Model Documentation: Biophysical Modelling of Neuronal Phenotypes of the Right Atrial Ganglionic Plexus from Single Neuron Transcriptomics
Context of use: Simulation of single compartment neuron electrical activity in the RAGP.
Instructions for reproducing figures using data generated by models:
Clone GitHub repository and checkout to tag-v2.0.6 git clone
A. Figures 2 and 3
- Figure 2: Execute, which reads data from
- Figure 3A: Run, which reads the data from tdata_all_15.csv. Also run for plots showing the alternative Ct thresholds tested.
- Figure 3B and 3C: Run Plots for Ct thresholds of 14 and 16 can also be generated using this script by switching out the csv file names.
B. Figure 4
- In code/IC_comp run and
C. Figures 5 and 6
- Figure 5A: i. Read data file 22aug25b_allData.json ii. Execute the 'classification' function in iii. Download classification_15.json available on the SPARC portal ( and iv. Run (make sure that anything that is not a function in is commented out or it will run that too)
- Figure 5B and 5C: To produce the distribution of firing types at different thresholds, use The dataFolder, batchLabel, paramFile, and filename must be updated. For example for a Ct threshold of 13, use dataFolder = "24jan24_13", batchLabel = '24jan24_13', paramFile = 'params_13.csv', filename = 'your_working_directory_path//24jan24_13_allData.json'. Make sure that anything in that is not part of a function is commented out or it will run that too)
- Figure 6: Use but switch out the file paths to be filename = '25jan24_scn1a_-20_allData.json' and filename = '25jan24_scn1a_allData+20.json' for a negative 20% change and positive 20% change in h_inf. Note that these files are available on the SPARC portal ( Use paramFile = 'params.csv', dataFolder = '25jan24_scn1a_-20' and batchLabel='25jan24_scn1a_-20'. You will need to comment out any part of and that is not a function (at the end of the script).
Note that a large amount of RAM is required to run this file
D. Figure 7
- Read data file 22aug25b_allData.json
- Execute the 'IV' function in
Note that a large amount of RAM is required to run this file
E. Figure 8
- Raw transcriptomic data and calculations for fold change difference in expression between ion channel genes can be found in primary/RAGP_4subs_raw_Ct_analyzed_Differential_expression.xlsx. The figure is also provided in the spreadsheet.
Instructions for running the models: Detailed instructions for running the model in NetPyNE and on the O2S2PARC platform are as follows:
I. NetPyNE implementation
Open a new Terminal window
Make a new directory into which to clone the repository
Clone GitHub repository and checkout to tag-v2.0.2 git clone
Install NEURON and NetPyNE: pip3 install NEURON / pip install NEURON pip3 install netpyne / pip3 install netpyne
Compile mod files: nrnivmodl mod
On successful compilation, x86_64 folder is created
In order to run a single simulation, execute the following command: nrniv -python
In order to run a batch simulation, MPI installation is mandatory: mpiexec --oversubscribe -np 32 nrniv -python -mpi
a. Once the simulations are complete, run ipython -i
b. Create _allData.json file by running the function readBatchData(dataFolder, batchLabel, paramFile = 'params.csv')
c. Load the _allData.json file by running the function readAllData(jsonfilename)
d. Analyse the data in _allData.json using the functions in
In order to run sobol sampling on the parameter space, execute, following which a csv file (default name: params.csv) is generated that will contain the parameter values
In order to plot the binarized transcriptomics data, execute ipython
In order to create the bar plot that compares Ct values, execute ipython
II. O2S2PARC implementation:
Login to
Use the Jupyter Octave+Python Math service from the Dashboard
Clone the repository from GitHub checkout to tag-v2.0.2:
Launch Terminal
Type the following commands on the Terminal
a. cd work/ragp
b. pip install --quiet NEURON
c. pip install --quiet netpyne
Resume the steps from I.5.
Additional analysis:
Effect of varying phi_kcnc1 parameter on firing frequency (see generated plot in docs folder)
- Use to run readAllData('22aug25c_allData.json') then fphi(df)