uint256 _daiDeposit) public nonpayable
returns(uint256, uint256)
the amount of ETH needed for UPDAI pool and DOWNDAI pool
Name | Type | Description |
_daiDeposit | uint256 | the total amount of underlying to deposit (UP/DOWN DAI = _daiDeposit/2) |
Claims all rewards that a staker is eligable for
function claimRewards() external nonpayable onlyInSettlementPeriod
Name | Type | Description |
redeem a pair of UPDAI and DOWNDAI
function redeem(uint256 _redeemAmount) public nonpayable notInSettlementPeriod
Name | Type | Description |
_redeemAmount | uint256 | Pair count where 1 real token == 1e18 base units |
redeem UPDAI or DOWNDAI token
function redeemFinal() public nonpayable onlyInSettlementPeriod
Name | Type | Description |
$ payout function $
function _payout(address redeemer, uint256 upDaiUnits, uint256 downDaiUnits, uint256 upDaiRate, uint256 downDaiRate) internal nonpayable
Name | Type | Description |
redeemer | address | redeemer address |
upDaiUnits | uint256 | units of UpDai |
downDaiUnits | uint256 | units of DownDai |
upDaiRate | uint256 | Rate of uDAI<>DAI |
downDaiRate | uint256 | units of downDAI<>DAI |
Based on the price of DAI, what are the current exchange rates for upDai and downDai?
function _getCurrentDaiRates(uint256 daiUsdPrice) public nonpayable
returns(upDaiRate uint256, downDaiRate uint256)
upDaiRate where 1:1 == 1e18
Name | Type | Description |
daiUsdPrice | uint256 | Dai price in USD where $1 == 1e18 |
get DAI price in USD
function GetDaiPriceUSD() public view
returns(relativePrice uint256)
relativePrice of DAI with regards to USD peg, where 1:1 == 1e18
Name | Type | Description |
Parses the bytes32 price from Makers Medianizer into uint
function GetETHUSDPriceFromMedianizer() public view
uint256 Medianised price where $1 == 1e18
Name | Type | Description |