2.1 |
SPDXVersion: |
spdx:specVersion |
1 |
XML Namespace |
1 |
SBOM Metadata |
schema that applies in SWID is embedded in namespace (something that SPDX should probably do with SPDX XML) |
2.11 |
DocumentComment: |
rdfs:comment |
optional |
(as an XML comment) |
optional |
Description |
2.2 |
DataLicense: |
spdx:dataLicense |
1 |
SBOM Metadata |
no equivalent concept |
2.3 |
spdx:SpdxDocument |
1 |
SBOM Metadata |
2.2.6 UniqueIdentifier |
2.4 |
DocumentName: |
spdx:name |
1 |
@tagID |
1 |
SBOM Metadata |
BOM's name |
2.5 |
DocumentNamespace: |
rdf:about |
1 |
@tagID |
1 |
SBOM Metadata |
(document namespace is @tagID + @tagversion) |
2.6 |
ExternalDocumentRef: |
spdx:externalDocumentId |
0-1 |
@href |
1 |
Mapping |
modeled after html link... (any valid URI) |
2.8 |
Creator: |
spdx:creator |
1 |
@role (tagCreator), @name |
1 |
SBOM Provenance |
2.2.1 AuthorName |
2.8 |
Creator: Tool/Person/ |
@role (tagCreator), @regid |
0-1 |
SBOM Provenance |
2.8 |
Creator: Tool/Person/ |
@generator |
SBOM Provenance |
The software that created the tag |
2.9 |
Created: |
spdx:created |
1 |
SBOM Provenance |
no equivalent concept, version? XML signing - trusted time stamp server. |
3.1 |
PackageName: |
spdx:name |
1 |
@name |
Component Identity - MVI |
2.2.4 ComponentName |
3.1 |
PackageName: |
spdx:name |
1 |
/ @name |
Component Info |
3.11 |
PackageHomePage: |
doap:homepage |
optional |
Description |
3.12 |
PackageSourceInfo: |
spdx:sourceInfo |
optional |
Component Info |
3.13 |
PackageLicenseConcluded: |
spdx:licenseConcluded |
1 |
IP related |
3.14 |
PackageLicenseInfoFromFiles: |
spdx:licenseInfoFromFiles |
1+ |
IP related |
3.15 |
PackageLicenseDeclared: |
spdx:licenseDeclared |
1 |
IP related |
3.16 |
PackageLicenseComment: |
spdx:licenseComments |
optional |
IP related |
3.17 |
PackageCopyrightText: |
spdx:copyrightText |
1 |
IP related |
3.18 |
PackageSummary: |
optional |
@summary |
Description |
A short description of the product. |
3.19 |
PackageDescription: |
spdx:description |
optional |
@description |
Description |
Detailed description of the software |
3.2 |
spdx:SpdxDocument |
1 |
@tagID |
Component Identity - MVI |
2.2.6 UniqueIdentifier |
3.2 |
PackageComment: |
rdfs:comment |
optional |
(as an XML comment) |
Description |
3.21 |
ExternalRef: |
spdx:externalRef |
optional |
Mapping |
3.22 |
ExternalRefComment: |
rdfs:comment |
optional |
Mapping |
3.3 |
PackageVersion: |
spdx:versionInfo |
optional |
@version |
optional |
Component Identity? |
2.2.5 VersionString |
3.4 |
PackageFileName: |
spdx:packageFileName |
optional |
/../ @name |
Component Info |
(note: SWID has path separator) |
3.5 |
PackageSupplier: |
spdx:supplier |
optional |
@role (softwareCreator/publisher), @name |
optional |
Component Identity - MVI |
2.2.2 PackageSupplier |
3.6 |
PackageOriginator: |
spdx:originator |
optional |
Component Info |
3.7 |
PackageDownloadLocation: |
spdx:downloadLocation |
1 |
Component Info |
software provenance? |
3.8 |
FilesAnalyzed: |
spdx:filesAnalyzed |
optional |
Component Info |
software provenance? |
3.9 |
PackageVerificationCode: ** |
spdx:packageVerificationCodeValue |
1 |
Component Identity? |
software provenance? |
4.1 |
FileName: |
spdx:fileName |
1 |
/../ @name |
1 |
Component Info |
payload has directories, subdirectories, files... registry keys. |
4.12 |
FileComment: |
rdfs:comment |
optional |
XML comment |
Description |
4.13 |
FileNotice: |
spdx:noticeText |
optional |
IP related |
4.14 |
FileContributor: |
spdx:fileContributor |
optional |
Description |
4.2 |
spdx:SpdxDocument |
1 |
Component Info |
4.3 |
FileType: |
spdx:fileType |
optional |
Description |
4.4 |
FileChecksum: |
spdx:Checksum |
1+ |
/../ @[hash-algorithm]:hash |
0-more |
Component Info |
2.2.5 ComponentHash |
sha256:hash where xmlns:sha256="http://www.w3.org/2001/04/xmlenc#sha256" From: https://www.w3.org/TR/xmlsec-algorithms/#sha |
4.5 |
LicenseConcluded: |
spdx:licenseConcluded |
1 |
IP related |
4.6 |
LicenseInfoInFile: |
spdx:licenseInfoInFile |
1+ |
IP related |
4.7 |
LicenseComments: |
spdx:licenseComments |
optional |
IP related |
4.8 |
FileCopyrightText: |
spdx:copyrightText |
1 |
IP related |
5.1 |
SnippetSPDXID: |
spdx:SpdxDocument |
1 |
Component Info |
Actual code snippet (e.g. stackoverflow) |
5.1 |
SnippetName: |
spdx:snippetName |
optional |
Component Info |
5.2 |
SnippetFromFileSPDXID: |
spdx:snippetFromFile |
1 |
Component Info |
5.3 |
SnippetByteRange: |
spdx:byteRange |
1 |
Component Info |
5.4 |
SnippetLineRange |
spdx:byteRange |
1 |
Component Info |
5.5 |
SnippetLicenseConcluded: |
spdx:licenseConcluded |
1 |
IP related |
5.6 |
