This repository contains data for the paper Security Analysis of Master-Password-Protected Password Management Protocols.
Information on password managers is sourced from documentation, data logs, and application codes, neatly organized into three dedicated folders. See the full version of this paper at
In the Documentation Sources
folder, you'll find records of URLs from official websites in Official Websites.txt
and expert blogs in Expert Blogs.txt
. The collected information from these URLs is succinctly summarized in
. If the password manager provides a whitepaper or other documentation materials, we'll ensure to record them in the respective folder.
In the Data Sources
folder, we document the information obtained from network traffic in Network
and local storage in the Local Data Storage Files
During the collection of data logs, we conduct the following PM operations to record the changes in data logs.
- Logging in
- Opening the vault
- Adding credentials
- Changing credentials
- Deleting credentials
- Logging out
We utilize Burp Suite to intercept and collect network traffic between the client and password manager, capturing data packets before they are encrypted by TLS. In cases where password managers do not utilize network connections, we do not record any information.
Additionally, we search for local data files on various platforms. If we do not find any data files, we will not record information about data files.
In the Application Sources
folder, we record and verify information through static analysis in Static
and dynamic analysis in Dynamic
We utilize terms such as "AES," "AES256," "PBKDF2," "Argon2," "encrypt," "master," etc., to identify the positions of cryptographic algorithms. Upon discovering potential functions, we set breakpoints in the Chrome developer tool for further analysis.
Following that, we execute the aforementioned PM operations and document the breakpoints. When the functions pause at these breakpoints, we record the parameters of essential variables for analysis.