- Article view
- Test deprecated options in completions
- Tables
- ToC
- Turn typescript errors into links to https://ts-error-translator.vercel.app/ (see: https://github.com/mattpocock/ts-error-translator/blob/main/apps/web/src/pages/index.tsx#L91)
- Fix upstream shiki-twoslash issues:
- remark: html raw
- Fix/complete shiki-twoslash features (and then complete styles):
- inline code highlights
- logger
- annotations
- error positions for multi-file snippets
- allow type highlights to overflow code blocks
- weirdness with TSX (cut/cut-after)
- images:
- OG images (satori) for articles without defined image
- Image fallbacks on error
- CI action that automatically resizes images, converts to webp or multiple formats, adds width and height data (how in MDX??), etc
- ^ vite image optimizer
- ^ or something like gatsby-remark-images
- Co-locate article og images
- fade-in images on load
- image placeholder (e.g. plaiceholder)
- SEO/discoverability/engagement:
- Related articles?
- Add schema.org stuff
- robots.txt
- sitemap
- setup newsletter system
- Experience:
- compute reading time when generating article metadata (from article content, maybe excluding JSX - remark should be useful for this) so it's available without javascript enabled (and before hydration)
- Smaller font sizes on mobile?
- Javascript-less header collapse? (position sticky?)
- Error fallback
- handle errors gracefully in prod
- more visible links in light theme
- Add easter egg
- Defer / selectively load LaTeX CSS
- DX:
- lint, typecheck and gen (check) actions