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Releases: Dan6erbond/share-me


21 May 21:52
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  • 4278082 - 📝 add Inter Fontsource - RaviAnand Mohabir
  • e5def79 - 📝 always display doc links - RaviAnand Mohabir
  • fee9856 - 📝 improve responsive styles - RaviAnand Mohabir
  • c51eb02 - 📝 move - RaviAnand Mohabir
  • ae35276 - 📝 remove boilerplate metadata and optimize imports - RaviAnand Mohabir
  • 8bd9b12 - 📝 add Umami tracking script, Google domain verification and metatags - RaviAnand Mohabir
  • 6813764 - 📝 update Next.js base path and use Link component for anchors - RaviAnand Mohabir
  • bb00b0d - 📝 update Next.js base path for landing page - RaviAnand Mohabir
  • 88e2e88 - 📝 fix out path of Next.js - RaviAnand Mohabir
  • 6a0b8f4 - 📝 build search index in GH Action - RaviAnand Mohabir
  • cdaf34e - 📝 add authentication, s3, tagger, search, proxy and other docs - RaviAnand Mohabir
  • 33aba4d - 📝 add Kubernetes documentation - RaviAnand Mohabir
  • 9fb1eab - 📝 add remark-hint plugin with custom Hint component - RaviAnand Mohabir
  • f02389e - 📝 optimize imports - RaviAnand Mohabir
  • ca412d1 - 📝 enable Next output export and configure GH Pages Action - RaviAnand Mohabir
  • 40c354e - 📝 add docs for installation, Docker deployment, API keys and ShareX integration - RaviAnand Mohabir
  • 258a66b - 📝 add script to dump static lunr index - RaviAnand Mohabir
  • 7cc3601 - 📝 add home page with layout, hero and features overview - RaviAnand Mohabir
  • 1687a69 - 📝 initialize Next.js landing page with MDX and Mantine for documentation - RaviAnand Mohabir


  • cb59d1d - (frontend) 💄 add Inter Fontsource - RaviAnand Mohabir

Miscellaneous Chores

  • c3cf11742cc08d8eee64c237d3a02057c904af5f - (version) 0.27.0 - Cog
  • 76b146c - 🎨 use import path aliases - RaviAnand Mohabir
  • e22a1dd - 🔧 add service and PB folders - RaviAnand Mohabir
  • e87539a - 🔧 add docs folder to TS Config exclude - RaviAnand Mohabir


20 May 08:53
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Bug Fixes

  • ddefe1b - (server) 🐛 accept file for single file form data - RaviAnand Mohabir


  • 1320b7b - (server) 💬 update API error message if form files not set - RaviAnand Mohabir
  • e5c94e0 - (server) ✨ detect MIME type from file headers - RaviAnand Mohabir

Miscellaneous Chores

  • 673e4248a359795e013df509fe1f49fdf2307725 - (version) 0.26.0 - Cog


19 May 22:38
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  • b6d6913 - ✨ use UUID to track uploads and display multiple indicators - RaviAnand Mohabir

Miscellaneous Chores

  • b8e2c44 - (server) 📌 run go mod tidy - RaviAnand Mohabir
  • c8f4201ad6f5528babde7433bfecd65b8b6a6f0c - (version) 0.25.0 - Cog
  • a71ec2e - 🔧 add conventional commit scopes - RaviAnand Mohabir


  • 7c62020 - (frontend) 🎨 use path alias in imports - RaviAnand Mohabir


19 May 14:44
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Bug Fixes

  • 227cb16 - (server) 🐛 return if documents are empty - RaviAnand Mohabir
  • dcc7678 - (server) 🐛 close response body - RaviAnand Mohabir
  • c9734c0 - 🐛 update middleware to inject user in context if API key recognized - RaviAnand Mohabir