LicenseInfoInSnippet: |
spdx:licenseInfoInSnippet |
optional |
IP related |
5.7 |
SnippetLicenseComments: |
spdx:licenseComments |
optional |
IP related |
5.8 |
SnippetCopyrightText: |
spdx:copyrightText |
1 |
IP related |
5.9 |
SnippetComment: |
rdfs:comment |
optional |
IP related |
6.1 |
LicenseID: |
spdx:licenseID |
1 |
IP related |
6.2 |
ExtractedText: |
spdx:extractedText |
1 |
IP related |
6.3 |
LicenseName: |
spdx:licenseName |
1 |
IP related |
6.4 |
LicenseCrossReference |
rdfs:seeAlso |
optional |
IP related |
6.5 |
LicenseComment: |
rdfs:comment |
optional |
IP related |
7.1 |
Relationship: |
spdx:Relationship |
1 |
@rel, @href |
0+ |
Mapping |
2.2.7 Relationship |
See Relationship Tab for more mappings |
7.2 |
RelationshipComment: |
rdfs:comment |
optional |
Mapping |
8.1 |
Annotator: |
spdx:annotator |
1 |
Description |
8.2 |
AnnotationDate |
spdx:annotationDate |
1 |
Description |
8.3 |
AnnotationType |
spdx:annotationType |
1 |
Description |
8.4 |
spdx:SpdxElement |
1 |
Mapping |
8.5 |
AnnotationComment |
rdfs:comment |
optional |
Description |
2.10 |
CreatorComment: |
rdfs:comment |
optional |
XML Comment |
Description |
3.10 |
PackageChecksum: |
spdx:checksum |
optional |
/../ @[hash-algorithm]:hash |
0-more |
Component Identity? |
2.2.5 ComponentHash |
@versionScheme |
optional |
Component Info |
/../ @version |
optional |
Component Info |
@colloquialVersion |
Component Info |
marketing version (ie. Windows 10) |
@edition |
Component Info |
flavor of the software |
@persistentId |
Component Info |
Used to identify related products (e.g., an upgrade path) -- multiple products can have same persistant id. ie. Windows Service Pack |
@product |
Component Info |
Base name of the product (e.g., Office, creative suite) - Marketing Oriented. |
@productFamily |
Component Info |
example: Server client and host application |
@revision |
Component Info |
Marketing revision (e.g., RC1, SP1, Beta 1) |
/ @location |
Component Info |
/ @root |
Component Info |
/ @location |
Component Info |
/ @root |
Component Info |
/../ @size |
1 |
Description |
used for quick comparison, by difference in size. |
/../ @n8060:pathSeparator (where n8060="http://csrc.nist.gov/ns/swid/2015-extensions/1.0") |
Description |
/../ @n8060:envVarSuffix (where n8060="http://csrc.nist.gov/ns/swid/2015-extensions/1.0") |
Description |
/../ @n8060:envVarPrefix (where n8060="http://csrc.nist.gov/ns/swid/2015-extensions/1.0") |
Description |
/../ @n8060:mutable (where n8060="http://csrc.nist.gov/ns/swid/2015-extensions/1.0") |
Description |
example: data file that may change over time (compared to initial state) |
/../ @n8060:patchEvent (update, remove, add) (where n8060="http://csrc.nist.gov/ns/swid/2015-extensions/1.0") |
Description |
example: useful to indicate you've removed something. |
/ @xml:lang |
Description |
Human language - XML |
/ @xml:lang |
Description |
Human language - XML |
/ @size |
Description |
/ @xml:lang |
Description |
Human language - XML |
/ @name |
Description |
/ @pid |
Description |
/ @xml:lang |
Description |
/ @type |
Description |
@date |
Discovery |
Forensic Use case - discovery tool looking at Software on system (no SWID&SPDX) |
@deviceId |
Discovery |
no equivalent. |
/ @xml:lang |
Discovery |
/ @key |
Discovery |
/ @location |
Discovery |
/ @name |
Discovery |
/ @root |
Discovery |
/ @xml:lang |
Discovery |
/ @key |
Discovery |
/ @location |
Discovery |
/ @name |
Discovery |
/ @root |
Discovery |
/ @size |
Discovery |
/ @version |
Discovery |
/ @[hash-algorithm]:hash |
Discovery |
/ @xml:lang |
Discovery |
/ @name |
Discovery |
/ @pid |
Discovery |
/ @xml:lang |
Discovery |
/ @type |
Discovery |
/ @key |
Entitlement |
Permission to use on device? |
/ @key |
Entitlement |
Permission to use on device? |
@activationStatus |
Entitlement |
Does and entitelment need to be present for software to run (license key) |
@entitlementDataRequired |
Entitlement |
Is proof of entitlement needed for license reconciliation |
@entitlementKey |
Entitlement |
Key used to validate an entitlement (e.g., serial number, product key) |
@rel |
1 |
Mapping |
IANA registry: https://www.iana.org/assignments/link-relations/link-relations.xhtml |
@type |
0-1 |
Mapping |
IANA registry: https://www.iana.org/assignments/media-types/media-types.xhtml |
@unspscCode |
Mapping |
8 digit code that provides UNSPSC classification (www.unspsc.org) |
@unspscVersion |
Mapping |
The version of UNSPC |
@channelType |
Procurement |
Distribution channel (e.g., retail, OEM, academic) |
@tagversion |
1 |
SBOM Metadata |
different concept, revision of product, multiple tagged versions |