This repository contains 7 files.
- Supplemental-File-2-TSR-self-assessment.docx: This file contains the document describing the self-assessed conformance of our model to the state of the art Ten Simple Rules for Credible Practice in Modeling and Simulation in Healthcare.
- Hepat_HR_base.m: Matlab code implementing the base homeostatic renewal model including robust feedback mechanisms and stem cell contributions to renewal.
- Hepat_HR_control.m: Matlab code implementing the complete homeostatic renewal model including robust feedback mechanisms, stem cell contributions to renewal, and control by non-parenchymal cells.
- Hepat_HR_senes.m: Matlab code implementing the robust homeostatic renewal model response to hepatocyte senescence including robust feedback mechanisms.
- Hepat_HR_senes_control.m: Matlab code implementing the robust homeostatic renewal model response to hepatocyte senescence including robust feedback mechanisms, stem cell contributions to renewal, and control by non-parenchymal cells.
- Hepat_Renewal_Reproduced.m: Independently developed Matlab code for reproducing the results of a complete homeostatic renewal model including robust feedback mechanisms, stem cell contributions to renewal, and control by non-parenchymal cells.
- Hepat_HR_PhasePlane.m: Matlab code for phase plane analysis of models A-D and robust model.
- MATLAB R2022b
ref: Cook et al., (2022). Elucidating the mechanisms of dynamic and robust control of the liver homeostatic renewal process: Cell network modeling and analysis. I&ECR. In Review.