Build system

  • 2bb450a - 🏗️ export port 5000 in container - RaviAnand Mohabir

Continuous Integration

  • afaf49d - (tagger) 👷 add share-me-tagger image to CI build - RaviAnand Mohabir


  • 29dce21 - (frontend) ✨ add support for POCKETBASE_SERVER_URL environment variable - RaviAnand Mohabir
  • 1ba3108 - (server) ✨ implement check for image mime types - RaviAnand Mohabir
  • f187a42 - (server) ✨ implement tags generate command to generate tags for old files - RaviAnand Mohabir
  • 8dee322 - (server) ✨ add tags and tags suggestions to Meilisearch index - RaviAnand Mohabir
  • 4064e0f - (tagger) ✨ add script to download weights during docker build - RaviAnand Mohabir
  • 6ed0224 - (tagger) ✨ add support for DETR_RESNET_50_MODEL_PATH environment variable - RaviAnand Mohabir
  • e6aa518 - (tagger) ✨ add multi-stage Dockerfile with Gunicorn and deps step to clone detr-resnet-50 repo with Git LFS - RaviAnand Mohabir
  • 7100770 - ✨ implement support for multiple files with files form data - RaviAnand Mohabir
  • 5da4e97 - ✨ remove custom JWT secret and use PocketBase record auth token secret - RaviAnand Mohabir
  • ec0071b - ✨ update styling of header title - RaviAnand Mohabir
  • a2ac2c2 - ✨ implement settings page with API keys management and creation - RaviAnand Mohabir
  • bfeb6ae - ✨ add migration to make create keys admin only - RaviAnand Mohabir
  • 42b717f - ✨ implement custom API keys and post create routes as well and API key middleware to check revoked and expires - RaviAnand Mohabir
  • 784ce15 - ✨ add migrations to create tokens with owner, revoked and expires fields - RaviAnand Mohabir
  • 6bf5157 - ✨ implement subscription to show new suggested tags and popover when generated by tagger - RaviAnand Mohabir
  • 3c2198f - ✨ add Flask Dockerfile - RaviAnand Mohabir
  • ec0de56 - ✨ use ?? for undefined array - RaviAnand Mohabir
  • 54236ee - ✨ set default tags value for posts collection - RaviAnand Mohabir
  • 900df7c - ✨ implement tags suggestions and selection interface for posts and handle undefined tags due to use of JSON field type - RaviAnand Mohabir
  • abce21a - ✨ implement OnRecordAfterCreateRequest() hook to run tagger if environment variables set - RaviAnand Mohabir
  • b2ae2a7 - ✨ add tags field to posts collection - RaviAnand Mohabir
  • 9aa65d1 - ✨ addtags and tagsSuggestions to files collection - RaviAnand Mohabir
  • ee7c9a6 - 🎉 implement Python Flask application with facebook/detr-resnet-50 model for object detection - RaviAnand Mohabir

Miscellaneous Chores

  • 2bf35d6e389425825904ead4a7fa31de7ce14bbf - (version) 0.24.0 - Cog
  • 841c7a5 - 🔧 add VSCode workspace with CC scopes and Python settings - RaviAnand Mohabir
  • 032aadd - 🔧 add Dev Docker Compose to test networking and Dockerfiles - RaviAnand Mohabir
  • a1aaa16 - ➕ add python-dotenv - RaviAnand Mohabir
  • 37c9593 - 📌 run go mod tidy - RaviAnand Mohabir
  • b7972e2 - ⚰️ remove unused UploaderContext - RaviAnand Mohabir


  • f2d52a3 - (frontend) ♻️ update imports to use alias - RaviAnand Mohabir
  • aa02fe2 - ♻️ rename RegisterRoutes() to RegisterFileRoutes() - RaviAnand Mohabir
  • cee3ff2 - ♻️ rename routes.go to files.go - RaviAnand Mohabir


12 May 14:14
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Bug Fixes

  • dd7c59d - 🐛 fix usage of post title for metadata - RaviAnand Mohabir

Miscellaneous Chores

  • aa38d996903b458dbe7306b6f9c9b625f06c75e8 - (version) 0.23.1 - Cog


10 May 18:42
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  • 3944c2c - ✨ only show search bar on homepage if MeiliSearch enabled - RaviAnand Mohabir
  • 583ce54 - ✨ implement search command and move index as subcommand, add key command - RaviAnand Mohabir
  • 55bd55f - ✨ display MeiliSearch read-only key on app bootstrap - RaviAnand Mohabir
  • b12933a - 🔊 add debug logging for MeiliSearch configuration in backend - RaviAnand Mohabir
  • 06c4647 - ✨ return not found if MeiliSearch not configured in frontend - RaviAnand Mohabir
  • 707786c - 💄 align page data to center - RaviAnand Mohabir
  • 75740b2 - ✨ implement /search page - RaviAnand Mohabir
  • 24189da - ✨ install and register MeiliSearch client with context if environment variables are set - RaviAnand Mohabir
  • 80ab5fc - ✨ add search form to homepage - RaviAnand Mohabir
  • 87e5676 - ✨ implement Meilisearch commands and hooks - RaviAnand Mohabir

