The app contains 2 pages , weather and favorites. The resources are being loaded at the index.html , page flow is controlled by state management.
By default , if user allows the browser to access his location than the closest city to him will be shown. Otherwise, Tel Aviv.
On the weather page :
- Autocomplete api call occurs on a key press to update the jquery autocomplete source.
- 2 other api calls occur when a city is selected to receive the full data , and forecast for the next 5 days.
On the favorites page :
- All the cities added by the user as favorites will be shown with their current weather state.
- On click user will be navigated back to the weather page of the chosen favorite.
Side Navigation will allow changing Theme and Unit type , which will be saved in Local Storage as the user's preferences.
Error handling is done using Modal , also a message will pop up when a city is added\removed from favorites.
Responsive design is applied.
*No mobile view required. Alse search on a mobile will not work due to "Desktop app" on accuWeather. *Creating a new "mobile app" on accuWeather is possible, it will require to make a check in the controller for mobile devices and change the provided Key (by accuWeather);
App Url (using GitHub Site Pages) : Made by Daniel Zagorsky.