Miscellaneous Chores

  • a35160706fa31aac82f989f7e0c9c02e8396a577 - (version) 0.23.0 - Cog
  • c8497b3 - merge branch 'develop' into feat/search - RaviAnand Mohabir
  • 2d611d8 - Merge branch 'develop' into feat/search - RaviAnand Mohabir
  • 28878b8 - ✨ add Docker compose for Meilisearch - RaviAnand Mohabir


  • 4258f63 - ♻️ move MeiliSearch code to meilisearch package and only register commands/hooks if MeiliSearch environment variables are set - RaviAnand Mohabir


10 May 12:28
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  • 44ee2db - 💄 increase padding for user menu and always show username - RaviAnand Mohabir

Miscellaneous Chores

  • 5c4ed5b6397f2d5adadbd54139f7912d1d508c32 - (version) 0.22.0 - Cog


10 May 09:39
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Bug Fixes

  • 12674e3 - 💄 fix z-index of FAB - RaviAnand Mohabir

Continuous Integration

  • f1b65f7 - 👷 remove unused env vars - RaviAnand Mohabir


  • 79855b9 - ✨ implement update avatar mutation with query invalidation and UI - RaviAnand Mohabir
  • 9e36cb4 - ✨ use useQuery hook instead of manual fetch and set state - RaviAnand Mohabir
  • fed8b47 - ✨ improve mobile views - RaviAnand Mohabir

Miscellaneous Chores

  • 4bb4804c43883565575f717eb748b851b0fb9551 - (version) 0.21.0 - Cog


  • ec01952 - ♻️ use UserAvatar component - RaviAnand Mohabir


09 May 13:14
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Bug Fixes

  • 32c9f84 - 🐛 increase network-timeout further to avoid issues with arm64 build - RaviAnand Mohabir
  • ad2c40b - 🐛 increase network-timeout in frontend Dockerfile - RaviAnand Mohabir

Continuous Integration

  • c846fdc - 👷 replace exclude logic with more readable include for context - RaviAnand Mohabir
  • bf6e06a - 💚 replace include with exclude and fix params - RaviAnand Mohabir
  • 102ba91 - 💚 add write permissions to ci - RaviAnand Mohabir
  • c4ac242 - 👷 use matrix for main CI Docker build and publish - RaviAnand Mohabir
  • a469fa0 - 💚 move setup to main step - RaviAnand Mohabir
  • 96485c3 - 💚 use github. values in matrix instead of env. - RaviAnand Mohabir
  • c885bad - 👷 use matrix build for frontend/server - RaviAnand Mohabir
  • 2171b6e - 💚 add setup-qemu-action - RaviAnand Mohabir


  • a293bd5 - 👷 add multi-arch image support with Docker Buildx - RaviAnand Mohabir

Miscellaneous Chores

  • c40c9e53c9165fa28c14509c86b751b99605219d - (version) 0.20.0 - Cog
  • 47d6437 - push to trigger ci - RaviAnand Mohabir
  • 10d67d4 - 📦 update yarn.lock - RaviAnand Mohabir


09 May 09:49
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Bug Fixes

  • 758f7bc - 🐛 fix author is null in post view - RaviAnand Mohabir
  • 5ab1f73 - 💄 fix align center for header content - RaviAnand Mohabir


  • 51d3276 - ✨ implement delete post - RaviAnand Mohabir
  • 73b5248 - ✨ add link to author in PostCard - RaviAnand Mohabir
  • 6dd4df0 - ✨ add SSR to user page with metatags and user card with number of posts - RaviAnand Mohabir
  • a05e44f - 💄 add background blur to full page dropzone - RaviAnand Mohabir
  • 81e41b7 - ✨ add menu in header with profile and log out actions - RaviAnand Mohabir

Miscellaneous Chores

  • 069dfc3001a7c893d830da877725d7381adf5e5a - (version) 0.19.0 - Cog

Performance Improvements

  • c540cde - ⚡ use next/script to load Umami.js to improve client-side performance - RaviAnand Mohabir